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Little idea for helping new players


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As we all know, many people are penalized by the fact that they started playing this game later respect some of us, or just because they have low time cause of work, family etc.
This players are penalized very heavly in the game, since they get discriminated and kicked away like nazis or infected zombies (even if i saw many 500+ AP pro players dying like idiots in easy fights... And i am one of them... Guilty).

So my idea is this: when you have a low level or low geared player in your pt you, as higher level geared player, get an exp buff and rewards like mats, gold and blah blah when completing a dung or a content. I'd call this the "helping hand" system. More low players you have in pt, higher is the buff and the reward.
This way lower level players will be helped by others doing things they can't actually do cause some of the contents are being forgotten and low level players find themselves alone trying to do things that usually needed more people to complete, resulting in frustration and quitting and imho this is something that shouldn't happen into a game, since games are made to entertain, not to stress up people (real life is enough for that). And the higher level ones don't waste their time and get something in return.

Everyone is happy, everyone get something, all the world is joy and fun.

If you have some fixes or better ideas, i'd love to hear it cause i like to share opinions with people.

And my apologizes about the english, since is not my main language and i'm still half drunk.

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Well, those players should just do the content that was made for their level, and not content that is for higher level. 


It's like you're in high school and you say "hey let's reward students who try to do stuff they should do in 2 years" lol

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I think this can easily be abused, if you can farm said dungeon with less people, you can fill the room with leechers / bots / afkers to get more items.
I'm not against helping the new players, but this idea can be abused very easily =/.

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I see the most challenge in low level content is not able to find a group for breakthrough weapon or accessory. One way to help is to make these items purchasable via valor stones. If you can't find group to farm 20 weapon boxes, you can instead do 20 dailies for valor stones, for example.


All dungeons that drop breakthrough items should be available in cross server. I know some classes can solo, but many can't. 


Money reward for low level quests should be increased. Besides that a level 13 doesn't have access to marketplace to buy the stalker weapon, I don't think I even had 1 silver at that level from questing.


Daily challenge should be something for all levels (or those can join cross server), and the list should include content appropriate for their level. For example, level 50 doing 45+ quests, level 45 doing 35-45 quests, etc. I'm not so keen to the idea of forcing high level players doing lower level content for the sake of "helping out". The game just needs to make it easier for people to group up to achieve similar goals.

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9 minutes ago, Yetan said:

All dungeons that drop breakthrough items should be available in cross server. I know some classes can solo, but many can't.

The only dungeon that I am aware of that cannot be done in x-server is the Plog King's Court, gods only know why. The problem is that the green dungeons are not being run that much any more. So, the valor stone solution sounds like a good idea to avoid being stuck waiting for someone else to run Sentinel Ruins or whatnot.


The only hope is that when the Soul Fighter is released, there will be a brief increase in leveling activity.


Overall though, having alts is too painful in the game. The Faction dictates having at least two alts to maximize the income, but if you do that, you will be constrained to only doing Factions, with no time left for the Daily challenges if you are a regular mortal and have <3 hrs to play the game.


So, unfortunately, it will be harder and harder to level a character from scratch starting from square 1. It would be nice if people could get a level 45 character in True Profane with 1 month sub and could start the game from Silverfrost, then use that char to farm for the lowbie character. Backwards, I know, but it is how the game is structured now, with most population sitting at 50+ and struggling to keep head above water.

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-coughlvl45scrollscough- I'm kidding, but maybe some scroll like this might work - the only downfall is that people might not learn their class so well - but weigh that against people actually playing and I guess a scroll to start a character at something like lvl 40 or 45 could work -shrug-

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My suggestion is that the game should have the high levels come back through the old areas for new quests. Throw down some new NPCs for the higher levels in the old towns. That way people have a reason to be around eachother again without the areas being strickly level based.


(I joined back when other people were actively playing the lower levels but I had to stop playing for a while. Now that I'm back it feels like all the people are gone. I used to be annoyed that I couldn't get a chance at the wheel but now there is not even bots there...its lonely. Idk what players do when they max. You all must be in some area with no reason to come back our way.)

