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Windrest EU BLUE vs RED war over 50k AK BUL


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Red is death because Blue kills you!  Sneaky fight over the Ak bul boss (cerulean version of Kang Gwi) 


These huge bosses, Ak bul for blues and Kang Gwi for reds, can gather massive amounts of prestige the more time they live, so of course both factions will be trying to kill their enemies boss in order to get the prestige, but on Windrest EU, as a server with a healthy population, the competition makes things a lot more fun! and dangerous...


Thanks Kawaii Killers and the other participants for the fun, both the enemies and the allies ^.^/  . Thanks for the fun following us killing your boss too. Keep it coming!



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's good, they will take it anyway... they let them kill the bersker then they can take more prestige point from them, it's not important to protect the bersker they will kill it anyway, if it's not today they will kill it tomorrow.

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  • 1 month later...

OMG, I was about to give up on OWPVP, yall having SOOOO MUCH FUN on Windrest EU, im seriously thinking about transferring to EU Windrest. On my server Master Hong Blue side rules and no owpvp whatsoever. I did play on red side but its a ghost town over there and cant really complete anything, so I switched to blue now but no reds to fight. So im SERIOUSLY thinking about coming to your server. Sounds fun AF!

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