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Blade and Soul Trolls! D:


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Has anyone experienced trolling in the cross-server dungeons?


Today I was doing Necropolis, and I was doing all the work fending off the mobs since the person with me was only HM2. Suddenly he said: "I thought this was Soul Ward, not Solo Ward" - implying that he was doing all the work while I was standing around.


Something similar happened to me yesterday. I went into Yeti, against my better judgment, with a bunch of HM2s - the highest other than me being HM4. We failed it because of poor dps and because I kept getting the aggro and burned my dragonsblood early. I then tried again with another party. One of the HM2s was in it, and he announced that I was a noob and the previous try had failed because of me. Perhaps it failed because low level players are insisting on doing Yeti...? So I found my kindness in trying to help the first low level group not only unrecognized, but punished.


I've seen a lot of immature behavior in BnS, but this is the first time I've seen players trolling like this. Is this now a thing?

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I mean I'm not trying to rain on ur parade here....but in a 6 man yeti no matter what class you are on you shouldn't be dying. its a mechanics fight, i've tanked it on mostly every class as I have 5 50s. I feel like you are kinda deflecting....but I digress, if someone is giving you a hard time just right click and mute them. I refuse to let anyone destroy my experience.

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Don't think I've experienced trolling necessarily, but since starting back running dungeons again to level up and gear my SF I run into too many who love tell about how I should build my SF. In all honesty, I don't even like running dungeons currently in BnS(mostly because of RNG frustration and speedrunners) but all the dungeons I've been in so far have ran just fine no deaths, mistakes, or anything. Truly though, I don't mind advice when it's asked or said politely, but don't be jerky about it. All that offers is a mute from me.


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I've had nasty comments directed at me before and I just have to brush it off. It seems the days where my FPS is PMSing there's always that one loud mouth arrogant jerk. 


And yeah. Dungeons higher up are mechanics based and if your FPS sucks you screw up at times whether you know what you're doing or not. 


I'm honest. I tell people What I can't do on a particular day given my FPS at the time. It's better than them expecting me to do somethings and I fail at them. If I'm met with comments of negativity and pure rudeness I just leave the dungeon after saying 'Well good luck'. I refuse to let someone ruin this game with their toxicity. 


Ive been met with 'it's fine. We'll work it' and I've been met with worse. That's their problem not mine. Some things are beyond my control no matter how many fixes I've tried to change my FPS.

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I'm not talking about trash talk: I'm not a highly skilled player, so I have to deal with a lot of it. I freely admit I suck at Yeti.


What's new to me are players trying to create a false impression of what's happening to try to turn the party against a particular person: that's what I mean by trolling.

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8 hours ago, tandava said:

Has anyone experienced trolling in the cross-server dungeons?


Today I was doing Necropolis, and I was doing all the work fending off the mobs since the person with me was only HM2. Suddenly he said: "I thought this was Soul Ward, not Solo Ward" - implying that he was doing all the work while I was standing around.


Something similar happened to me yesterday. I went into Yeti, against my better judgment, with a bunch of HM2s - the highest other than me being HM4. We failed it because of poor dps and because I kept getting the aggro and burned my dragonsblood early. I then tried again with another party. One of the HM2s was in it, and he announced that I was a noob and the previous try had failed because of me. Perhaps it failed because low level players are insisting on doing Yeti...? So I found my kindness in trying to help the first low level group not only unrecognized, but punished.


I've seen a lot of immature behavior in BnS, but this is the first time I've seen players trolling like this. Is this now a thing?

I had similar experience make me realized "no good deed goes unpunished" is true in this game.

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I'm quite surprised this is being discussed here. I mean I meet all kinds of different "trolls" everyday, and when you take a close look at all they play, you will be dead laughing. But yeah don't let anyone get on you, it's a game. Play the way you want to, leave,mute,block, do what ever makes you feel good, enjoy the game and play on.

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well let me tell you something. except nexus and asura all other content should be easily done while having 400-450 AP. While playing I came to 2 personal conclusions.


1. Most people have no clue how to properly do a rotation and maximize their dps, not to mention little understanding of what their build does or how to have an effective build and why you pick that build and when.

2. lack of proper character optimization. Somehow people think AP is everything which I strongly disagree. Crit > crit dmg> accuracy> AP. If crit is more than 50% then crit dmg is better to get and have.

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1 hour ago, LeyLu said:

well let me tell you something. except nexus and asura all other content should be easily done while having 400-450 AP. While playing I came to 2 personal conclusions.


1. Most people have no clue how to properly do a rotation and maximize their dps, not to mention little understanding of what their build does or how to have an effective build and why you pick that build and when.

2. lack of proper character optimization. Somehow people think AP is everything which I strongly disagree. Crit > crit dmg> accuracy> AP. If crit is more than 50% then crit dmg is better to get and have.

I have to disagree with this. I have 527 ap, and I get my build from places like bnstree.com and other recommendation web sites. I also modify my build for particular dungeons. For instance, I watched a video for Nexus done by an FM, and I modified my build based on the recommendations in that video before I tried the dungeon. I haven't been in a party in that succeeded in that dungeon yet. I may have contributed to those failures by not understanding some things from the video, but I listen to advice when players are kind enough to give it.


