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BM or WL?

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I'm trying to decide between BM or WL for arenas endgame. I have played both to 20 and I enjoy them equally but ive only got time for one. As far as playstyle goes, they both work wonderfully for me. I like to have room to grow as a player in skill, and love to be the under dog.

How is the current state of BM and WL in higher elo matches? What would be the pros and cons when it comes to pvp, as I have only done pve till this point. (33 KFM, 20 BM, 20 WL)

Any and all suggestions are welcome, and any help is very appreciated. Thanks

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Go BM they might appear weak at lower levels but after lvl 50 they are really fun and OP. WLs are trash in PvP at either level, they only have advantage against Destroyers, but still all their abilities are easily dodgeable in arenas. Also WLs big burst depends in one skill that you can miss easily with the amount of iframes this game has.

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Warlocks are not trash in pvp, I wrecked people all day with my WL last season was 2040. Also dragoncall can be missed kinda easy,if an iframe is timed right, or they can run out of range of the attack, so mostly I use dragon helix which in the bigger picture hits more often, and someone can not run out of range of a dragon helix, and can it be alot of damage, in a short amount of time, however, I think both BM and WL are fun to play, it will all depend on your play style, warlock is great against alot of different classes, I personally think WL is a great choice. But BM also can be really op if played right, but that also applies to all classes if you play right, you can be op. Honestly, its going to depend on if you wanna be up close and personal in arena or if you want to hang back a bit and use range.


Pros and cons to both BM & WL are mostly personal opinion. So hopefully you'll be able to determine them by experience in due time.


Both are great choices, the final choice will come down to how you feel you'd like to wreck in pvp, putting a blade through someone as a blade master? OR blasting them away with the dark arts of the Warlock? You must decide, best of luck :) 

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Thank you all so much for replying been a great help.

5 hours ago, Messiahbolic said:

Warlocks are not trash in pvp, I wrecked people all day with my WL last season was 2040. Also dragoncall can be missed kinda easy,if an iframe is timed right, or they can run out of range of the attack, so mostly I use dragon helix which in the bigger picture hits more often, and someone can not run out of range of a dragon helix, and can it be alot of damage, in a short amount of time, however, I think both BM and WL are fun to play, it will all depend on your play style, warlock is great against alot of different classes, I personally think WL is a great choice. But BM also can be really op if played right, but that also applies to all classes if you play right, you can be op. Honestly, its going to depend on if you wanna be up close and personal in arena or if you want to hang back a bit and use range.


Pros and cons to both BM & WL are mostly personal opinion. So hopefully you'll be able to determine them by experience in due time.


Both are great choices, the final choice will come down to how you feel you'd like to wreck in pvp, putting a blade through someone as a blade master? OR blasting them away with the dark arts of the Warlock? You must decide, best of luck :) 

Love it love it love it. I love the dark arts and the more i play WL the more fun i have and the better i get, the bm its fun but its kinda lack luster to me. I think i will be running a WL at least for now. The burst and the animations keep sucking me into WL, i wont be a tank like i normally am but the warlock is so awesome. As far as pvp goes im not worried to much im competent and i will master it, and when i do its guna be epic!


Thank you: Dynock, Messiahbolic and Maeyamada! Youve all been great and have given very sound advice.


Safe travels and may fortune ever smile upon you. :D

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Let me just preface this by saying that I love my warlock, especially in PvE, although I do play alot of PvP on my warlock too.


In PvE warlock brings much more offense to the party than the BM with either soulburn or time distort, while the BM can bring some great defense if they get their HM block with wing protector, while both have a block and can tank bosses, BM also has q and e iframes along with easier double cc and can spec to increase threat generation, thus BM is better at tanking. Warlock on the other hand has soulburn or time distort and can spec in a 5% AoE AP buff that lasts a few seconds, which can bring alot more damage to the party, even if the warlock isnt the one dealing it.

In PvP both warlocks and blade masters are in a bad state, with the top players of each not quite reaching diamond. I am ranked #24 warlock atm, but my overall ranking is 834. We only have 8 classes, so if classes were closely balanced to each other, rank 24 in class would be about rank 192 overall. this is a pretty bad state for warlocks overall, also note that the #1 and 2 warlocks are in positions 33 and 39 respectively, and #1 BM is in rank 37 so for PvP pick basically any other class if you want to reach the top. 

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