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I really don't think soulstones should be restricted to faction PvP and that alone, considering it is used in almost all late game PvE crafting. The misty woods and soulstone plains dailies aren't an excuse for this, as both require a faction outfit and the quests are done in a faction area, swarming with players of the other faction. I'm crimson legion in a server dominated by crimson, and even though the faction is in my favor, I don't find it fun, and I can only imagine how it must be for players in an underpopulated faction. What I would suggest is more daily quests, like the tomb of the exiles daily quest, that rewards soulstones. Another idea that could work is make soulstones part of the loot chest that hard bosses drop, like Poharan in the blackram supply chain. Not too much to crowd the market and make soulstones worthless, but enough to make it so you aren't forced down faction PvP just to get that sweet stone that seems to make the world go 'round.

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12 hours ago, Charas Blade said:

you can also get them from battleground and arena. Also if you think like this I for a example want to buy stingers from faction prestige, because why not. :)

I'm sorry, but I would rather not have to gather 2,000 zen beans and grind the Awakened Necropolis/Mushin's Tower (both areas that you are obviously going to need soulstones to upgrade weapons and accessories to the point of being effective to even attempt) just to get a bag containing 25 soulstones.

Buying frozen stingers wouldn't really make that much sense as that's an oddly specific item and that's not related to factions in the slightest. If we applied that logic to every rare item in the game, there would have to be an army of people just to sell you items through prestige points.

I'm not really asking for a separate way of obtaining soulstones through PvP, as like you said, you CAN obtain them through the battleground/arena, and whirlwind valley if I'm not wrong, but I want a way that makes soulstones obtainable through PvE, as again, many of the late game items to craft and upgrade require of lot of them.

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10 hours ago, Starman99 said:

Buying frozen stingers wouldn't really make that much sense as that's an oddly specific item and that's not related to factions in the slightest. If we applied that logic to every rare item in the game, there would have to be an army of people just to sell you items through prestige points.

I'm not really asking for a separate way of obtaining soulstones through PvP, as like you said, you CAN obtain them through the battleground/arena, and whirlwind valley if I'm not wrong, but I want a way that makes soulstones obtainable through PvE, as again, many of the late game items to craft and upgrade require of lot of them.

It does makes sense since frozen stingers are pve content. Soulstones is pvp content so you want obtain PvP content though PvE, I want PvE via PVP. What's wrong wtih with that?

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The main source of soulstones for any PvE player must always be marketplace. Simple as that. There is even achievements for buying them.

And as has been said above, there's plenty more of PvE exclusive stuff that the OWPvP fans need to buy for gold (or soulstones) if they want to do more PvP and less PvE.


Sometimes people act as if trade was something taboo, or filthy, or a resort of last measure. It's just everyday fun for me.


Marketplace provides you even market overview at a glance, so if you do not like browsing you still know that you are not buying at the wrong time and if prices are rising or falling atm. It's dead convenient. ^_^

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I really enjoy SSP and Mistywoods, but I don't like dungeons. The materials distribution allows us all to play what we want and trade for stuff. I also do not have much time to play, so SSP/Misty/crafting are the only way I can keep up. :)


There is always those folks that are willing to empathize with those who do not want to play PvP or OW PvP, but by some reason people are less willing to accept it that someone feels just as strongly negatively about playing dungeons, particularly the 6M dungeons. If there is an alternative way to obtain the OW PvP mats, there has to be an alternative way to obtain the mats that are locked behind the 6M dungeons.


Or we keep the status quo, when things come from different play-modes, and you can trade what you have a lot of for what you have none of.


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