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AP and be a human being


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I just want to make this tread to make clear, that all the people who have 1- 10 points more ap or more are no different from others. i dont know why, but i feel, more ap is = soullost. when people have more ap they got unfriendly, forget they are not better, and think oh, he has 2 ap less and im god. oh no, you guys arent good, ap dont mean you guys have more gameplay or whatever, yopu can get it buying gold, having more time, or whatever. i must make this thread, because, a few people more seem to go crazy in their mind and think they are better because of it. i want to wake you up, youre actually the worst players online, and make the game dead, because of, oh he has 2 ap less, i leave. you shoud better play puppets or get banned from guild with that thinking.


best wishes




by the way i invite all players who want to have fun, and because of 1 lose they dont whine. ap dont matter.

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Personally, I agree with you. AP and skill don't correlate with one another. In the words of a random from a few months ago,


"I'd rather run a dungeon with some that knows the mechanics than someone that doesn't. Having 600+ AP doesn't make a difference if you're dead."

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4 hours ago, Hisako said:

Personally, I agree with you. AP and skill don't correlate with one another. In the words of a random from a few months ago,


"I'd rather run a dungeon with some that knows the mechanics than someone that doesn't. Having 600+ AP doesn't make a difference if you're dead."

AP isn't even a limiter on what is and isn't possible to clear, some friends and I 2 FM, a SM, KFM, Destro, and BD did a naked 6 man asura  with Asura weapons (~400 ap, 30% crit, and 105% acc with 25k hp)  and the only times we wiped was when someone *cough trolling summoner cough* used knockback on the shield mobs to push them under the second boss. Any level 50 should have no issue getting at least stats that high. The issue is that if you don't know mecs you take damage when you shouldn't, don't know when you can dps and don't know what buffs you get from the bosses or how to use them. In 6 man people are so overgeared you don't need to learn mec to beat the bosses, exception being the second one because he will just murder you if your party doesn't use shields.


Fat boys? you can just do all 6 on one side and burst them down. Birds? they generally won't get off more that 2 aerial attacks between when they switch so you don't even need someone to tank them. Asura? if one destro/BD knows what to do they can handle all the poison themsleves, you don't need to stack the ap buff because you have 6 people, everyone only has to block/iframe 2 attacks from when he goes into his projectile shield.

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22 minutes ago, Tiropat said:

*cough trolling summoner cough*

Asura? if one destro/BD knows what to do they can handle all the poison themsleves, you don't need to stack the ap buff because you have 6 people, everyone only has to block/iframe 2 attacks from when he goes into his projectile shield.

Uhh... Um... These don't mix very well together...

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I think it's turning into a cult.


Otherwise I cannot understand why people shout LFG in whirlwind valley with AP requirements. It should be critical defense and arena rank maybe.

Even when I made a crit def group shout, I had someone entering with 0 crit def - I approached him about it, and he said "I am so good I do not need crit def".

Other group I was in failed despite being properly organized. I checked and I was the only one with crit def. Asking them about it, the answer was "we don't need it we are no wussies"



What's wrong with people?

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It's that kind of thing that also make the whole dungeons frustrating.
I just went to Bloodshade Harbor with a party consisted by normal players in Hongmoon level 2, but the AP was around 440 ~474, except for me (I was with 555 AP).
I was like "Oh let me just help this guys and whatever", and there was the summoner with 474 AP which kept trashtalking like "Oh, this KFM lvl 47, don't wait for her, she don't have enough AP and it's useless."
Fun thing is, I just noticed he was wearing Cerulean outfit.
Then I putted my crimsom and, we all know what happened.
My actions weren't reasonable tho, but I think that's the kind of "treatment" this people deserv.

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21 minutes ago, Yubeiyagyuu said:

you done well my friend, hope it was a slow death. *fg*

Yes it was, I even waited him at the end in Hae Mujin, and he was standing in the Yutay's Bridge.
I said "Oh little summoner why don't u come over? We are waiting you :D "
Awww yas.

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I'm not the kind of player who bully the others.
But that guy deserved it really bad.

