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Can anyone say or link me a video in which a BM uses his hm block to protect the pt? I've heard that this is possible if the bm evades the first few stomps till the last jump but i can't time it. Some tips would be veeeery helpful.

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I don't have a video to link but I have done many runs with a BM that uses HM block. You need to dodge ALL the cruxes that are there and use the block when he jumps in the air to throw the snowball. That is when you can protect your party.

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There are two ways of doing it.


First is as Lunakitty said. You can use the HM block after all cruxes before the killing blow. Your party is protected even if they are frozen. This also works in heat phase when someone gets frozen.


The second one is simillar to how FMs do it. If you use your HM block for last 3 cruxes the freeze debuff on your party members won`t be refreshed and they will unfreeze before the last jump. It always says how many cruxes will be there. For example if there were all 8 cruxes left. You need to iframe 5 freezing AoEs by yourself and then use HM block for the last 3.


Both ways requires precise timing for iframening cruxes because if you screw up and get frozen your whole group is dead. If you have FM in group it`s safer to let him do that because it`s easier for him.

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On 24.5.2016 at 0:59 AM, aoyi said:

Can anyone say or link me a video in which a BM uses his hm block to protect the pt? I've heard that this is possible if the bm evades the first few stomps till the last jump but i can't time it. Some tips would be veeeery helpful.

Well you can also dodge all 8 of them and after that give HM block. You need to fullfill some conditions for that:



You shall have up:


Q, SS, 5 point strike, cyclone and lightning draw. 


Be in draw stance before you dodge his first cast (where he casts the white thingy), you can Q when he pulls the icy zones, then it will be off CD anyway at the right time.


Then you dodge like that:


E-Q-E-SS-5PS-Cyclone-LD+E-Q(will be off CD again)


You can take stun 2 and stun on boot for double stun or multislash to better dodge the falling icy zones (which are annoying as hell).


Be wary that Iframe on E and Q are much shorter than on SS and you have to use them nearly before the cast (learn to E after the 1st initial cast, that's the hardest thing in my opinion), then just when he swings his hand. SS has larger iframe so you are pretty safe there, 5PS iframes while you use your first strike, which takes also enough time. After 3rd strike I usually use cyclone (it lasts long too), dont keep it too long not using cyclone, if you finish your 5PS you cant use cyclone anymore and if you finish cyclone too late you won't be able to press 4(for LD) +E quick enough.


That's how I usually did all those random yeti runs. Just train that and dont forget to not to use your CDs before that, or else you will suddenly realize: oh, i have no 5 point strike left while boss freezees you.




23 hours ago, Dlacik said:

The second one is simillar to how FMs do it. If you use your HM block for last 3 cruxes the freeze debuff on your party members won`t be refreshed and they will unfreeze before the last jump. It always says how many cruxes will be there. For example if there were all 8 cruxes left. You need to iframe 5 freezing AoEs by yourself and then use HM block for the last 3.


It works? Sounds better than dodging all of them just because you spare some time.

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If there are 8 circles you dodge 5 and you hm block. But really I personally use the HM block just to save my party members and since all fail from the 1st 2nd i tend to dodge all 8 and then HM block. 


A good rotation is:


SS - E - Q - E - 2 (3 point right branch) - LB - SS - E if there were more you could continue with - Q - E - 4 - e - ss - 3 - LB  - q - e - SS - E  (but there are only 8 :( )

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