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Talking about RL money and RNG box/event treasure w/e they call their p2w


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Hi guys, yesterday i was thinking about the RNG box who NC sell on the cashshop.
I wondering why all of thoses ppl saying shit about them, so, i wanna try the experience myself with buying for smth like ~50€ of RNG box..

Right, what did i get : 

- ~200 Moonstones
-~100 soulstones
-~3-4 ticket mushin useless 13F
- Shit stuff(potion, blabla)

If you read this and wanna go buy at cash shop, just dont do it.  Its not worth it at all, like, AT all.

I don't regret because i wanna try the experience, but for me, its totally not worth it.. Just a trap-bait from NCsoft . Dont even think about the Gems or other lolz, it's a trap.
The RNG of this game is too huge and gonna be a pain for you.

I want to say somthing for NCsoft aswell ; *cricket* you, you and your cash shop that destroying the game economy and the game itself.
Also for you guys, who read this topics : Dont buy at Cash shop for RNG box, it feed NcSoft stupidity.

Anyway, in the future, all of this shit gonna be useless and really easy to get.  Im talking about Gems/moonstones and stuffs, just be patient, make your weapon True breeze and dont push it more, cuz its really not worth it to upgrade more with the actual content.

Save your game boiz, do smth

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i bought 6 boxes and got x100 stinger and the outfit. its pure luck and your own decision if anyone wanna give this gambling a try.

its still no p2w but rather pay2progress and ncsoft has to earn money somehow from a f2p game.

but i wish they would invest all this money into ingame staff monitoring the bots and exploiters in ssp. :D

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some people said they got a 100-stack of soulstones out of a box, i bought two with hongmoon coins and only got 10 soulstones each, what a waste.


in general you should avoid buying anything you don't know the chances of the content.


yeah sure, you see a list what can be inside, they might as well put a ferrari and a 1 million Dollar mega prize on the list and add a % symbol.



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I dont really think that they need RL money from cash shop to get a true staff ingame.
Cuz', you know, NCsoft is NCsoft, To Euw from KR, its still NCsoft, and they already have the money from KR..

Maybe im wrong, but anyway, still a trap in any case

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No idea what you are on about


you spent ~50€, i.e about 4000 Ncoins

if you buy gold with that at current rate (~ 1:14) you'll get about 280G

~200 moonstones and other things for about 280G is not worth it at all?

what the hell you expect enough mats to upgrade all your gear or something?

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I bought 67 boxes (100€) and only got shit:


300 soulstones 

25 frozen stingers 

20 moonstones 

7 fabrics 

2 costumes 


And some other shit. 


I remember TW had similar RNG boxes but WITH WAY MORE RNG LUCK!!! 

For the same amount of boxes in TW you could easily get 10x as much mats as you can get with our boxes. 

This is NCwest at its best seriously. 

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10 minutes ago, Shiune said:



I bought 67 boxes (100€) and only got shit:


300 soulstones 

25 frozen stingers 

20 moonstones 

7 fabrics 

2 costumes 


And some other shit. 


I remember TW had similar RNG boxes but WITH WAY MORE RNG LUCK!!! 

For the same amount of boxes in TW you could easily get 10x as much mats as you can get with our boxes. 

This is NCwest at its best seriously. 

I'm kinda happy they didn't f up the market completely with these boxs, the TW style rng would've completely scr**ed the game for everybody

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50 minutes ago, SpiralFlame said:

I'm kinda happy they didn't f up the market completely with these boxs, the TW style rng would've completely scr**ed the game for everybody

They would make the game better for everybody since the prices on the marketplace would drop too but w/e...

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1 hour ago, adbe said:

No idea what you are on about


you spent ~50€, i.e about 4000 Ncoins

if you buy gold with that at current rate (~ 1:14) you'll get about 280G

~200 moonstones and other things for about 280G is not worth it at all?

what the hell you expect enough mats to upgrade all your gear or something?

dunno the price on your server but on mine its smth like 2-3g moonstones unit.
50e=>280G=>100 moonstones=>nope lmao

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10 minutes ago, Shanlieteru said:

dunno the price on your server but on mine its smth like 2-3g moonstones unit.
50e=>280G=>100 moonstones=>nope lmao

So on your server per moonstone is 2g/3g, well that means simply the 200 moonstones worth 400-600g. On the otherhand if you bought gold through ctrl+C with your 50 euro you would only get 200-300g, you made a profit there compared to gold buying, what were you expecting 50 euros and you get 2000g? xD

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I bought around 20 chests, got the outfit and around 80g in materials.. Pretty shit but I bought it regardless..

I am riding on my old luck with the treasure trove where I got 2k gold from 50 keys which was pretty stupid.


Oh well. No beer for me this weekend

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I bought like 6 chests. Totally not worth it.


