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Forgekeeper Illusion Weapon


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Hey there,

I have chosen the Forgekeepers as crafting on my first character and I'm asking myself, what those Forgekeeper Illusion Weapons are for. For what and when are they needed? Are they an option to make gold?


Thanks already for answers.


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as you can see in the marketplace (just  open "Weapon" section and choose the price from high to low) you can see some skins worth a lot, especially the legendary skins (abt 600G or so if available), but the cost of making it is a real problem for beginners, and you don't usually get a legendary one from your box, it has a low chance

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But now I am asking myself why I should craft the other "normal" weapons, like Raw Iron. Do they have any use? I mean, the price is around 10 silver, but what do you do with those, execpt using them as offering?

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"Normal" weapons are useless, use them for their skin if you like them.
It's better to use blue / purples from dungeons to upgrade, and later on salvage those and transmute Elements. (Starting at Siren ?)

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That means that with the Forgekeeper I basically only craft the weapon skins (if I want to) and not the other things (maybe besides repairtools).

Does it make even sense to pick them as crafting guild?

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