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What's the best class for hack-and-slash play?

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Requirements: I can be a pretty girl. 


My style of play is really just rushing in and dealing damage, not having to worry about different skill allocations, spells, etc etc all that much (well, beyond what's reasonable.) 


I keep choosing Lyns when I'm pretty much the most useless person to be playing one, just because they're cute. What really gets me about them, and always hits me when I'm about up to the first city: they're so damn weak, no matter what type they are. In PVPs I always lose, those randomly appearing bosses whoop my ass so hard unless someone takes pity and helps me out. 


So what's the best class for me, if anyone can help? I like being girls, usually leaning towards cute, but I'll take anything I can get. 

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if u want to just rush in and tank mobs, for pve go for kfm,bm or destro. they're ping dependent tho , personally i would choose kfm if i had a good ping. for cuteness and lyn, i would suggest summoner, they're good everywhere. pvp, pve and solo pve + u get a cat that u can customize tho i havent seen a good costume for a cat yet. i would suggest u take range coz melee has a hard time in farming gears due to bosses having big aoe.


edit*hack and slash, err lbm or bd.

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