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Dungeon Rant


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you can't find a 500+ group to do Necro anymore, everyone seems to be born with no arms or having down syndrome. I'm so pissed off of this community filled with 600+ noobs who have high AP as a reason to die against trash mobs get a fin backbone and learn how this game is played or go play some minecraft. btw guess what I am going to do, I'll play some minecraft cause there is no 600+ AP requirements to place 1 fin block.


This is what a 600+ player in Necro and Yeti4 looks like




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  • 4 weeks later...

When i was 450AP , i asked for 450AP fellows , same for when i was 500 , ,550 and goes on . 

I dont mind having lower AP players but you should also consider my view on this thing , which is simple 


I increased my AP so i can do things FASTER 

Having a party with highter AP reduces the chances of failure , in terms of damage and time limitation on boss but also in terms of player experience  (high AP players are supposed to know the basic mechanics ) 


BUT i have also done better runs with lower AP players than with high AP players 

i have seen SO MANY ~700AP users that admited to have wasted real money on the game and they didnt even knew the basics , resulting failed dungeons and wasted time 


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So you actually only agree with me.

The more lame they call people with lower gear the more retarded high gear noobs shall be.

Yeah now that im close to 550 I feel badass cause of the DD output but I always search for 500+ parties cause I give the beginners on 4ms a chance even tho I sometimes get top gear matched.

Well there I said it, 450ap depends on the circumstances.

I didn't fail a 3m necro with 500 average but I failed 3m yeti with 500 average.

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I don't care about anyone's AP as long as

1. You don't die

2. You know the mechanics and actually follow it

3. If you are a tank please hold aggro. I always let tanks have a few seconds first and always start slow. but I always end up tanking anyways -_-

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On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 3:40 AM, Grimoir said:

Have you ever thought that ppl ask for high AP because they are hunting the merchant and dont want to loose much time?

when I do a CS farm run I only look for 600+  you clear the dungeon super fast for more possible merch runs an hour

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Aw, you mad?

So the OP probably played with a party of P2W people, and apparently he actually thought people would give a shit so he posted a thread about it on the interweb to make himself look superior and make others look stupid, when in fact all it does is make him look like the one "born with no arms or having down syndrome", so to quote.

Go drink some milk with sugar if you're steaming mad from having wasted 5min than necessary in a video game. Probably good for your e-peen as well.


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I'm sorry I grinded mats and gold from start of server for my 595AP, I will delete game once I hit 600AP. And it's true I clear Necro 4 and Yeti 4 smashing my head on keyboard, there are no skills required. I feel really bad for having ~600AP (not).

I don't get why OP is so mad. Should I be mad because there are 700AP players? Every player with end game gear is noob? Lol.

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On 30.6.2016 at 5:40 PM, spongemike said:

I don't care about anyone's AP as long as

1. You don't die

2. You know the mechanics and actually follow it

3. If you are a tank please hold aggro. I always let tanks have a few seconds first and always start slow. but I always end up tanking anyways -_-

Tanking requires keeping up a good amount of DD to increase virtual DD which is 150% more than actual DD.

A bad, silly tank or a tank with laggs won't be able to keep up good rota and loose aggro


And yeah I have about 3 end game charakters (2 I deleted my duplicate KFM) and it pissed me off pretty hard being called a noob from people who were noobs cause of the lower ap hence also having people leaving parties untill I get people who trust my knowledge. Well in the end I joined a guild who did that and I farmed myself to 550ap pretty quick and no they didn't have to carry me.

The need to use at least 2 braincells to kill a boss in blade and soul is what has driven me to play this game but the high ap requirements to spare them braincells is what I'm actually trying to show you

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On 02/07/2016 at 8:25 PM, Melodia said:

Aw, you mad?

So the OP probably played with a party of P2W people, and apparently he actually thought people would give a shit so he posted a thread about it on the interweb to make himself look superior and make others look stupid, when in fact all it does is make him look like the one "born with no arms or having down syndrome", so to quote.

Go drink some milk with sugar if you're steaming mad from having wasted 5min than necessary in a video game. Probably good for your e-peen as well.



So worth coming here just to read this ROAST!


PS: I dont give a single *cricket* about the post but srsly just get a fkn guild XD i havent done random runs in 4ever just guildies and over 40 ppl in my friends list.

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668AP force master here.


I regularly form 500ap groups for dungeons like necro, they are hit and miss. Normally I tell them, you guys do blood and soul, I will start snap, solo lycan then finish defending snap.


If they listen, it all goes very easy. If they don't I find others who have to solo start a core often don't know to do this. I have to run everywhere, the dungeon takes longer, when it literally could have taken half that time. in a group of 550+ i can just wander off and solo lycan or 1 core, 1 person does 1 thing each, np.


Soloing lycan doesnt require high ap, just experience.


Soloing a core doesn't require high AP either, just knowing what you're doing.

When I LFP 6man it gets even worse, because they absolutely never listen to me.


The problem is not overgeared players wanting to faceroll, the problem is low geared players thinking they can faceroll, and do whatever they want in the dungeon, instead of working with their party. All I want to do is make the dungeon easier for them, and so many times i've gone the extra mile, wiped, stayed, kept trying and spent alot of time so they can experience 4man, I don't get a single thanks, half the time people insult me if I tell them the dungeon does smoother if they work with their party. I don't know many other heavily geared players who would put with this for a second.


What do I get in return? Guys like the OP who post videos to take the *cricket*.



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On 6/29/2016 at 9:45 AM, kpetros said:

i have seen SO MANY ~700AP users that admited to have wasted real money on the game and they didnt even knew the basics ,

And I wonder why this happens ... could it be because lame high AP players demands other players to have high AP, misleading the community in what players really need to learn --> how to play the game. ??

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3 hours ago, Tsunakai said:

don't blame high AP players for your inability to learn the dungeons.

LMAO, I do.


Nowadays you see lobby asking for 500AP for 6 man Lab, and even BSH at times. Seriously? L50 w HM, and you need 500AP for a L45 dungeon when the 4 man didn't need 400AP? And you do not think the new players will be mislead that they need 500AP because of these stupid high AP demands in the dungeon lobbies?

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Its not about you nor about me, it's about where it's leading to be.

You are creating a bad community by your own if you keep that belief, kinda lame how I can't open 400ap groups anymore (im at 550ap so I actually shouldn't bother). But when you try to carry one friend through yeti6 and I was drunk that night, people behaved like they had serious drug issues dood I just told my 400ap friend I'm taking him to yeti4m and we only wiped 2 times on yeti4 (don't tell me how many times we did on 6m I was drunk). Like the mechanics were done right but ppl still wiped on a single fail of an iframe. My weapon broke 5~ times on a single yeti run with randoms and community still tells me we don't need a proper yeti guide. Guess I am just queueing with a lot of trolls then who like to waste time on dying

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