Srsly, it also reminds me of how BnS public in Lobby are ALWAYS rushing.
Communication, mechanics, teamwork, throw those stuff alway ,let's just get more DPS and try to outdps the whole dungeon.
I remember the days where Yeti was fun to do... ppl doing mechanics, we failing and trying again.

But now...


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if you make one mistake, people yell or instant leave...thats why i thaught, this article would be good to make clear,  they are not that important that they think they are. with yelling at people or try to find every mistake in them, you dont make friends. i love it  when people like to play with me, because i tell them what they can do better and giving best is the only thing they need to do. just no fear losing, losing isnt that bad, it not makes fun, but you learn from it for the future. 

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so many kick ppl who miss 2-5 ap lol :p allso often partys is ok but u have those kid's who instant gonna complaine on evry1 and evrything like theyr some sort off pros? when theyr the one daying lel find this queite funny xD

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Agree 100%


Some dungeons it's not as bad, but others.. others the players are horrid that you pick up in F8. Yeti is the worst, I spend more time standing in the front of that dugneon recruiting or waiting for people to actually you know friken stay in PT. I think the record was 45 minutes to get 1 PT together because everyone kept dropping before ever entering the dungon.


Then when you finally managed to get a PT you all wipe because no one knows the mechanics or they expect new players to know and NEVER explain them. I think every run I have done of Yeti everyone has a different way to play him and yell at you when you don't follow their way despite you were told just the opposite the day prior by another party.

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It's so sad that ppls rush over AP like insane idiots... Like what even for you need 600+ AP ONLY party for Su Ra? You are what? Rushing for time achiv?! It's so ridiculous that it's not even fun anymore just plain sad. 
Or party is like 550+ AP and you have 548 and they kick you out bcs... Reasons... 2 AP OBVIOUSLY matters way more than the knowing of mechanics. Since you evolve in to better player the moment you grind your 600AP.

I've started party once with disclaimer that elitists can go and use *cricket* on themself without lube and there was one sin that joined... XoXo if i recall correctly. So he joined laughed and got out of party when he checked that party was 500 AP mostly ( i was 530 at that time). And in next random party i was with that sin... He forgot to open silver cliff gates all 3 times while "soloing". Instead of knockdown mane he has Daze mine and constantly *cricket*ed up my Warlock kd. Never used invis smokescreen while 3 shadows run or Lotus of Teleportation. But yeah... He have 590 AP...

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It's all fun and great to make a forum post about this. The AP requirements people give for their groups is just plain crazy.

I remember when the level 50 patch first came out, people were doing 4man Yeti with 500 AP; heck even some groups nailed it at 470 AP.. Now, try to create a group with that and guess what, people just leave over and over, everyone wants some crazy and totally unnecessary 550+ AP. I'm 531 AP as a BD and it's still hell trying to get a 4man Yeti group going.


The forum post is great, but nothing in the game will change. This makes dungeons stupid as heck and new players can't easily join in on the fun of these dungeons.. is there any way to solve this?

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Reading these replies is what actually gives hope and makes me continue to play. Because I know there are people who think skills > AP. Of course AP is very important but you do need to have a brain to actually get a good use of it. 


Last night I ragequitted a Cold Storage because some idiot jumped on the boss while half of the group wasn't even in the dungeon yet. He claimed he used to duo it, and that I should've helped him (ony we two could make it to the boss). He didn't seem to understand why I wanted to wait for the other party members. If you can duo it, then go and duo it lol. Pretty sure there were first-timers in that group as well who would've loved to learn how to do the dungeon, but Mr. I-Can-Duo-Dis decided to just do whatever the cricket he wants, because why should he give a damn about anyone else in this game but himself.


Elitists.... ugh. Makes me cringe. But ahem, again, I'm glad there are people who still think otherwise. I'm glad I wasn't kicked out from Yeti with 420 AP on my first try. I could learn the instance. Because the party members were nice enough to give me a chance and, actually, if there's 1 person with low AP and 5 members with high AP, might as well help the lowbie? If they're willing to work and not expect to be carried, that is.


Lobby AP requirements are ridiculous. "BSC 550AP+" what the hell. The only more ridiculous thing was when people kept recruiting high AP members for Frozen Vipercap...........

