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How to solve the hacker / bot problem right away


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Pretty easy, really. I mean it, EASY. How?


Just give us one GM per server. Just ONE. in 8 hour shifts, you need 3 GMs per server to give us support. That way he could see both factions chats and instantly ban any spammer bots, he could get any ticket warning theres an speedhacker in SSP and instantly ban him. Rest of the time they could help the players in a lot of ways and give your company an "I care for my customers" image.


But no. You won't do that. Even if it'd take just a 1% of your earnings to employ those GMs, you won't. Not doing so you lose much more profit in the long term losing a lot of your player base, and giving NCSoft a bad image for future games. Welp.


TL;DR It could be solved easy and fast if NCSoft gave a single *cricket* about us, but they don't.

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