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Attack Power


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So my mini story to let out today. I was looking for Sogun's Lament, saw a 550ap one, joined it then get kicked for having 3 less AP, but I actually have 552 because of Asuras shield (That doesn't want to be added to F2 window).


Then I clicked the persons name to look at their stats and to find out they're the same class, destroyer. They have 400 more crit damage, 500 less crit chance, 30 more AP, but guess what their accuracy was? ~800. How often is Asura gonna evade their attacks? Would the stats I mentioned of them having more than mines compensate the low accuracy? Lol I'm a bit baffled at their logic.

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7 minutes ago, Laoshottie said:

So my mini story to let out today. I was looking for Sogun's Lament, saw a 550ap one, joined it then get kicked for having 3 less AP, but I actually have 552 because of Asuras shield (That doesn't want to be added to F2 window).


Then I clicked the persons name to look at their stats and to find out they're the same class, destroyer. They have 400 more crit damage, 500 less crit chance, 30 more AP, but guess what their accuracy was? ~800. How often is Asura gonna evade their attacks? Would the stats I mentioned of them having more than mines compensate the low accuracy? Lol I'm a bit baffled at their logic.

Just make your own room.

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Most players are brainwashed by AP, its alittle silly if u ask me.


for example.


a WL with 470 AP, with HM book would Prolly out DPS a 500 WL without its HM book, a properly Played Assassin at 450 AP Would OutDPS a Bad Stealth build Sin with 500 AP, these are just mere facts of things u cant see about players, but because theres very little ways to find out those details they're ignored, People just judge AP = Experience.

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Well, you better make ur own room...

Those guys are ***... some days ago i was on 548AP(560 now) also got kicked many times from parties asking for 550AP.

My stats are somewhat good, 56% Crit Rate, 209% Crit Dmg(focused accessories more than weap), 115% Acc, 1.8k Def, only were missing 2AP and still got kicked...


And it's exactly what u said...those guys have only High AP, but no crit chance/dmg or whatever else...they're lame.

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The problem stems form the stupid weapon requirement on many of the cross-server dungeons. NCSoft is to blame for placing those there since weapon only factors into AP. Thus people think X AP is required for the dungeon because X weapon is required.



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I have entered rooms on my fm where the req was 550 and I am 558 and be removed because I was the lowest that joined. Look up homebois F2 and he has 44% crit and 180% crit damage and less acc (though my acc is a little low as well).

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Overly simplistic elitist-wannabe mentality with many of these AP requirements. That's pretty much it.


For Sogun's Lament in particular, accuracy is more important than AP... but good luck finding people more used to checking other stats besides AP.


Not to say I'm not guilty of that myself, but I almost never run Sogun's Lament. I know I need to gear up some more to not need to get carried. :P

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This is the problem why NA/EU community is really bad. We need start trying change this mentality! People are seeing this game having low numbers of players and new blood but you know why people are leaving?Is not because of the grind, is because this people asking 600+AP in every dungeon run. People can't join because they have 500+AP (which by the way is more then enough to do any content right now) and leave because they think they need 600+ AP for doing the content and see the wall of grinding but you really don't need 600+AP!


People asking 600+AP for BSH or blue dungeons for example, what about people which don't have friends or Guilds and players who really need run that dungeon because they need the drops of the final boss?

Also people go for Pubs because they want learn dungeons! Pubs is a place to help people, is for everyone! You want 600+AP speed-run dungeon? Fine go with your hardcore guild with team-speak but don't kick people and put high requirements for Pubs. Right now is not anymore a speed-run, is the norm and that is wrong.

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It's true that accuracy plays an important role, but the biggest stat that is required is a freaking brain. The endgame content we have right now are idiot checks that are the tip of the iceberg. Sundered Nexus is a slightly larger idiot check because Be Ido likes to massacre parties if they don't play his very simple mechanic game. It gets much much worse starting from Corrupted Tomb of Exiles because EVERY SINGLE THING has to be on point or EVERYONE DIES.


Also Iruga and Asura, and some future bosses literally kill themselves for you if you happily play their mechanic game. Who cares about AP when the bosses are more than happy to lay down their lives so you can clear their dungeon?


"DPS race"? Corrupted Infernal Lord has SIXTY FOUR MILLION health. That's 64,000,000, six times of what Asura has. How do you expect to mindlessly DPS race him all the way down? He laughs at your fine-tuned legendaries, and if people don't want to play his mechanic game he will throw a raging fit from hell and non-stop massacre everyone.


In short, later bosses stop giving craps about AP checks and want their mechanic game played. Get out of the elitist mindset or bosses will prove how meaningless it is; Sogun's Lament already does that.

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