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AP and be a human being


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9 minutes ago, Dlacik said:

So many ppl complaining about AP requirements for dungeons. But go in the lobby and there is not a single one making low AP group. Why don`t you make low AP groups if you are so opposed to high AP requirements?


As someone said in another thread: Make an 350+ AP group for BSH and noone will join you. Make an 500+ AP group for same instance and you will have group full of ppl not meeting that requirement claiming that AP is not that important.


Why so many ppl think that if someone have spent their time to upgrade their gear they automaticaly have a duty to carry others that haven`t spent their time to get upgrades? If you don`t agree with AP requirements you don`t have to join group like that and instead make own group with low/no AP requirement.

I personally have high AP on ALL of my lvl 50s, which I have several of.   However I disagree with you other than tons of people joining but usually when you ask for 500+ that's who join or people close to it sometimes.

Asking for 500+ BSH means you are a noob.  Forget 4man, we 3manned it back when most people only had siren weapons and BSH was the best soul shield, in 4-man mode (when it was an option).   So if you can't make a quick run work with 6 people that are lvl 45+, learn 2 play.

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Pls stop randomly calling ppl noobs. I haven`t said a single word about being or not beign able to make a quick run. My post was about what ppl asks for and how ppl reacts to it.


My point is, if someone has 450 AP why he joins the group that asks for higher AP and then complain about being kicked but he doesn`t even try to join group that ask lower AP? Why ppl keep crying about requirements others make at forum instead of making own group with requirements that they think are ok? Why they want from devs to force geared ppl to carry non-geared instead of running with ppl that have same gear?

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You sir truly damn right ! This gave has lots of "elitist" that only accept people equal ap or higher. I saw lots of people complain about others just because they have 3-5 ap less. Im not telling 50-60 ap dont make difference yes it does but in rage 10-15 even 20 ap does not that big problem that bns playerbase think it is. i gladly accept everybody in range 20ap difference in my party and keep doing it. Ncsoft already killed low-level gearing, and leveling early content so

Be nice person.

Help others.


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i want to end the dungeon as fast as possible, thats why I will always prefer more AP. pressing a few buttons repeatedly does not require skill... and after a few runs the mechanics to survive are also in place, This makes the arguementation about skill vs AP redundant:)


PvE does not require ANY skill just muscle memory.

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unless your ap is so high that you can 1 shot the boss but that never happen yet so ap is not everything for now.

However, it all depend what dungeon you are running. for example, if your group damages can kill yeti before he suck in the ice, mechanics doesnt matter else you need to know what to do.

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PvE does not require ANY skill just muscle memory.

^ Finally someone who understands that it's not "brainz" needed but practice. So instead of calling someone nub and idiot tell him/her to practice more :)

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So I am a jerk now? Okay, here I go.

I have 550 AP, not too much, yet probably enough to be one of those jerks.
When I go for instances I try to grab 550+ Parties. Why? Because it usually is faster.
I rather go with a 550 Ap person who doesn't know how to play, instead of going with a 300 AP dude who doesn't know how to play.
Why? Because in case he'd ever make a hit on a mob, he'll do more damage.

Surely a 400Ap person will rock the shit out of a boon with 500 Ap, if he simply plays better.


But I would not judge all people with high AP.
BUT if they go for instances like yeti or whatsoever and expect people to have 500Ap+, they're idiots.
Whoever won't use the partyfinder via Chat, to grab a party with according AP, shall not leave because of AP.

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Whoever won't use the partyfinder via Chat, to grab a party with according AP, shall not leave because of AP.

Haha wished that was so... really wished that was so.

Another prime example: Yesterday I LFP for Cold Storage. We got to lobby, then the HM8 in our group started gripping "395 AP wtf" "402 AP you crazy?" and left. (Good riddance too). In the end we were four people at boss (560 AP, 475 AP and those two mentioned before). We recruited again and battled boss. In the end only three people were left standing and we got the boss down with Enrage just about to start. Well yeah this seems like I'm proving the leavers right, but it was tons of fun to not be one of the "measliest" player in a party for once. And still win :)

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there are actually several things i have to say on this topic since it is also a pet-peeve of mine, but let me start off by making you all angry and letting you know that im a summoner with errr 611 ap or around there anyways (keep forgetting what exactly cuz of stupid asura bug XD ).


