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What is necessary to join 4-man Heroic Dungeons?


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I avoided doing 4-man BSH and Poharan because I have difficulty with jumping, and I didn't want to be a drag on elite runs. However, it seems like I missed the best way to get the costumes from those dungeons. They still drop very rarely in 6-man, and then players who missed out on the previous better drop rates bid up a ridiculous amount of gold on them. (Apparently this is also being enabled by soulstone miners being able to earn an imba amount of gold compared to other types of normal play).


Costumes don't seem to be dropping in the new Heroic Dungeons, either. It's very frustrating to spend a half hour on something just to have a single soul shield piece drop every time. Am I correct to assume the costumes are dropping in the 4-man runs, like the BSH/Poharan ones before? If so, what are the stats necessary to join 4-man runs?


I do understand skills and familiarity with the dungeon are as important as raw gear stats. For instance, I wouldn't try Avalanche Den in 4-man yet because I still don't understand how to stun the Yeti as an FM.

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I'm not sure why you have trouble Windwalking (flying). if you have troubles, you need practice, that's it.

To your questions about drop, they removed 4m Heroic dungeon up the Naryu Labyrinth. Now the only 4m dungeons are Avalanche Den, Lair of Frozen Fang, Awaken Necropolis and Sogun's Lament. Costumes do drop from 6m version of BSH and Supply Chain, but like it was before,  a rare drop. My friends ran 6 runs a day for 1 straight week till he got the Wig from BSH, and then he had to bid against 2 ppl (10g for it at the end).

For the stat, don't worry about it, it's lvl 45 dungeons, so at 400~ ap, you should have no trouble doing it. But tbh, lvl 45 purples are just dps race, only Yeti and Sogun require you to have some knowledge about the mechanic of bosses

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