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1 hour ago, Yetan said:

I see the most challenge in low level content is not able to find a group for breakthrough weapon or accessory.

you can solo all the world bosses through leveling with any class , you just have to not be completely stupid with your class.

some might be a bit more challenging than others but overall they are all doable.

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8 minutes ago, Arohk said:

you can solo all the world bosses through leveling with any class , you just have to not be completely stupid with your class.

some might be a bit more challenging than others but overall they are all doable.

Really? Please link me some videos of people doing these, and make sure they are at the appropriate level and don't already use weapon or gear from the boss or higher content.

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How about they implant daily challenge for players bellow lvl 50? Like come one, capped and geared players are being more rewarded while people who are trying to catch up are not. Like make daily challenge for players lvl 1-20, 21-36, 37-49 and then the lvl 50 one that we have right now. The lvl range will determine the daily challenge quest lvls and rewards needed for that lvl range. If player is not in a hurry to go to lvl 50, he can stay at that lvl range for a day or two, do those challenges, earn rewards, maybe make some money or at least do a minimal upgrades so that when he hits lvl 50, he could kinda hop in into silverfrost dungeons with more efficiency 

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17 minutes ago, Yetan said:

Really? Please link me some videos of people doing these, and make sure they are at the appropriate level and don't already use weapon or gear from the boss or higher content.

i did Gold-deva, pinchy and everything solo with my blademaster which was my first character.

and yes i was at the appropriate level.

i changed in an empty channel because getting only 1 essence every kill was too boring to me.


Hujikar was very difficult with blademaster but really easy with summoner, but summoner generally is a piece of cake leveling.


only boss you can't solo is profane jiangshi i think.


and sorry i will not level an additional character now just to film that, i also have no free character slot.

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If I was a high AP player, I wouldn't mind lowbies joining as long as they meet the dungeon's level requirements. Completely ignoring the bold words "RECOMMENDED LEVEL: XX" and attempting to join a dungeon anyways expecting to be carried is just being an a-hole. It won't kill you to actually level to the appropriate level and have somewhat appropriate gear. Like if you're level 48 and still in Awakened Profane and attempt to join Yeti.... come on.


Also, having a friendly party of lowbies running something like Yeti or Necropolis is MUCH MORE FUN than having a bunch of elitist socially-incompetent assholes and clearing it 2x as fast. In fact I'd rather wipe a few times and learn together, than party up with those people who refuse to speak a single word or start insulting people for messing up on some mechanics. Unfortunately this is an MMO, you won't have much chance to experience the former.

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2 hours ago, Melodia said:

If I was a high AP player, I wouldn't mind lowbies joining as long as they meet the dungeon's level requirements. Completely ignoring the bold words "RECOMMENDED LEVEL: XX" and attempting to join a dungeon anyways expecting to be carried is just being an a-hole. It won't kill you to actually level to the appropriate level and have somewhat appropriate gear. Like if you're level 48 and still in Awakened Profane and attempt to join Yeti.... come on.


Also, having a friendly party of lowbies running something like Yeti or Necropolis is MUCH MORE FUN than having a bunch of elitist socially-incompetent assholes and clearing it 2x as fast. In fact I'd rather wipe a few times and learn together, than party up with those people who refuse to speak a single word or start insulting people for messing up on some mechanics. Unfortunately this is an MMO, you won't have much chance to experience the former.

There should be not recommended level, but recommended AP... Once me and my friend decided to go asura with LFG 500ap+ and when we started one DC'ed, didn't come back so we had to vote kick and just pressed to find random person.. lvl50 hm1 with awaken profane guy came in... Like hey, he meets lvl requirement, but his AP.... I'm not one of those elitist players, but lets be real, unless whole party would be like 600ap we could keep him, but not like this... 
Sometimes people need to be realistic and think before going and not go to hardest game dungeons with profane weapons and then scream "ELITISTS" when people say to leave...
Like I just finished decently gearing up my new character and while was lvl'ing I didn't step into necro/lair/yeti 4 or 6 mans until I knew that my stats won't say "carry me pl0x" and everything was fine...

