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Lvl 10 Premium Benefits


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Will an outfit ever be included for players who reach lvl 10 premium? Right now the benefits seem kind of lackluster for the amount of time or money you need to put in to achieve this if you compare it to the rank 9 benefits. I hope this is a possibility; cosmetic rewards are always welcome and appreciated. <3 It's a nice way to thank the part of the community that continues to play actively or buy through the cash shop without making f2p players feel like they're at a disadvantage. Expanded benefits are also welcome, but the f2p community might feel insulted. Thanks~ hope it's considered. 

edit; This will also encourage more people to get rank 10 premium. :) 

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I support entirely this idea because Rank 9 gave me so much reward like remote storage access, more xp, more gold, less fee, special discount, i really felt rewarded. Now i am almost rank 10 and when i see the reward i am depressed, why making us spend so much money or play the game so much for only 60 more listing on both market and .. 10% xp for gathering/crafting guild ? it makes no sense. 620k points for this ?


I think ncsoft should fix this problem and reward players that support the game the most with proper reward. Haters are gonna call us pay 2 win but this is not my problem if someone is greedy and dont want to use money on a free game he plays on a daily basis. I feel proud spending money on this game cause i love it and this is still cheap for something i play 16hours a day.


Ncsoft please give us exclusive sexy outfit, just as good looking as the "Surpass" outfit, or special item, or allow us to transfer outfit to our character without being forced to buy stamps, or give us more xp and gold, theres plenty of possibilities for you to reward the rank 10 premium. Hope you will consider.

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Just now, KaVeN said:

Ncsoft please give us exclusive sexy outfit, just as good looking as the "Surpass" outfit, or special item, or allow us to transfer outfit to our character without being forced to buy stamps, or give us more xp and gold, theres plenty of possibilities for you to reward the rank 10 premium. Hope you will consider.

Being able to send outfits without stamps would actually be a great reward. I'm at premium rank 6 and will most likely never get to 10, but I do agree that 10 is currently rather lackluster and could do with some extra incentive. Sending outfits without stamps might just be it.

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1. Stop being greedy

2. No one is forcing you to spend money and if you do its entirely up to you.

they offer the current benefits which are knows for months, not to mention it would be entirely unfair against those who are not able to blow money on the game compared to others.

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1 minute ago, Grimoir said:

1. Stop being greedy

2. No one is forcing you to spend money and if you do its entirely up to you.

they offer the current benefits which are knows for months, not to mention it would be entirely unfair against those who are not able to blow money on the game compared to others.

How is wanting a better incentive being greedy? How is being able to get an outfit that others can't get unfair? How is it any different from paying for outfits on the market?


Maybe YOU should stop being greedy. You're acting like you're unhappy when players who do pay end up getting rewards for it only because you're not getting them.

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I would say most of the people at premium 10 didn't spend a penny on this game we just bought ncoin with gold and sold fabrics and made more gold got lvl 10 premium out of whales pure stupidity

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2 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

1. Stop being greedy

2. No one is forcing you to spend money and if you do its entirely up to you.

they offer the current benefits which are knows for months, not to mention it would be entirely unfair against those who are not able to blow money on the game compared to others.

It's not being greedy; just a suggestion. What's the point in having a forum if players can't make suggestions? If you compare it to the rank 9 benefits you'll see there's a large difference. You can obtain premium points through the hmstore as well, so you can get rank 10 premium without spending money. 

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Rank 10 premium requires you to farm a lot and sell a lot of gold OR spend money on game, i think both kind of players deserve a better reward. As i said Rank 9 is heavy, Rank 10 is ten times harder to get and give us nothing, no incentive, its like the ultimate rank and the reward are pathetic.

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8 minutes ago, PhoenixMitra said:

Hi everybody,


We love suggestions, so please keep them coming! At the same time, let's stay on topic and refrain from personal attacks. Thank you!


Team Blade & Soul

Thanks for the reply. ^^ Greatly appreciated. 

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I am rank 10 myself tyvm so there is nothing i need to be jeleous about ;)


they already give free costumes with daily dash.  If they gave a costume for rank 10 it would only bring up more and more complaints because:


1. It would be available to a limited number of players

2. Players would complain because the outfit is ugly (depending what it would be)

3. Everyone would complain they cant get it just like they complained about the silver dragon being for 365 day subacribers.


and i have nothing against the suggestion, but i choose not to agree with it for reasons provided.


everyone already complains about literally everything they get , even free items like the current pouch event.



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6 minutes ago, KaVeN said:

Theres a lot of "WOULD". 


One thing is sure, it WILL be appreciated by players rank10 to get more reward, and it WILL give incentive for players to get rank 10

It would be somewhat an incentive but:


if getting remote storage whichh actually is awesome doesnt motivate players to get rank 9, what makes you think a costume would to get rank 10?

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4 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

I am rank 10 myself tyvm so there is nothing i need to be jeleous about ;)


they already give free costumes with daily dash.  If they gave a costume for rank 10 it would only bring up more and more complaints because:


1. It would be available to a limited number of players

2. Players would complain because the outfit is ugly (depending what it would be)

3. Everyone would complain they cant get it just like they complained about the silver dragon being for 365 day subacribers.


and i have nothing against the suggestion, but i choose not to agree with it for reasons provided.


everyone already complains about literally everything they get , even free items like the current pouch event.