imho it highly depends on what your doing, with whom your doing it (;D), and what the overall objective of what youre doing is:


it depends on what youre doing:

going in asura as a freshly dinged lvl 50 hm1 with like 100% accuracy and under 400 ap might make things difficult for the team (depending on how well geared they are obviously) and frankly doesnt make much sense imo,

when you do a battleground like whirlwind that unfortunately is not gear equalized (something i dislike tbh) i DO understand ppl asking for high ap (although i also agree on crit defence etc not JUST ap) and so on, simply because it is very likely that you go up against other premades that will have 650+ players (not even talking about the fun 700 ap groups ive been trying to fight against lol). i personally have made the experience that if you dont go in a premade group in wwv but just do a LFP you will get matched more or less equally with another pug group, i might be wrong there though.


with whom your doing it:

when we go with guildies to get them gear we usually take 3 higher ap ppl and 3 lower ap ppl (yes also freshly dinged lvl 50s) so that everyone in the guild has a chance to get gear/ss/gets to know the dung so they can then run it with pugs if neccessary also. if i go with pugs i ask for high ap simply because i dont have much time to play that day and need to finish fast (more on that below)


what the overall objective is:

if the objective is to help out guildies as explained above then there is no issue in taking low ap/geared ppl along. when i go alone because i just very quickly want to finish my dailies (or with my equally geared partners) and i pug then i AM looking for higher ap for sheer speed reasons.



i spent quite some time and money on gearing up myself and some guildies along the way and i have no issues on carrying my guildies who are nice, polite people that i like (why else would they be in my guild right). when i pug i have made the experience 90% of the time that people are rude as *cricket* no matter their ap,nationality or gender, with only a very few exceptions. when you pug you only get to know whether someone is not particularly nice DURING the run not before. so im not gonna spend my time carrying utter *cricket*holes and giving myself a worse time for it. the reason we all play is to have fun so i try to avoid pugging at all costs and go in statics. but if i pug i personally feel that i have a right to NOT carry tom, dick and harry and get insulted for it on top of everything else. if someone outside of f8 would ask me if i could help him/her out with an instance, even if they arent in my guild i would as a matter of principle help out but not with utter randos...

i dont think that that attitude makes me snobbish or elitist and when i ask for 580+ap (or whatever) i also take ppl that have 560 or something, but when i ask for 580+ap and ppl with 495 join then i say hi very friendly and remove them because there is a reason i ask for high ap, because that day i maybe dont have so much time to play and want to get my stuff done fast.


thanx for reading the wall of text XD

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On 5/31/2016 at 8:46 PM, Zakarii said:

It's that kind of thing that also make the whole dungeons frustrating.
I just went to Bloodshade Harbor with a party consisted by normal players in Hongmoon level 2, but the AP was around 440 ~474, except for me (I was with 555 AP).
I was like "Oh let me just help this guys and whatever", and there was the summoner with 474 AP which kept trashtalking like "Oh, this KFM lvl 47, don't wait for her, she don't have enough AP and it's useless."
Fun thing is, I just noticed he was wearing Cerulean outfit.
Then I putted my crimsom and, we all know what happened.
My actions weren't reasonable tho, but I think that's the kind of "treatment" this people deserv.

yea kill the cerus..they seem to be the only guys who are short on time..in every party i m in i always check the rushing guys and find out that they r cerus.

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On 6/1/2016 at 0:17 AM, DattKidd said:

It's all fun and great to make a forum post about this. The AP requirements people give for their groups is just plain crazy.

I remember when the level 50 patch first came out, people were doing 4man Yeti with 500 AP; heck even some groups nailed it at 470 AP.. Now, try to create a group with that and guess what, people just leave over and over, everyone wants some crazy and totally unnecessary 550+ AP. I'm 531 AP as a BD and it's still hell trying to get a 4man Yeti group going.


The forum post is great, but nothing in the game will change. This makes dungeons stupid as heck and new players can't easily join in on the fun of these dungeons.. is there any way to solve this?

yesterday i think i saw a recruitment for yeti with ap 600++++++. dont know what the pluses imply. there are ppl who are still stuck at siren or even pirate and the cost is insane for us to upgrade. my ap is now 400 and the 6man yeti party i was in got trashtalked for not having enough ap before he left. since when did the ap of 1 person affects the whole party. i am playing warlock and the majority of times i dont get kicked out because of my soulburn.

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