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When will flawless hexagonal gems be available through ACTUAL content and not just events? I think there are many of us who are considering waiting to play (quitting) until more things like this hit the general content. I want to break 700 ap,but my RNG from your events is atrocious, so I would like to use the trade system, gold for gems. When will this be possible? - A concerned Junghadian. Also are there plans to release more radiant energies, because at 40g a pop, we are talking 1200g just to transmute one blue hepta gem..

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Those are the best gems in game currently so ofc they are limited in availability as they are special. Besides arent they available through transmute?

Some gems are available from blackwyrm boxes / essences so they are in game means to obtain them.


For the transmute part you need to make a heptagonal gem first, then you can make a brilliant heptagonal and then flawless heptagonal.


Radiant energies are dungeon drops. the price went up high because everyone is buying them.

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I know how they work. I am saying it is causing people to quit the game because they cap other gear and the gems seem inaccessible atm. I have seen many clannies quit recently (ones who have been on since launch) because they are tired of speed at which stuff comes out, the events, and the fact that some things are just not available without lots of cash or a lotta luck. My RNG on this game is horrible  (2/21 on PSTS). Make gems available through dungeons, or lose a lotta people to ensure the integrity of the events and the profit. People feel cheated. Make it right.

I have dumped thousands of gold into events and have only received 2 sapphires and 1 (non account bound!!) Peridot. No Ruby, No amethyst, no aqua, no citrine, 3 gems, thousands of gold, and one was a repeat.. What is the incentive to keep trying?

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It's not a cow tho, it's a dying calf. They are losing their business with the current model. NA players will not stick around through this crap. They are using capitalism against us and it's quite disgusting and disrespectful. 

Maybe they can add bonus gems once a month for premium members so they take out some of the RNG. Just let us select one a month. No event, nothing, just a reward for being a loyal customer, if they value us at all.

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They don't really value us or the experience we have in-game, only the money that we spend while we're here. The gem issue that you have a problem with is the same on every other server, so it's unlikely that it'll change. Expect more things like it in the future as the game's playerbase continues to dwindle.

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So they do NOT like money? Idk. seems to me that they would make more keeping people playing than taxing those that refuse to quit. Maybe they need a new business manager.

And I heard TW, hexa gem boxes drop from mushin 8.2, so it is NOT the same elsewhere

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The majority of the game isn't in that cap of AP. And if those people who are crying for some stupid gems that the reality is that they don't make much difference, what makes you think that when they got them they wont quit? They got end gear so what would they do after that??

People rush too much.

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24 minutes ago, Kixtar said:

I know how they work. I am saying it is causing people to quit the game because they cap other gear and the gems seem inaccessible atm. I have seen many clannies quit recently (ones who have been on since launch) because they are tired of speed at which stuff comes out, the events, and the fact that some things are just not available without lots of cash or a lotta luck. My RNG on this game is horrible  (2/21 on PSTS). Make gems available through dungeons, or lose a lotta people to ensure the integrity of the events and the profit. People feel cheated. Make it right.

I have dumped thousands of gold into events and have only received 2 sapphires and 1 (non account bound!!) Peridot. No Ruby, No amethyst, no aqua, no citrine, 3 gems, thousands of gold, and one was a repeat.. What is the incentive to keep trying?

In all honesty...and i dont want to be rude but....if your friends really quit because of gems, because they dont want to invest time in getting them (i farmed and got 1 blackwyrm gem so far).....then sorry but that sounds so childish and dumb.


You dont need the best gems to be good / OP. in fact i know several people who wipe the floor with all the credit card swipers because they think gear will carry them.

There are many actually legit reasons to quit the game but gems really arent one of them.

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Grim my server doesnt do blackwyrm because we dont have the people because they all quit for various reasons. I dont think you have the right to judge why someone would quit a game. its not the gems. its the imbalance of fairness. pay to advance sure, not pay for exclusive items that are basically not accessible otherwise is a toxic model. If you don't agree with that then we just need to stop talking sir. If you like being cheated, then by all means, continue this argument. I'm all ears.

A grinder who spends 8+ hrs a day on this game an 12$ a month should have access to the same items as someone who plays 2hrs a day an invests money. There should be a balance attained, to protect both parties involved

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1 minute ago, Kixtar said:

Grim my server doesnt do blackwyrm because we dont have the people because they all quit for various reasons. I dont think you have the right to judge why someone would quit a game. its not the gems. its the imbalance of fairness. pay to advance sure, not pay for exclusive items that are basically not accessible otherwise is a toxic model. If you don't agree with that then we just need to stop talking sir. If you like being cheated, then by all means, continue this argument. I'm all ears.

I am not judging kix just voicing my opinion. The only thing special about most of these gems is the attack power they give which you can perfectly fine without. Ruby and Sapphire were also previously available only via the trove event and now they were included in the pouches for daily challenges. The same will happen with other gems.


And dont get me wrong, id love o have all the fancy gems to and do get a bit jeleous sometimes when i see players with them, but i dont need them to progress, ill get them eventually. You also dont need that many people for blackwyrm. On Junghado we did it with a tank and 5-6 people who did not even have scorpio / legendary weapons.