That's the point though. It should feel like an achievement and should be available to a limited number of players. Imagine if the game actually worked like this and they didn't release anything exclusive because a percentage of the community was unhappy? It would be pretty unfair. :( There's exclusive rewards in other games like GW2; if you reach a certain amount of achievement points you'll get a cosmetic reward etc. People will say it's a P2W reward but it really isn't.. they have the option to sell gold to get premium points. 

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58 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

1. Stop being greedy

2. No one is forcing you to spend money and if you do its entirely up to you.

they offer the current benefits which are knows for months, not to mention it would be entirely unfair against those who are not able to blow money on the game compared to others.

LOL "greedy" he says. This guy....

You have any idea how much money it takes to get to lvl 10 "premium"? Cause I do!

Oh and did ya know our super dooper lvl 10 "premium" is simply other regions regular ol premium, and their regular ol players get the wardrobe for free? 

Ya someone needs to stop being greedy you're right, but it isn't the OP!

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what about R10 have a special treasury in which u can store weapons appareances to be used whenever u want (just pay the trasmute maybe? or free). u basically unlock weapons skin as long as u ever had one in your inventory, so no need to start collecting again.


and honestly, envying players can be ignored by devs and other players who spend in game resources (be them money, effort or whatever)

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3 minutes ago, Shukran said:

what about R10 have a special treasury in which u can store weapons appareances to be used whenever u want (just pay the trasmute maybe? or free). u basically unlock weapons skin as long as u ever had one in your inventory, so no need to start collecting again.


and honestly, envying players can be ignored by devs and other players who spend in game resources (be them money, effort or whatever)

Great suggestion, I should of thought about that. 

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35 minutes ago, United17 said:

LOL "greedy" he says. This guy....

You have any idea how much money it takes to get to lvl 10 "premium"? Cause I do!

Oh and did ya know our super dooper lvl 10 "premium" is simply other regions regular ol premium, and their regular ol players get the wardrobe for free? 

Ya someone needs to stop being greedy you're right, but it isn't the OP!

I know how much it takes cause i am rank 10 myself. And you need to stop comparing this version to korean or chinese because this is different our model is like this not like theirs.


and i know what the other regions have cause inplayed tw and cn. Anyways.... Would appreciate if you would simply voice your opinion instead of going over to insults but its w/e.


i do like the idea of weapon skin storage or mailing without stamps tho. My vote on that.

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Give a level, any level of membership the truly account-bound accessories (so you can move them back and forth whenever), and I will pay for that on an instant.


That's the benefit I will pay any amount of money for. I don't care for the outfits. Free clothes is pretty enough for me. It's not the cosmetics that poisons my gaming experience.


I seriously do not see why they are charging $15 per month for the dazzling animation. The sub is such a rip off.



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8 minutes ago, Emma Frost said:

You get a hidden benefit: priority in support tickets. My friend has gotten so much free handouts from support just from typing up bs tickets 

That's not the point of this post. It's not listed anywhere in the benefits and I can't control what the support team does; all I can do is make suggestions and there is another topic about that where you can voice your frustration.  

This is what you're looking for I think. 

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It's a latent benefit that can actually make a difference in whether you get the assistance you want in tickets, or even banned or not. You're telling me premium ten isn't worth the power to have the support team reset your legendary weapon (and even give you a free duplicate in the process), or refund you mats? If you don't want this kind of perk, then that's your own fault for not realizing the advantages of this. 

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1 minute ago, Emma Frost said:

It's a latent benefit that can actually make a difference in whether you get the assistance you want in tickets, or even banned or not. You're telling me premium ten isn't worth the power to have the support team reset your legendary weapon (and even give you a free duplicate in the process), or refund you mats? If you don't want this kind of perk, then that's your own fault for not realizing the advantages of this. 

I don't agree with how it was handled, but it's not the point of this post. All I'm suggesting is changing the existing benefits that we have when we look at the premium window.

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We should get a title: "Whale"

But if I had to choose between a skimpy sexy outfit or a title I'd go with the outfit.


Additionally, people who spend this very likely have spent this amount on several toons so perhaps something to promote their spending addicti... er, I mean, ambition, such as free server transfers so that they could shift their alts around. Why? Maybe they want to move all their alts to one server so that they could play them more and thus devote more time and NCCoin to them. 


Perhaps a unique Premium symbol next to their name. Perhaps even let us choose the symbol. Better yet, let us buy symbols (more revenue for NCSoft).


How about access to some secret room or secret vendor that sells different things? As to what, I don't know. Or to keep it simple, just add it as a tab to the already existing dragon express.


One thing I would love is the ability to keep everything premium that we have earned even after leaving premium. So if we reach level 10, let us keep the F3 wardrobe, bank access, etc, even after our premium runs out. At that point haven't we already paid enough for those services? Further it would incentivize other small whales to push to level 10.

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