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Holy Bots, Batman - King Kaari!


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I went to King Kaari at the Plogstead because I was missing a costume piece. There was a dead guy there that I resu'd because I assumed he was a low level quester. But after I resu'd him, a whole bunch of Destroyers appeared at the King Kaari spawn spot. They were around a dozen on the same spot. When Kaari did his AOE, the ones that were scattered back would all return to the same spot. Later I noticed that there were a few scattered around to kill the turtles to make Kaari spawn. Separately they are very week and can be killed by the turtle.


Every time Kaari spawned, I had damage the whole time. At first I got 2 kaari essences plus the bonus one. However, the bot master kept adding bots to the spawn point. After there were a few dozen standing on the Kaari spot, I could only get one Kaari esssence per spawn. Apparently their party damage is greater than mine even though my name is on the boss the whole time...?


When I did the Kaari quest, there were few people around to help. One jerk even stood back the whole time so I'd take the aggro and do all the damage for him, but he didn't resu me when I died at the last second. I ended up buying Kaari essences instead of continuing to go through that. Now I realize that me, and every other player who does that, ends up providing funds for these bot gold farmers.


I think I read a note that similar bots were farming the Golden Deva...?

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Guess you missed the 40+ destro farms on Profane Jiangshi. That one was insane, and the stacks of essence on market was actually handy as the rates of profane weapons showing sometimes was horrible. (cheap as hell too, even better.)


All bosses were farmed 24/7 at one point. As people leveled up they moved on to the next one people needed. 

Although I never saw a king Kaari farm by bots.

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Just now, Crimsonjrjr said:

Wanna screw with the bots at Profane?


When they kill the mobs that drop the essence to unseal the boss, pick I up, move to another spot and drop it again. Watch all the little bots run at you to grab the essence. Then just pick it up and move it to another location.


Best entertainment when you are bored.

that's cruel :x  you must not messing around with those dedicated government workers :>

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Wanna screw with the bots at Profane?


When they kill the mobs that drop the essence to unseal the boss, pick I up, move to another spot and drop it again. Watch all the little bots run at you to grab the essence. Then just pick it up and move it to another location.


Best entertainment when you are bored.

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1 minute ago, JoannaRamira said:

that's cruel :x  you must not messing around with those dedicated government workers :>

I spent like 10 minutes last night watching a bot trying to jump onto a ledge at Sentinel Coast. It kept double dodging back and then repeating what it was doing before.


The Kicker? The area it was stuck behind was roughly 3 ft wide so it could of walked around with ease but nop. It was stuck.


Also do the Profane thing, You will have fun watching the little Ncsoft bots scamper for the essence.

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When I got to King Kaari, I managed to find one other player, and we could not kill it together, and nobody else was willing to come over. At least you could get an essence/daily.


I've also solo'd Profane J. on my alt for a while to get enough essences for my junior character on one channel. Sometimes another player came along, sometimes I was all alone. On the second channel, there were a couple of guys killing it, so it was a nice cadence of channel swapping.


Overall, world bosses are all deserted.

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