The game isnt supposed to be rushed and if you are a good skilled player, others can have all the gems they want and you will still beat the crap out of them.

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Well, is not understanding that you are playing a game build by a company. A company needs to make money, a game company, a cloth company, a aviation company, any company... they sent out boxes where some people spend like 500+ USD to get a gem, that won't make a difference, but for an extra 4ap or whatever it is, crazy people will empty their credit cards.

I applaud ncsoft, they smart.


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Smart but greedy. MMO's make plenty on sub fees, and most the people I know that still play are premium or SE asian gold sellers (they can feed their family for what they sell, so I stopped caring as much). And these events were released with much larger gaps on other servers, so there was time to farm the gold to participate, as well as not feel like you have to drop 200$ every 4 weeks just to have the nicest stuff. It's just frustrating. It's a frustration that can be worked around easily too.

With the speed at which events come, and overlap, our hong rate never has a chance to recover, making things like bag space ridiculously expensive now as well (around 100g/23 dragon bags). The daily pouch thing helped for abit but then they released the summer chest with no warning. Immediately hong dropped 2 full points to 6 for awhile. I don't mind the rng as an OPTION, but make a non rng version available with things like gems. The peridot from hongtraining tickets was nice, but its bound to my alt because every other hg gem says account bound and I figured it was just a typo. I was raising my sin so I opened on her because I was doing more dailys on her at the time. It's just little stuff like this that is easy to NOT overlook. They are a big company.

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Well, in here they are trying to catch up with asian content, and it's going too fast, I won't discuss that. And the trove event and this other random events are all the time going on, so currency is always dropping, there is no break from events.

On other part like gold prices in general, if you are in the strong faction you can farm 100g in one day and buy like 700 hcoins, that isn't bad... (huh I have a 470 FM alt for Moonstone farming since I'm in weak faction and I make 25 moonstones per day when I farm just a little bit in there)

I never do buying on f10 store cause it's like gambling, you need to spend a lot to get 1 good thing, for me is not worth it. I also bought only 1 costume from store and know people that have bought like 20, without premium or paying ncoins, but they are 500+ and then complain that they don't have gold.


Gems can be traded from characters in same account. I had blue gem from pouch on my alt and I mailed into my main. I also had the green one from tickets... 2 ap gems from one event, some people got 3. For free,without spending 1 dollar... they JUST made a free event where a lot of people got ap gems for freeee and ppl still complaining that isn't enough, really? 600+ ap is already super end gear for our content. All the people that I know that aren't in end game are happy cause they got ap gems for free.

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2 hours ago, Kixtar said:

When will flawless hexagonal gems be available through ACTUAL content and not just events? I think there are many of us who are considering waiting to play (quitting) until more things like this hit the general content. I want to break 700 ap,but my RNG from your events is atrocious, so I would like to use the trade system, gold for gems. When will this be possible? - A concerned Junghadian. Also are there plans to release more radiant energies, because at 40g a pop, we are talking 1200g just to transmute one blue hepta gem..

You're close to 700 ap dude, thats Godlike. Many players wish they were at 600ap but you already far surpassed that.

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I realize im near 700 ap. I make over 300g a day usually np, that's the problem. I have nothing left to do cept get these gems that I cannot. Why should I stay/pay for sub fee? Should I just come back in 3 months? Idk.. It's just frustrating the rng in this game. Friends are like 2/6 2/8 6/8, and I am 2/21 on PSTS. 30% chance.. I know my sample size is relatively "small" as far as rng is concerned but it is a tad ridiculous to lose 2500g trying to make psts and not be able to get gems from events reliably.

Ive rolled 10 summer chest a day so far and nothing (not getting my hopes up). I have seen 150 box and no gem, so I am not sure. Seems to me they could up the drop rate an still make bank np. People need 9 of these gems to make good gems and over 1kg per hepta to upgrade anyway. Looks just like greed to me.

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I actually thing the hongmoon training ouch event is pretty sweet.  Do daily content, have chance at awesome stuff.   I don't know why you think they are just going to hand out the best gems in the fist 7 months of the game.  I got the Ruby, Sapphire, and Peridot out of this event, so it's not like they are fool's gold pouches or something.


Complaining about  gems with like 4 ap when you have nearly 700 (aka, maxed S3 legendary and maxed accessories) is like Bill Gates complaining about not having enough pocket money.

9 minutes ago, Kixtar said:

I realize im near 700 ap. I make over 300g a day usually np, that's the problem. I have nothing left to do cept get these gems that I cannot. Why should I stay/pay for sub fee? Should I just come back in 3 months? Idk.. It's just frustrating the rng in this game. Friends are like 2/6 2/8 6/8, and I am 2/21 on PSTS. 30% chance.. I know my sample size is relatively "small" as far as rng is concerned but it is a tad ridiculous to lose 2500g trying to make psts and not be able to get gems from events reliably.

