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Was in arena few minutes ago and i have a question about lock and summoner.The lock supposed to have 36secs on his bastion(aka the resist everything panic button),how is it possible to spam it like every 5 secs? I lost to a so and so lock cuz of it and im curious.
And about the summoner i remember when cat grab had the same cd as the tab break almost but a guy in arena i fought few times grabbed me 3 times before i have my tab available again.

Is there something i'm missing hacke-wise or event changes? I'm not following them so thx for the heads up.


(Btw des spin to win is an issue..didn't have problems with it maybe a month ago,but now every des i face does this all the time,hence i lose).


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Warlocks can glyph their tab for either time distortion to reset their skills 2 or 3 times without killing their pet while doing so (big clock on the floor), or they they glyph it for soulburn witch resets their skills only once, kills their pet, but also gives them a damage buff (complete appearance change).


And summ grab has 18 seconds cd, so half your tab cd and there is no way for them to reset it. So that makes it so that if you get grabbed once and you tab that grab and they get to grab you twice after on cooldown, then your tab will just get ready again after you got grabbed the third time. You should not get grabbed on cooldown.


And learn to deal with spins maybe? Use knockdowns, or skills that ignore spins, or hit them when they don´t spin.

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Thank you for your time answering.

So no wonder why locks keep spammin that shit and resist everything while they do massive damage..neat.

I guess that summ i fought was up to something but who cares.
About the spinning theres nothing most of players can do.The window when you can actually do crap is way too slow and in that time they  get their 2  breaks up.So as i said i didnt have problems with them but now it seems that i cant even touch them.Spin,get dazed,tabbed,spin,get dazed,stun lock,dead.Dont get me wrong im not saying im the best pvper and to be frankly i dont give a flying *cricket* about this games pvp..its utter shit(im doing it for ss) but thats some bullshit class.

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2 hours ago, MChris said:

Thank you for your time answering.

So no wonder why locks keep spammin that shit and resist everything while they do massive damage..neat.

I guess that summ i fought was up to something but who cares.
About the spinning theres nothing most of players can do.The window when you can actually do crap is way too slow and in that time they  get their 2  breaks up.So as i said i didnt have problems with them but now it seems that i cant even touch them.Spin,get dazed,tabbed,spin,get dazed,stun lock,dead.Dont get me wrong im not saying im the best pvper and to be frankly i dont give a flying *cricket* about this games pvp..its utter shit(im doing it for ss) but thats some bullshit class.

I think youre talking about Destroyer.

You have to distinguish 2 type of spin White spin (Hurricane) and Red spin (Typhoon). In both spin it's CC immune (except for KD), but the different is, White spin has first 0.5 sec of counter and red spin is more dangerous because if you get hit 5 times by red spin, you get stunned (or dazed). Sometimes you cant knock him down when they use red spin ? Check and see if they have Fury status on them, if they do, your best bet is to SS and get out as far as possible (Fury is only 6s)

Tbh, Destroyer has the worst neutral game, meaning they wait till you make mistake. if you look and them initiate, it is very slow

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