There are all sorts of other issues that can lead to a person with adequate level and gear to suck in any particular dungeon run. They might be connecting from overseas and have a poor connection: I'm not able to jump as high as other players because of this. I'm also about to give up on getting beyond the 3rd level in Infinite Tower Training because I can't turn fast enough. I don't see well, so I'm touch-typing: that can lead to a lot of error key presses because so many keys are involved in complicated fights. There might be unusual aspects to the situation, such as being forced to dodge aggro or be knocked down, which causes me to miss timing on special mechanics moves. Also, the moves of other players can cause confusion. For instance, I know to stun on Yeti's second jump - but in some parties players make moves that prevent the Yeti from jumping, so I don't know when to strike. My understanding is players in the same class can interfere with each other's skills. In my case, I also have trouble hitting the Yeti because I'm using a laptop, and he goes off-screen: I can't swerve fast enough to follow him. I feel lucky when I do hit him.


These aren't excuses: I'm the first to admit that I'm not very skilled. All I'm saying is that boss fights can have a lot of factors, and just having a high level and appropriate gear doesn't mean its easy and guarantees survival - especially if a particular class is being relied on to "save" everyone (this doesn't just apply to FMs - another example could be if the tank fails for whatever reason), It also doesn't mean that you haven't done any homework on your class or the dungeon. If you aren't naturally skilled, it takes a lot of practice to be good at dungeons - and you can only get that practice by trying them.


Thanks for the tip about crit! I'll look into adjusting my soul shield for that.

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see what I mean. In the first sentence you mention your AP, the common brag and self validation argument, or so you think. Having 527 ap is good but doesnt guarantees you anything nor prove how good you are at the class, it only proves that you can buy/farm items. I have failed dungeons  where people were HM5+ and with 500-550 ap just because they had no clue how to play their own class.


Also yes I admit sometimes people do lag but i really doubt that 70% of people are overseas.


Yeah you are not very skilled and you cant handle some dungeon mechanics but it's up to you to improve and stop excusing yourself for poor performance. 


and yes work on your crit it's the first stat that should be at 50-55% (55% + has diminishing returns)

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Rofl, wait till you do some of the 4 man dungeons. Expect to be insulted because you do not run the dungeons with more then 600 ap. Expect to be insulted even if the other parties screwed up and then had the nerve to push the blame to you because they do not know how to do mechanics. The moment you run a 4 man dungeon with 600 ap, you are damned when you screwed up and when you don't :D



the simplest solution is to ignore these morons and moved on. Accept that you are human and everyone make mistakes.  Glad that vote kick option for non offlines doesn't exist in this game :D.

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Trolling? was in an Asura 6 man pug group on Sat's daily challenge.  it was fast and smooth to get to first twin fat boy boss, a 690+ AP summoner keep KD both boss to force boss jump back and forth. group ask him to stop yet he keep on KD until we wiped to enrage timer. Than he told us, "that was fun" and left the group.


Few days later. by chance, saw him again in Asura pug group. he pulled the same crap. 



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21 hours ago, LeyLu said:


see what I mean. In the first sentence you mention your AP, the common brag and self validation argument, or so you think. Having 527 ap is good but doesnt guarantees you anything nor prove how good you are at the class, it only proves that you can buy/farm items. I have failed dungeons  where people were HM5+ and with 500-550 ap just because they had no clue how to play their own class.


Also yes I admit sometimes people do lag but i really doubt that 70% of people are overseas.


Yeah you are not very skilled and you cant handle some dungeon mechanics but it's up to you to improve and stop excusing yourself for poor performance. 


and yes work on your crit it's the first stat that should be at 50-55% (55% + has diminishing returns)

I'm not sure what you mean about bragging - I've mentioned a lot that I'm not very skilled. All I can do about that is practice, which depends on the generosity and patience of the party I've joined. I don't join parties that are selecting players or mislead people about my abilities.


15 hours ago, DriftingSoul said:

Rofl, wait till you do some of the 4 man dungeons. Expect to be insulted because you do not run the dungeons with more then 600 ap. Expect to be insulted even if the other parties screwed up and then had the nerve to push the blame to you because they do not know how to do mechanics. The moment you run a 4 man dungeon with 600 ap, you are damned when you screwed up and when you don't :D



the simplest solution is to ignore these morons and moved on. Accept that you are human and everyone make mistakes.  Glad that vote kick option for non offlines doesn't exist in this game :D.

I'm terrified of 4-man parties just for that reason, and I'm missing out on costumes because of it. T_T  I just started Frozen Fang at HM9 because I accidently got sucked into one with the leader of a normal cross-server daily. I've started to do that one because it's not very complicated. I think everything above that has more challenging mechanics for FMs.

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I almost never read the chat in cross server to focus on the mobs, but hey I wouldn't know what the Yeti or Necopolis look like. I haven't logged in for months, can't login because of game guard, or can't remember those dungeons. Just focus on what you can do, support the party when you're sure you won't be killed in the process. That's what I always do as sin, I always make sure to whittle down HP and hold aggro while dodging all while summoner gets everyone back.

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When somebody says they are soloing while I'm doing nothing, when I'm the one soloing and he's doing nothing - that is lying.


When a bunch of HM1 and HM2 expect the one high level player to save them, then that failure is not only due to the high level player's failure to "save" them: the failure is also due to a bunch of players trying to do a dungeon above their level and hoping someone will carry them.


Insulting people is unnecessary whether it's a form of "clarification" or not: only a kid would regard this as "truth telling". However, you continue to miss the point of this thread. People are constantly insulting and otherwise behaving badly in BnS and all MMOs. This thread is about the particular tactic of lying to hurt someone - with the added bonus of retaliating against someone that was trying to help them. That's some serious trolling.

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@tandava waste no time explaining yourself lmao this guy is calling you slow yet he seems to not comprehend what you're telling him or even what your post is about. Smh we see who is the slow one and there was no reason for him to be rude to you period. I had to reply just because of how ridiculous he sounds xD

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