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Nerfed version of the Asura Soulshield.


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I do. Because there is this thing called SSP, and this new thing called 6vs6.


See, I'm a melee, and I'm tired to get one-shoted by the 3-arrows ability at SSP whenever I fail to iframe it, especially when I actually manage to survive with 2k HP just to be killed by following AoE that is somehow able to hit me even though I'm still airborne.


As for this thing called 6vs6, but it's also true for OWPvP, we can actually deal extremely huge damage compared to our ridiculous pool of HP, especially with PVE build, which is completely stupid. I can already 2 shots anyone without more than 70k, and I'm not even a wallet warrior.


And it's not just about HP. The soulshield itself give shitty stats. And we have to bear with those shitty stats just to get the 3/5 set effects. In the end it's another big investement for very little if you already have a good Yeti/Naryu/Scorpion set.


We waited one month to be able to farm this tiny little increase in our damage. Simply ridiculous. No wonder why people are starting to get bored of the game. This Asura dungeon isn't even that good.

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To be honest, you don't have to use Asura at all if you don't want to, and with a focus of 6v6 or open world pvp in general, you probably want a separate soulshield all together fused with pvp in mind. What's BiS for pve isn't necessarily whats BiS for pvp. You'll soon learn, that in the realm of plaync games that come to the west that the game differs region to region and for the most part looking for specific details instead of just general information is bad idea.

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