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Character gone after re-install.

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Are you sure it was 2 months ago? Was the last time you played during closed beta? If it was, then it makes sense your character would be gone, since there was a character wipe at the end of beta. Otherwise, I don't know any other reasons besides someone deleting it.

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6 minutes ago, LunaticAzure said:

Are you sure it was 2 months ago? Was the last time you played during closed beta? If it was, then it makes sense your character would be gone, since there was a character wipe at the end of beta. Otherwise, I don't know any other reasons besides someone deleting it.

Yes im sure i can even see my character in this webpage http://eu-bns.ncsoft.com/ingame/bs/character/profile?c=FearMyBalz&s=202

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Check the email you are using to log in. Are you sure you use same one as before? If the e-mail is same try contacting support. There won`t be probably much more players can tell you except checking region/login.

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