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What is that global whinning about ap requirements? why is it too hard to get the desired 550 or around? i am playing a couple of hours every evening, and i got myself This gear. I think only if u would stop whinning and star doing somthing usefull, ap wouldnt be a problem. And about question why? Because usualy, it isn't guaranted, but anyway, usualy high ap player knows how to do dungs and it would be good run. I personaly look not at ap number, but at whole gear, and i will prefer lower ap player without trove gems, that higher ap player with full trove gems, cause in my expirience, most trove gems owners are shit players. Recently got in with fm with 600 ap, full trove gems, and it was his FIRST yeti 4 man run. Ofc he didn't know anything about mechanics, and we succesfully wiped alot. After that fm i am realy unsure about full trove gem ppls


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6 hours ago, Miralen said:

I personaly look not at ap number

You sure? Having true scorpio weapon while still having siren accs is a bit ... well....bad. Ring has to be upgraded first of all accs because it boosts your damage most. With the costs of true scorpio you could have way more crit and crit damage what would be better than the ap from your weapon.

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12 hours ago, Miralen said:

What is that global whinning about ap requirements? why is it too hard to get the desired 550 or around? i am playing a couple of hours every evening, and i got myself This gear. I think only if u would stop whinning and star doing somthing usefull, ap wouldnt be a problem. And about question why? Because usualy, it isn't guaranted, but anyway, usualy high ap player knows how to do dungs and it would be good run. I personaly look not at ap number, but at whole gear, and i will prefer lower ap player without trove gems, that higher ap player with full trove gems, cause in my expirience, most trove gems owners are shit players. Recently got in with fm with 600 ap, full trove gems, and it was his FIRST yeti 4 man run. Ofc he didn't know anything about mechanics, and we succesfully wiped alot. After that fm i am realy unsure about full trove gem ppls



Crit Damage and Crit Chance -> AP

You can have 10 more AP than me, but I will have 400 more Crit Damage and 1000 more Crit Chance than you + knowing my skill rotations.

I'll still deal more DPS anyway and getting aggro all the time, boo-f***ing-hoo.

Don't believe me, you can try.

Don't argue back unless you try it for yourself :)

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People should not look at gear at all, because that way only lie excuses for placing blame on specific players when what usually goes wrong is team work.


The best time really to fathom your PUG partners is during recruiting in F8. You sit there waiting minutes anyway, why not spend this time asking around how experienced everyone is, and explain things to those that do not have 4 man experience, etc

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People forget that we'd 4-man BSH when that was an option which much lesser gear than is available now... and only lvl 45.   That's crazy someone was complaining about a lvl 47 LOLLL   I can run any dungeon in this game on all my characters just fine... also some classes require more AP to do as much damage as others with lesser AP.   However, at the end of the day, I'd take a team of good, plenty of common sense players over just high geared mediocres.   I can hold my own in any PVX situation AND THEN SOME on all of my lvl 50s.   

AP requirements are silly, what NCSoft should do is be more detailed with gear checks and requirements.... stop allowing people to view other's stats and gear,and just have the dungeons have gear/lvl checks when doing pugs.    This is coming from someone with high end gear across multiple characters.   But also... if they went for such an idea, they'd need to make sure people can't get around it by equipping looted drops like they have for requirements now to enter.  They need to be detailed when doing gear checks automatically.

But will Devs listen to such an idea?   Who knows.. maybe a mod can forward it on to them to make sure they see it.

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So many ppl complaining about AP requirements for dungeons. But go in the lobby and there is not a single one making low AP group. Why don`t you make low AP groups if you are so opposed to high AP requirements?


As someone said in another thread: Make an 350+ AP group for BSH and noone will join you. Make an 500+ AP group for same instance and you will have group full of ppl not meeting that requirement claiming that AP is not that important.


Why so many ppl think that if someone have spent their time to upgrade their gear they automaticaly have a duty to carry others that haven`t spent their time to get upgrades? If you don`t agree with AP requirements you don`t have to join group like that and instead make own group with low/no AP requirement.

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