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Arena equalized stats work how?


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So I read that stats in arena are normalized.
Everyone has the stats of a lvl 50.


HP wise that is clear to me.


However how will that work in terms of amount of critchance and critical dmg and such for example?

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I'm guessing each class has different base stats on CR/CDR. Not sure about AP. BMs has I believe 390 AP. Has ~ 25% crit rate, ~ 30% when in draw stance and I believe ~ 140% CDR.


What's lame in all this is that BMs has high base block rate in PvE, but 0 base block in arena, and yet a assassin seems to have evasion when they're stealth. Not sure if their base evasion is 0, but when they're stealth, their evasion seems to increase, making some of our atks miss.  I don't see how this is even balanced.

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Yeah the evasion when stealth is really annoying.


They should modify it !

Like Take damage > Remove stealth > Evade > Reduce damage to 0

and not Take damage > Evade > Reduce damage > Remain stealth


They sould also equalized the skills point. Give temporary point for all players.

So a lvl 38 can really compet with a lvl 50 HM 10

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The stats in arena are only loosely chosen to resemble high level stats but they are actually completely unconnected to open world stats. block, evasion and accuracy are fixed such that there are no auto-blocks or auto-evades, as players reported high dissatisfaction with the randomness of this when it still happened in early versions of the game in Korea. Now the only dodges that happen are directly related to intelligent skill use, like iframing Q/E or an assassin's stealth. Likewise, base criticals are set very low so that critical buffs like Fighting Spirit have a more noticeable effect.


If they would take away the 50% evade property of assassin stealth, they would have to give them something else in return to balance it. Not sure I would like that, the evade during stealth is only a rather minor annoyance to me.

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