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2 hours ago, Melodia said:


You pretty much said exactly what I wanted to.


I would be so happy if they'd put level limitations on who can go into the different dungeons to prevent both of these.


As someone who does want to play slowly and actually enjoy the environment, story and my class it can be very annoying to do the dungeons. As a low level the dungeons finders are empty since people my level were out getting carried through high dungeons. Then I get to higher dungeons and maxed jerks running through it, letting stragglers die and skipping the cut-scenes so I don't even know the story. If its not a high level then its a bunch of low levels who want me to carry them.



This morning I did a run through Tomb of Exiles. A level 50 joined the run with a bunch of us 37-41ers. Despite several times people asking the 50 to slow down they bolted ahead. People who couldn't keep up were being picked off by stragglers or set on fire. I tried to go back to help one person and got set on fire myself.


This happens ALL THE TIME. If 50s wanna run solo then RUN SOLO. I dread going to dungeons for the first time because I actually want to experience the dungeon and the story around it but it almost always turns out just like this morning.

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9 hours ago, Arohk said:

i did Gold-deva, pinchy and everything solo with my blademaster which was my first character.

and yes i was at the appropriate level.

i changed in an empty channel because getting only 1 essence every kill was too boring to me.


Hujikar was very difficult with blademaster but really easy with summoner, but summoner generally is a piece of cake leveling.


only boss you can't solo is profane jiangshi i think.


and sorry i will not level an additional character now just to film that, i also have no free character slot.

No, I never asked you to level and film personally. I'm just looking for some credible sources that support your statement. It looks like that you've soloed some world bosses, not all of them, on 2 classes, but claimed "you can solo all the world bosses through leveling with any class." Please don't throwing irresponsible, misleading information like this around in a thread with the good intent to help other players.

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13 hours ago, Els said:

I think this can easily be abused, if you can farm said dungeon with less people, you can fill the room with leechers / bots / afkers to get more items.
I'm not against helping the new players, but this idea can be abused very easily =/.

Malicious, out for themselves, people will always find a way to abuse any implemented system. But OP is right; new players need a friendlier system but something NCSoft can't give them is a friendlier player base; that's out of their control. 

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15 hours ago, Els said:

I think this can easily be abused, if you can farm said dungeon with less people, you can fill the room with leechers / bots / afkers to get more items.
I'm not against helping the new players, but this idea can be abused very easily =/.

dunno, in tera it worked pretty good, rookie buff, one free res and 25perc more drops (dont remember exactly, i think 25)

we sometimes wanted rookie in party

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problem is with all these suggestions, its just let us cry here, try to make suggestions on kr forums, and they might get here. For our version alone, nothing will change. Just fools dreams.

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6 hours ago, Melodia said:

If I was a high AP player, I wouldn't mind lowbies joining as long as they meet the dungeon's level requirements. Completely ignoring the bold words "RECOMMENDED LEVEL: XX" and attempting to join a dungeon anyways expecting to be carried is just being an a-hole. It won't kill you to actually level to the appropriate level and have somewhat appropriate gear. Like if you're level 48 and still in Awakened Profane and attempt to join Yeti.... come on.


4 hours ago, Spyroxion said:

There should be not recommended level, but recommended AP... Once me and my friend decided to go asura with LFG 500ap+ and when we started one DC'ed, didn't come back so we had to vote kick and just pressed to find random person.. lvl50 hm1 with awaken profane guy came in... Like hey, he meets lvl requirement, but his AP.... I'm not one of those elitist players, but lets be real, unless whole party would be like 600ap we could keep him, but not like this... 
Sometimes people need to be realistic and think before going and not go to hardest game dungeons with profane weapons and then scream "ELITISTS" when people say to leave...
Like I just finished decently gearing up my new character and while was lvl'ing I didn't step into necro/lair/yeti 4 or 6 mans until I knew that my stats won't say "carry me pl0x" and everything was fine...

Instead of recommended level and AP, put "Required Level and AP".

With this, we can assure no incompetent player will be joining on dungeon which they can't really contribute.

