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Suggest things I can do while waiting for leecher to leave party


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Currently I'm in a Talus instance of the Cross-server dungeon. The dungeon is completely cleared except for the boss: everyone left because a leecher is standing at the door. There was no vote kick.


I decided not to leave: I told the leecher I wouldn't recruit unless they left - no reply. So now I'm watching TV, checking out BnS tips, and reading the forum. If that leecher is prepared to park all day, so am I. Anyone have any tips for things to do while the leecher is refusing to leave? I'd like to know about the difference of 4-man dungeons if anyone wants to give me tips...

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Hey Tanda,


Most 4 mans are not much different to the 6 mans only they don't prove the red circle to guide you on certain attacks. They are fast and drop rarer items that you can make a solid amount. IF luck you can farm Lair/Yeti (12mins a run ) and walk away with 15g or as little as 2g.


I am always looking for oceanic friends to do 4mans with if you are on poporan let me know :)


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Thanks for the info! I want to try the 4-mans, but I'm afraid of everyone being mad at me if I don't know what I'm doing. :(


Are the dungeons exactly the same? So they are slightly harder only because less people doing the run?


(ps. I'm on Wild Springs)

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Generally they are exactly the same. Just without guiding circles. So learning where and what mechanics do via animation is key.


none the less they are somewhat easy with decent gear.

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4mans mechanics are identical, boss attack patterns are the same, you just don't see them so you need them mostly memorised(particularly if you are likely to have aggro). Dps requirements are higher since ur down 2 people, however with a geared and prepared party who follows mechanics, dps shouldn't be an issue. by geared i mean anything in the range of 480+ will down bosses with ease. Also the 6man party buff doesnt exist in 4man party mode, so thedamage you take from bosses increases signficantly, for example, if i'm pulled across by ken/gen in 6man and no stun happens, i survive with around 8%hp if I was full before grab. In 4 man I die unless the stun happens. Most the none 1 hit mechanics however won't 1 hit you if you have awakened oath belt and around 50khp, but it's good to follow them regardless.

Lair is the best to start on, since it's the most simplistic in terms of mechanics, and the most forgiving to mistakes. King can be a dps check but not too much of one. 4man necro is technically the easiest, but takes longer, and actually the jiangshi at the start is the only hard part, his jukes you alot with his motions and sometimes you can get wiped by his mass aoe, after that it's not too tough, even if you have WL and they miss some iframe on last boss the remaining 3 can still down her.

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