1 Unseal charm

1 Stinger 

1 Moonstone


keep getting items like this. imo not worth at all. you are better off waiting for 1-2 years before currency exchange becomes few dollars per 100 gold like in Taiwan or wait for the new treasure trove where it can gives you 1k soulstones/ pets/ legendary items.

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The trove test was a success,ppl kept buying and will buy more rng boxes.Too bad ,if noone would buy anything they have to chance their marketing,but i guess east and west are the same about it.


You do know that we can buy 1 million boxes and nothing good will ever drop right?How does that increase the supply is beyond me,the few that pay will get the items and control the Marketplace,the prices in eu are terrible.


I bet my kingdom,i havent logged yet,that prices are just higher than yesterday :P

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37 minutes ago, Katsapliakos said:

The trove test was a success,ppl kept buying and will buy more rng boxes.Too bad ,if noone would buy anything they have to chance their marketing,but i guess east and west are the same about it.


You do know that we can buy 1 million boxes and nothing good will ever drop right?How does that increase the supply is beyond me,the few that pay will get the items and control the Marketplace,the prices in eu are terrible.


I bet my kingdom,i havent logged yet,that prices are just higher than yesterday :P

There won't ever be a time where no one will buy them sadly. I'm just happy I got something good out of my $10 spent since i limit myself on things like this. 

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5 hours ago, Shanlieteru said:

I dont really think that they need RL money from cash shop to get a true staff ingame.
Cuz', you know, NCsoft is NCsoft, To Euw from KR, its still NCsoft, and they already have the money from KR..

Maybe im wrong, but anyway, still a trap in any case

i think that is not true because ncsoft still need buy the licenses from ncsoft korea to publish the game here lol

Well at least when I played Aion years ago i read in forums some GM saying that.

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Eh, I don't mind it. I probably wouldn't do it again unless it's with HM coins though.

Bought 8 boxes with NCoins and got:


4 Honorary Ornaments



But I wouldn't push my luck any further and spend more since I already like the pay out I got.

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I am always amused with ppl who white knight P2W schemes like this "it's not P2W its pay to advance".  This is an MMO.  You don't "win".  Advancing IS winning.  When something like this is gated to cash users only, it is the very essence of P2W.  They are testing the waters and seeing what users will put up with, both with the RNG payouts and the schemes themselves.  It's pretty apparent to me that there are plenty of folks who will dump tons of RL money into each event regardless, so better brace yourselves if this bothers you.

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300 moonstones in my server are like 900g.


amethyst can be purchased for that price if u find a good trader.


u can spend golds for hongmoon coins. which is half real life money value


THERE is some p2w in game. but everyone is pointing aT wrong part of the game.

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I never liked RNG, cause in all the MMO's that I played (and I played quite a few), I never had luck with it.

Learned my lesson in Treasure Trove, I unlocked all slots, spent 50€ on keys and didn't get shit, few stingers, 1 or 2 honorary and rest not worth mentioning.


I don't mind spending 50-100€ per month on a game I like, but here I'm not buying any RNG shop items, unless the drop rate is worth it and so far, I don't see any reason to part from my hard earned money...


NCSoft will have to step up big time if they want money from me...

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On 6/5/2016 at 4:35 PM, Zuzu said:

Eh, I don't mind it. I probably wouldn't do it again unless it's with HM coins though.

Bought 8 boxes with NCoins and got:


4 Honorary Ornaments



But I wouldn't push my luck any further and spend more since I already like the pay out I got.

Just go ahead, continue to buy with HMcoin but not with RL money.

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These boxes are the true meaning of pay to win....


NO ONE is buying these boxes just for the hongmoon keys or unsealing charms. Everyone is paying money for these boxes to win a large amount of mats or a new outfit.


p2w... Pay to win... Pay money to win (RNG) mats or costumes.


Stop calling this game 'pay to progress' when these boxes are clearly 'pay to win'



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18 minutes ago, DeadlyAxeMan said:

These boxes are the true meaning of pay to win....


NO ONE is buying these boxes just for the hongmoon keys or unsealing charms. Everyone is paying money for these boxes to win a large amount of mats or a new outfit.


p2w... Pay to win... Pay money to win (RNG) mats or costumes.


Stop calling this game 'pay to progress' when these boxes are clearly 'pay to win'



So are everything in the RNG chests are not accessible in game? Minus the costumes of course.

I mean, if you're going by the "true" meaning of Pay to Win, which is an item that is needed for progression for your gear is only accessible through a cash wall, then this is not close to being pay to win, it's pay to progress.

Unless of course, you can show me which item in the RNG chest that is not accessible in the game that's a need  to progress in your gear.

But I keep forgetting, the Western gaming community thinks Pay to Win is simply having materials in-game put into a box.


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