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summoner's roots


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How come sometimes when you root a boss, the boss can still move at you and other times he's locked for 8 seconds. Like is there an indicator that shows a boss can't be snared currently or something? And I feel like I remember a video of some guy saying if you tier roots to second path, to 3 steps where it's a single mob root, it will 100perecebt root even with his cc indicators aren't open? Is rooting not 100oercent unless you tier that specific one when cc indicators aren't open or something?!? 

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A lot of enemies and bosses have attacks in their rotation that they will use if the player character is at more than 5m. Usually a jump or dash of some sorts that breaks snare.
(For example, Silver Deva in Mushin's Tower floor 2 will jump at you and break snare if you are far away, but will just stay still if you stay within 5m)


When you use roots, stay JUST outside of melee range and the AI will try to walk to you and attack, which they can't because of the roots and just stay still for the duration.

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15 hours ago, EvaLynBoder said:

SOA lot of enemies and bosses have attacks in their rotation that they will use if the player character is at more than 5m. Usually a jump or dash of some sorts that breaks snare.
(For example, Silver Deva in Mushin's Tower floor 2 will jump at you and break snare if you are far away, but will just stay still if you stay within 5m)


When you use roots, stay JUST outside of melee range and the AI will try to walk to you and attack, which they can't because of the roots and just stay still for the duration.

Oh my. Are you saying roots doesn't work if I'm like 2m in their face? :l But sometimes I feel like it does work even if I'm 2m in their face. I guess it depends on what attack they were going to do next? ;-; sigh. 

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