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Abuse in reporting players as bots?


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Recently, I just find ridiculous amount of players (sounds like trolls) in chat assuming and accusing another player  as  bots without explanation and then leave....dk  what's their problem.. some ppl can be stuck in loading screen for few  short 1 minute in cross server dungeon or whatever some sort of lag problem they have. And in some cases those players got reported for no reason....some ppl are just abusing it? and being delusional?wtf? (its just unreasonable) Its happening a lot these few weeks ..i feel like those ppl are trolling or some what purposely do it...dk what benefit they get from that honestly...if some ppl ever got banned from all these falsify reports...this rlly **** up..

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Reporting usually only comes at the end of a round when the bot has not moved from the entrance or in many cases entered the dungeon at all (yea NC really screwed the pooch with that one).  They may get credit for the dungeon due to NC negligence and not caring about players but yea most teams will report the behavior as botting and block them so as to know not to party with them in the future.  If you are doing this and hoping to hide behind the slow loading defense, think again.

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Ok just my 1 cent.


I have a slow loading computer, and I have an alt summoner, I say to my team " Please wait for me, I got slow loading"  Because I know there are tons of summoner bots. and people leave all the time when I had Oathbreaker weapon, pre Awakened Oathbreaker. 


Then again, there were those who, were stuck FOREVER in a loading screen (???) how could you still be loading while we are like half way to Minou! and suddenly moving when we are done with Minou and loading AGAIN!


And there were those, who were "fighting" poorly but never spoke on the chat. Like summoner has a skill on 2 that needs to be near enemies by 10m or below. but the first mini boss in Lair of Frozen Fang, was running every where but he was always in one place doing all kind of skills. (Not everyone has their ctrl+F turned on) So I called him out and he was still doing the same thing!


OR dying non stop in first fail on heat phase in Yeti is pretty obvious you dont have DB. When people call you out, you can just say you don't have Naryu coin or smth.


If you don't want people to mistake you for a bot, just say smth on the chat. Like if u know u got some sort of abnormally long loading (NOT gold website or telling people to go redeem some kind of membership or a non official ncsoft site)


What about one time, some guy loads in on Heaven Mandate and didn't ever teleport to the lower chamber where the group is?


He was IN! but even after the whole fight. he was still standing there, we waited, called out to him. 


Its not most players are delusional, but even slow loading has some kind of limit.... If you are leeching, you deserve it. 


And I doubt Ncsoft ban people just based on like a few people reporting...

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