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Did Anyone Else Get Demotivated by the Daily Challenge?


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All I've been doing for the last 2 weeks is logging in for the Daily Dash. I guess I'm waiting for something - though I'm not sure what.


The Weapon Upgrade event didn't work for me because I didn't have enough gold to deal with the market inflation of upgrade materials. The mushrooms I collected are just sitting in my inventory just in case upgrades become feasible before they expire, but they will probably be spent on Hongmoon XP upgrade charms.


I hit a wall when it comes to hunting for costumes: the ones I don't have mostly come from 4-person dungeons. I don't have the weapons or the high level of skill required for that. Over-powered weapons might lead to some forgiveness for a learning curve - but I can't get there under the current circumstances. I read that a merchant with some costumes pops up in some 6 man dungeons. I'll probably test to see if that has enough frequency in Frozen Fang to be worth it. But most of the costumes I want aren't there.


I was demotivated for trying new things by the Daily Challenge. I felt especially pressured to do that to get mushrooms for the upgrade charm. Because of the need for mushrooms, players were pressured to try to leech on dungeons they weren't ready for yet. This made the better players always mad at the weaker ones for leeching and undermining their runs. I'm fairly high level for my equipment, so people would blame me for not doing a good enough job to carry them. The time of higher level players was wasted not only on failed runs, but also on having to wait through full-recruitment before they could leave a team that could not succeed. Weaker players had to try again and again until the team composition was strong enough to let them leech: others probably gave up after being called "noob" or being asked to leave too many times. Some high levels players were patient and even taught the dungeon to others, but their own game was stalled while they waited through failed attempts. All in all, there was a lot of unnecessary tension created by the Daily Challenge.


It seems to me that good game mechanics would encourage more advanced players to shepherd lower level players and would provide opportunities for learning new dungeons besides "watch a youtube video". Good game mechanics should encourage people to join clans and socialize rather than make them afraid to try anything because they will be abused by other players. I stopped doing the Daily Challenge after the mushroom event was over even though the chance at the Gold rewards could help me get out of my upgrade problem.


BnS seems to have a lot of solo players who don't have any way out once they get stuck. Perhaps the only way out is to join a clan, but the Daily Challenge creates an unpleasant experience with other players that militates against the formation of groups.

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The whole game progression becomes demotivating from Tomb of Exiles onwards, and then hits the point of no return once Soulstones and Moonwater Trans Stones come into the picture, gating materials for Lv36 gear behind Lv45 content and forcing you to rely on the market to progress at even a semi decent pace. And it gets worse from everything I've read...


Just grind gold, grind gold, grind more gold, or spend real life money to get past it...assuming you're lucky.

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If it is the daily challenge I don't think many ppl care as long as you don't die. Although there are soem game mechanice that people must learn such as the boss in nexus for example. No matter how huch AP or HP you have if you screw up the mechanics is a wipe no matter what. On the other hand if you know what you are doing even with a lower AP hp you will live. I never check anyone in pugs unless they are acting werid like a bot.


I don't do dailies all the time. I do other things and if I don't feel like playing on my main I play my alt. The thing is this is how the grind works in these Korean MMO they made it so getting to max level is not hard but getting the gear upgrade that's where the grind starts. This game have been out in other regions for years yet for us is really short. So what NCsoft should really do is reduce the cost of all upgrades by at least 2/3 since we have a lot less time to farm compare to other version of BnS.

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That's a really good point about the reduced farming time. It was the soul stones that killed me - especially since I'm a PvE player who didn't want to farm in a PK situation. I can't even imagine crafting, much less buying, a Silverfrost stone. I have a feeling I would need a Silverfrost key at some point as well.


The lack of progress is depressing, but I think it's the player-on-player hostility that comes from the Daily Challenge which makes me refrain from trying.

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I wish I had just spent all my mushrooms on charms now. I have probably 4 characters with multiple nebula stones (one lvl 47 KFM has 3) they will end up being sold I don't have the time to get the moonstones myself and no way I'll be able to buy the 100s that I need, they're 7.2g last time I looked on Jiwan.


That's the whole thing the game has no good progression mechanics. Players that are in a good spot with gear simply want to keep up with their progression, and why not look at the time and money investment involved in even a minor upgrade. This leaves no time to cater to anyone that want's or needs help. Those players with high AP ranged classes and some time will continue to farm SSP and sell for ridiculous amounts and looking at the inflation and the fact they have their eye on their next progression why shouldn't they, NCwest won't do anything to alleviate it outside of maybe another P2W RNG "event".


Truth be told after seeing the last live stream I'm sure NCwest is neither capable or competent enough to do anything about it, all they can do is say "next patch, bla bla bla, and P2W event coming bla, bla, bla".

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I was burnt out. Then I had an issue with my neck and shoulder and couldn't play for almost a week.


I was fresh all excited to play... and after 3 days I'm kind of losing excitement.


Daily challenge some days is frustrating.

People who have no business being anywhere near level 50 purples with enrage times are there anyway. I'm thankful I run with my bf and we can usually carry at least one special flower who thinks 390 or less AP is a-okay for Lair. Bf got unlucky going solo with Necro one day... 4 people on one node kept failing it. How can 4 people not be able to hold a node at 420-450AP?  I do not have the imagination to fathom how this is even possible.

People are way too in a rush... Blue dungeons, often someone gets left out. And even worse, when the person leaves, some parties recruit to waste more people's time (like, why?!?!). And blackram and tomb are more often than not pathetic displays with everyone running and poor lowbies being left dead...

Back when we had the 24mans... the idling people at the end boss... SIGH.

Heaven's mandate... everyone sells their scale, they don't want to use their own gold, but yet want to bid on the stinger too... Despicable. I have 3 resets that are going to sit there forever because the NA community is just ... precious.


It's not exactly fun.

Been having some fun farming Zaiwei ruins for now. Ever since I tried SSP when I got to 50, I have avoided it like the plague. And I'm a FM, by this point I should be ok, but the whole open world PVP is so not my cup of tea. Will have to eventually if I want to use that nebula stone.

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