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Pierce Breeze anicancel


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To make it easier to learn the timings, I only use keyboard since R = LMB and T = RMB.
So i just Dragontongue -> E > anicancel
But If i do Breeze too early after Pierce , Breeze is not taken into account.
Basically I do Breeze, and follows very quickly with Pierce, do a minor pause and repeat.
I tried braindead spamming by alternating Breeze / Pierce, and it doesnt work, seems it really need to not cast Breeze too early.
I tried spamming both keys at the same time, but results are very random. 

EDIT : I'll check my ping when I'll be home. 

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When you use Dragontongue it gives you the accessibility to use ani cancel in normal stance for 3-4 seconds. When you go in normal stance after dragontongue just do this:


Map your RB to say "T" 


And do professionally this:


spam as fast as u can lb / rb on the mouse and mash your T. 


Best ani cancel ever :3






























Btw im not joking.

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15 hours ago, Enoll said:

When you use Dragontongue it gives you the accessibility to use ani cancel in normal stance for 3-4 seconds. When you go in normal stance after dragontongue just do this:


Map your RB to say "T" 


And do professionally this:


spam as fast as u can lb / rb on the mouse and mash your T. 


Best ani cancel ever :3






























Btw im not joking.

That sounds so professional, I'll try it tonight. Thanks master Enoll <3.

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21 hours ago, Enoll said:

When you use Dragontongue it gives you the accessibility to use ani cancel in normal stance for 3-4 seconds. When you go in normal stance after dragontongue just do this:


Map your RB to say "T" 


And do professionally this:


spam as fast as u can lb / rb on the mouse and mash your T. 


Best ani cancel ever :3






























Btw im not joking.

Haha nice gap. Will only work perfectly for me when my ping is low as hell. But my ping is high and I'm still able to execute it, just not good enough thanks to ping <_<

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