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Big Advantage for PVP Players or Botter?


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A couple of days ago a nice wig dropped at Bloodshade Harbor, and a guy bid over 20 gold for it. I was sad because I save my gold for costume drops, and I still didn't have the resources to bid on that level - however, I assumed the auction was fair. A few minutes later, however, the guy started boasting he had earned 150 gold earlier in the day from mining, and that he earned around 100 gold a day doing that. Then I was really sad because it seemed like a really big advantage players get from PVP areas. As a PVE player, I have to play all day to get around 20 gold - and I can't do that very frequently.


Later I checked the forum and saw some complaints about botting on Soulstone Plains. Now I'm wondering if this player was botting: I'm not sure because I haven't done mining, and I don't know what it entails. What do you all think?


If this guy was botting, this incident shows how some players getting super-huge amounts of gold imbalances the game. Losing the auction for the wig wouldn't have been so sad if bidding had remained within normal scope, and I gave way to the other player who wanted it enough to bid a little higher. However, this guy seemed to have infinite resources that he used for way out-of-scale bids, depriving players who worked hard for their gold and doing dungeon runs to get the item they wanted.

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Keep the positive attitude and stay away from guessing.  This game is already hard and frustratingly buggy plus toxic fumes from some player group. Don't add more stress to your side.


As for the gold, well im also don't know the source of the gold. One thing is that you can actually buy gold with NC coin.  haven't/can't try SSP unfortunately due to massive lagfest.


Anyway stay strong.

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I'm not complaining about rich players who can buy gold with NC Coin. If they are willing to spend real money, let them have the costumes.


This guy raised questions for me because he was saying he was getting 100-150/day from a few hours of mining. I'd like to know from other players who do mining whether that's normal. D:

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Mining in Soulstone Plains is really just PvE, but yes have to wear faction uniform.

You can get so much soulstones if your server have faction imbalance.

Most of the botters there are just chinese summoner army, they dont speak well enough english to be boasting in cross server

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You can get soulstone and moonstone from mining, soulstone is around 28-29s each at NA, moonstone at 3g+. Depending on how many players are at mining you can sometimes get enough prestige for the 100 prestige soulstone pouch by only killing 2-3 of the bosses, if you are of higher ranking you can get the more expensive pouch that gives more soulstone but would require more prestige points to buy. Completing the daily quest in SSP nets you about 70+ soul stone. To get 100g per day from SSP is entirely possible if he would spend his whole day there and selling all the soulstone and moonstone that he gets. Well he would just need to sell around 350 soulstone to make 100g, less if he sells moonstone as well.

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I'm more of a PvE also, but the only PvP that happens on soulstone plains on Yehara are hacking Ceruleans with grenade launchers and machineguns trying to snipe people doing Mining. Else it's just Crimson summoner bots dominating everything, every channel.

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6 minutes ago, tandava said:

He mentioned konta boxes - what are those?


I know the PVP vs. PVE lament is old, but knowing this makes me vote PVE players are really getting shafted. :(

Konta/Suljun depending on the faction you are in, is the boss you need to kill during capture phase. Killing him net you a chest that may contain soulstone plain keys or moonstone.


I am a PVE players but I still do SSP, because SSP is entirely PVE since you spend most of the time killing NPC and bosses, now because it's open world, other faction might come and attack you, so some PVP might be needed.


I would suggest that you go try it yourself before deciding that it's not for you. The first few times I did SSP was frustrating, took me few hours just to get the quests done, but I become more familiar with it. Now I only need 1 mining rotation to get all quests done, the most 2 if I wasn't there from the start.

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37 minutes ago, tandava said:

I'm not complaining about rich players who can buy gold with NC Coin. If they are willing to spend real money, let them have the costumes.


This guy raised questions for me because he was saying he was getting 100-150/day from a few hours of mining. I'd like to know from other players who do mining whether that's normal. D:

I apologize.


Anyway, yeah from what other said, it's quite possible. during the mining phase.

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I have tried the Crimson thing in Misty Woods, and it was pretty stressful due to competition from other crimson players trying to get through their quests as well as possible cerulean attacks. I also got PK'd trying to go to a boss that spawned there once.


I have to think about going back again, though, because I need the Misty Woods Necklace for upgrade. :X


I'll think about trying Soul Stone Plains because I need way more soulstones than I can afford to buy. >.<  But I still don't like the idea of the game pushing me that way or giving players who have a higher tolerance for PVP such fantastically uneven amounts of gold. :(

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PVE rewards are vastly better than pvp ones. 


You can buy the wig from the achievement vendor for only 100g and some mats. Dailies and dungeons earns you at least 50g per day.


Do 4 mans if you really need gold, that is where the gold is in this game. 

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