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W10 Cortana error crashing BnS / Nvidia FPS


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Hi guys,

I spend a lot of time fixing errors I had with BnS.
And I finally got it to run stable, no reboots and max fps.
I am using an Nvidia card GTX760-P with a Q9650 @ 3.6Ghz. The first part of the fix is for Nvidia users ONLY. 

Better FPS with Nvidia:

Go to your Nvidia configuration panel.
Go to manage 3D settings.
Add BnS to the program list and use these settings:

Antialiasing: OFF
Antialiasing Modus: OFF
Antialiasing transparancy: OFF
Energy mode: Prefer max. performance
Multi screen / mixed GPU: Single screen performance

Leave the rest to what it is standard.

In-game settings: 

Use the auto apply to all and set it to 4 or 5 (depending on your CPU, you can try both)
Then de-select all the extra and special effects. most important are the ones like "enhanced physic effects"
Turn AA all the way OFF.

Then for the crashes. This applies to all who get the Cortana error in their windows logs.
To check this: Go to your Logs > Windows logs > system.
Find the notification that has the red X infront. and read the details.
If u find these ID's:
 en APPID 
It means you have some problems. And you will probably experience BnS crashing or even rebooting your pc.

to fix this:

1. Open Regedit.
2. Go to HKEY_Classes_Root\CLSID\*CLSID*.
Note: *CLSID* stand for the ID that appears in your event viewer error. In your case, it's {C2F03A33-21F5-47FA-B4BB-156362A2F239}.
3. Right click on it then select permission.
4. Click Advance and change the owner to administrator. Also click the box that will appear below the owner line.
5. Apply full control.
6. Close the tab then go to HKEY_LocalMachine\Software\Classes\AppID\*APPID*.
Note: *AppID* is the ID that appears in your event viewer. In your case it's {316CDED5-E4AE-4B15-9113-7055D84DCC97}.
7. Right click on it then select permission.
8. Click Advance and change the owner to administrators.
9. Click the box that will appear below the owner line.
10. Click Apply and grant full control to Administrators.
11. Close all tabs and go to Administrative tool.
12. Open component services.
13. Click Computer, click my computer, then click DCOM.
14. Look for the corresponding service that appears on the error viewer.
15. Right click on it then click properties.
16. Click security tab then click Add User. Add SYSTEM then apply.
17. Tick the Activate local box.

This did it for me :) I hope it will help many others enjoy the game.
I cap my FPS at 60 ingame, and 30 for background actions.
When I solo things it's always between 55 - 60 FPS.
On the bigger dungeons with 6 players it rarely goes below 30 FPS during combat.



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