NCSoft/Mods, hear us.


PS: I'm still low AP (< 500) but I know it's achievable to get higher AP for doing daily/faction tasks (without being burden to others).

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I think will be much better if they just simply make items, which are not end-game, tradeable (expect cosmetics and items which u can buy cosmetics). I did a second character and i struggle to make the minimum ap which ppl require cause i cannot finish dungeons on my alt or i have some items on my main which i can't trade, but i don't use them anymore on my main. Hope you understand my idea - morning here.

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7 hours ago, Melodia said:

If I was a high AP player, I wouldn't mind lowbies joining as long as they meet the dungeon's level requirements. Completely ignoring the bold words "RECOMMENDED LEVEL: XX" and attempting to join a dungeon anyways expecting to be carried is just being an a-hole. It won't kill you to actually level to the appropriate level and have somewhat appropriate gear. Like if you're level 48 and still in Awakened Profane and attempt to join Yeti.... come on.


Also, having a friendly party of lowbies running something like Yeti or Necropolis is MUCH MORE FUN than having a bunch of elitist socially-incompetent assholes and clearing it 2x as fast. In fact I'd rather wipe a few times and learn together, than party up with those people who refuse to speak a single word or start insulting people for messing up on some mechanics. Unfortunately this is an MMO, you won't have much chance to experience the former.

If i see such player.. I'll let them learn the hard way X3 .. got lv-49 destro in my Yeti PUGs.. teach him some mechanics... got wiped out. But at least he got the mechanics.. and admit that he need more gears :3  and we parted way happily.


Maybe soon i'll meet him again and he become an AP whale X3..who knows.


Anyway.. Im all in for any ideas to help new players.. more friends and less people wants to kill me while doing Misty faction dailies is always acceptable. 

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About AP i partially agree about it. I have 550+ AP and one day i was doing Yeti, we had a guy 50HM2 with true profane and 408 AP i was "ok fine" cause personally i never discriminate someone and i like some challenge, plus giving someone the chance to test a fight and have some fun without rushing cause honestly i always disliked rushing things. It is like having a sexy girlfriend, take a picture of her and go in the bathroom doing the "solo thing" because having actual sex would take too much time. I like to enjoy things. :D

Btw sorry i get back to topic, i speak too much >_>. We got to Yeti fight, i ask to the guy if he knew the strategy, he said he saw some vids but he would like to some refresh about it, i explain him the things to do, everyone else in pt is silent the whole dung (i hope they weren't bots). Fight begin, we're doing good, the low ap guy is dodging and anicanceling like a charm, the warlock with AP 500+ is down, i help him getting back on feet, after a couple of minutes in fight the AP 500+ is down again and he get knocked for good, we complete the fight with one AP 500+ down, this meant the low ap guy did more damage than the AP 500+ guy by dodging attacks and keeping attacking with a good knowledge of his class.

Point of the story: i agree about having a good AP to make the fight enjoyable for everyone, but if you spend most of the time recovering from death instead of dpsing the hell out of the mob, you're useless like a 100AP guy with a death squirrel boomerang as weapon. You can be strong as much as you want, but this isn't a game where you just go autoattack and make your rotation, this game requires dodging skills and timing. So, long story short: high AP doesn't mean always high skills, but just more time to play or more money to spend.

And to quote a guy i met in a pt long time ago: "remember kids: higher is the level, bigger is the dou***bag" :D no offense to anyone but that made me laugh when he said, also cause he was a lyn with big Gon voice set and small as hell.

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2 hours ago, babeln said:

problem is with all these suggestions, its just let us cry here, try to make suggestions on kr forums, and they might get here. For our version alone, nothing will change. Just fools dreams.

Can you link me to the Korean forums? I can post some of our thoughts if you want.

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50 minutes ago, OctoberPanda said:

Can you link me to the Korean forums? I can post some of our thoughts if you want.

Lol my point was, that NA has no devs, theyre in korea. Noone will do something extra for our version. And maybe you could get there http://bns.plaync.com/ not really sure cuz those strange characters tells me absolute nothing =)

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