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Ping Overlay


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made this lil overlay to see if im lagging or not. It allows some customization via xml file also.

here r some screens:






Configuration is done via konfigurasjon.xml


-ScreenIndex: Used if u have several screens. its 0 based so if u have 2 screens and bns is running on ur 2nd screen it would be 1. 0 means the first screen (usually main screen).


-Screen_Offset_X / Y: The location of the window. Im running 1980x1080p and the values seen here r used by me too (like on the screenshot).


-HostServer: This is the server you want the ping from. To check you can open the task manager etc im sure most know. Look for the IP with port 10100! 

IMPORTANT: do not attach the port on the address. Only enter the IP.


- PingInterval: well its sort of self explaining. The interval inbetween pings in milliseconds.



Pls note this was meant as a quick and dirty way just to see my ping. I did not do any tinkering which is why settings r handled via the xml file. If theres suggestions tho i might be willing to implement these too.


Here is the Virustotal incase some r scared of malware etc all that: VirusTotal Scan

And here is  the actual program itself: MEGA DL Link



Please tell me if its not working or sth.



PS: The used IP is from windrest.

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