Ive rolled 10 summer chest a day so far and nothing (not getting my hopes up). I have seen 150 box and no gem, so I am not sure. Seems to me they could up the drop rate an still make bank np. People need 9 of these gems to make good gems and over 1kg per hepta to upgrade anyway. Looks just like greed to me.

So you're saying they should hurry up and let you quit sooner?  There is new content coming out in like two weeks, Frankly, you are really going to want to quit soon enough, there isn't much gear progression left this year from where you are currently.  If the only reason you are playing the game is to jerk it to your char stat profile then you should probably go ahead and quit now.

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I got a 2nd sapphire, no ruby and my peridot is bound to my sin. Tell me what am I supposed to like? And no, it's a viable complaint because there are a lot of people in my shoes, nowhere to upgrade, waiting on new content, just hold gold for each event hoping that RNG blesses them. What's the fun in this? Basically you are ok with RNG deciding how your game goes, not hard work or anything like that. There is no balance here.


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1 hour ago, Kixtar said:

Grim my server doesnt do blackwyrm because we dont have the people because they all quit for various reasons. I dont think you have the right to judge why someone would quit a game. its not the gems. its the imbalance of fairness. pay to advance sure, not pay for exclusive items that are basically not accessible otherwise is a toxic model. If you don't agree with that then we just need to stop talking sir. If you like being cheated, then by all means, continue this argument. I'm all ears.

A grinder who spends 8+ hrs a day on this game an 12$ a month should have access to the same items as someone who plays 2hrs a day an invests money. There should be a balance attained, to protect both parties involved

You call that a fairness? 8 hours per day + 12 dollars per month and you demand a freaking same access for various items as those who paid hundreds of dollars every month? There will be more events for people like you to stand a chance obtaining those gems without paying a single dollar. For now just suck it up as other whale continues their p2w routines in every RNG events because without their money NCWest won't bother to make more events. No bucks no events.

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Yes I do actually. Because those that spend 100s of dollars are buying 6 hours a day by just playing a couple and dumping money into the game. Time=money. You don't have to make items nearly money exclusive to make cash. a couple hundred dollars a month =/= 6hrs a day of work. Value the grinders time too.. Just as valuable as those dumping money at you, because the grinder stays longer, keeps more people around than the single person who spends a few hundred a month. It's a community issue. The RNG causes a rift. 

I guess if they didn't cap events for hong, it would even out, regardless of how low hong/gold goes, because the gold farmer can actually participate at a reasonable competitve level. 

Even at 10$ an hour, 6hs x 30 days a monthis 1800$. I'm not saying they should pay out wages or anything, I just think that value of time should be rewarded better. 

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24 minutes ago, Kixtar said:

I realize im near 700 ap. I make over 300g a day usually np, that's the problem. I have nothing left to do cept get these gems that I cannot. Why should I stay/pay for sub fee? Should I just come back in 3 months? Idk.. It's just frustrating the rng in this game. Friends are like 2/6 2/8 6/8, and I am 2/21 on PSTS. 30% chance.. I know my sample size is relatively "small" as far as rng is concerned but it is a tad ridiculous to lose 2500g trying to make psts and not be able to get gems from events reliably.

Ive rolled 10 summer chest a day so far and nothing (not getting my hopes up). I have seen 150 box and no gem, so I am not sure. Seems to me they could up the drop rate an still make bank np. People need 9 of these gems to make good gems and over 1kg per hepta to upgrade anyway. Looks just like greed to me.

I think assuming that your free hobby time and their paid professional time is of equal value is the absolute peak of arrogance.  You can get the gems, for free, from the events they make available to you, for free.  Like you said, time=money right?  Well you will have to put in a lot of time to get the items that others got with a lot of money.


Honestly, I think the only reasonable thing you have said so far is te part about the hongmoon store not being limited.  All items available in the ncoin store should be available in the hongmoon coin store, and there shouldn't be any purchase limit difference between the two.  It would up the value of selling NCoin for the sellers and increase the value of HM coin for the buyers, win:win.


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You sound brilliant sir I want your babies


But can they have real names plz?

Idno man, I like integrity in games to an extent, and I like to earn my stuff in game despite the fact that I COULD dump that kind of money in a game an choose not to, and think I should still have a fair shot at everything given the time put in should be valued to the same value as money put in. If the MMO doesn't last a year because it is squelched out with events, then it will inevitably lose money in the long run.


There has been one free event with gems btw, the hong training pouch, every other event has been hong/ncoin, so it's not free. gold/hong=money/time. 


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You are on the 1%-5% of the elite server players and you are complaining cause u want more. You are making 300g+ a day , buying a lot of boxes and still mad with game.

I reach legendary one week ago, I'm t 666ap and now I'm taking it easy, some days I just make the gold from daily and that's it, less than 30g, im already end gear, why would i lose my mind for something that wont make a difference.

Maybe you should change your approach to the game. You already say it, "I almost don't have anything else to do", and maybe new content gets out and in your rush to be the best geared player you end it in one week.

For what? What's the point?

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