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It's time for me to quit as well


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17 hours ago, Herbes said:

What kind of potato are you using? My client never lagged, because of GG or what not, I dont get how can someone lag...

Apparently, there are more people who are lagging because of GG than those who are not, and many people have left the game last moth because it's now unplayable for them. 






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6 hours ago, PvPMS said:

I hope you are joking because Tera is and has been dead lol

"Tera is and has been dead" lol...that doesn't make sense....might wanna use auxiliary verb instead. 

Tera was pretty active about a year ago on MT/TR/CH servers. Tera died because of "The real P2W" crap. PPl can literally spend $1000 for full +15VM3 set...literally...

And the massive drop in MW alk.....non spenders are forever left behind....

Also, TERA has prolly the least amount of spammers and bots out of all the F2P games out there...such a shame that tera is a ghost town now.

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16 minutes ago, Lucien said:

Apparently, there are more people who are lagging because of GG than those who are not

I'd love to know what you are basing that on? Did you actually conduct a poll of all the players actually playing the game as opposed to those that just turn up to the forum to complain about stuff?


Not saying there isn't an issue, just saying it probably isn't as widespread as you think it might be

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3 minutes ago, Reaper00 said:

I'd love to know what you are basing that on? Did you actually conduct a poll of all the players actually playing the game as opposed to those that just turn up to the forum to complain about stuff?


Not saying there isn't an issue, just saying it probably isn't as widespread as you are making it out to be.

Oh! a poll of all the players, then can you do that please?... Since it's sounds so very easy for you. Well, you can check the Obligatory Game Guard thread, and there you can see that there were more people who are saying that they're having lag problems, than those who are not. Well I know, since many of my friends have left the game because GG lags them + many bots still around.

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6 minutes ago, Lucien said:

Oh! a poll of all the players, then can you do that please?... Since it's sounds so very easy for you

Why should I? I'm not the one claiming to represent the majority of the games population. You are.


But let's look at the thread you quoted. That thread has 15 pages. At a generous estimate of 25 posts per page, that would be 375 posts. It's unlikely all of those were unique as people have probably posted multiple times, but let's be generous and for the sake of argument say they were unique posts. I know the games population has decreased but fairly sure that 375 people does not represent the majority of the games population by any stretch of the imagination.


Again i'm not disputing you and your friends have had problems, I'm just saying you cannot claim that the majority of the game IS based on that.  

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2 minutes ago, Reaper00 said:

Why should I? I'm not the one claiming to represent the majority of the games population. You are.


But let's look at the thread you quoted. That thread has 15 pages. At a generous estimate of 25 posts per page, that would be 375 posts. It's unlikely all of those were unique as people have probably posted multiple times, but let's be generous and for the sake of argument say they were unique posts. I know the games population has decreased but fairly sure that 375 people does not represent the majority of the games population by any stretch of the imagination.


Again i'm not disputing you and your friends have had problems, I'm just saying you cannot claim that the majority of the game IS based on that.  

It's you who suggested a poll, duh?! And plus, based on your comment, you're claiming that what I said is wrong. Well, I can also tell you the exact same thing, do you have a poll of all the majority of players saying that they're not having a problem of GG? So... where did you based your comment, as well?


And as for that thread, I've been reading it since it was first posted. I'm not saying that all those 375 posts were made by different people, but as I follow that thread, I can say that there were more who were having a problem, than those who are not. That's what I also said from my first post (If you are reading/understanding well), I said there were MORE, not ALL. That's where I based my comments, happy? :)

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13 hours ago, Archess said:

Deleting your time spend is stupid, especially if they are 10 years old, so seeing your track record you are going back to Swtor where you deleted your characters too ?


You do know that game is empty right ? I reactivated mine before comming here to catch up on the story for my character, but with the bonus xp, you can just rush through the story and bypass all the crap quests.


Was it entertaining to catch up to a few years of content, very much so, i had a blast for 7 days and then i ran out of content by the end of that weekend, when i bought Swtor i had a bit more hopes for it, but it was just another mmo that had no endgame and in 1 month i had full purple endgame gear and nothing to spend stuff on.


Star Wars Galaxies had less content, but i played that for a few years.

Im to much of a fan on Star Wars, so i didnt delete those. I too played SWG and was very happy in it. After server closed i was sad for 2weeks,

Anyway, thanks for the heads up on whats going on there. I just got email about new stuff coming to ESO and i might go back there to start a new thief :D I think i left a level 1 toon there with tons of goods if i ever returned.

I know i will be sad when i leave this, i like this game and waited a long time to play it. But this "p2w" is REALLY killing my enjoyment playing.

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14 minutes ago, Lucien said:

It's you who suggested a poll, duh?! And plus, based on your comment, you're claiming that what I said is wrong. Well, I can also tell you the exact same thing, do you have a poll of all the majority of players saying that they're not having a problem of GG? So... where did you based your comment, as well?


And as for that thread, I've been reading it since it was first posted. I'm not saying that all those 375 posts were made by different people, but as I follow that thread, I can say that there were more who were having a problem, than those who are not. That's what I also said from my first post (If you are reading/understanding well), I said there were MORE, not ALL. That's where I based my comments, happy? :)

Hmm. Reading and understanding huh?


If you read and understood my post you'd see that my claim that you may be wrong was based on 375 people not representing the majority of the game population. Also if you read and understood my first post you would have understood that I was asking for your proof that this issue was being experienced by the majority of the game population and purely mentioned a poll as an example of how definitive proof may be reliably obtained. You are now asking me to provide your proof for a claim you have made. Is this how you usually prove something to someone? 


If you have some other proof other than the claim of 375 people, please feel free to provide it otherwise please stop claiming to represent the majority of the games population.

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8 minutes ago, Reaper00 said:

Hmm. Reading and understanding huh?


If you read and understood my post you'd see that my claim that you may be wrong was based on 375 people not representing the majority of the game population. Also if you read and understood my first post you would have understood that I was asking for your proof that this issue was being experienced by the majority of the game population and purely mentioned a poll as an example of how definitive proof may be reliably obtained. You are now asking me to provide your proof for a claim you have made. Is this how you usually prove something to someone? 


If you have some other proof other than the claim of 375 people, please feel free to provide it otherwise please stop claiming to represent the majority of the games population.

See? Just how many times do I need to tell you, on the thread where I based what I said, there are more people who are having GG problems than those who are not. Also it's understandable on your post that you're saying "No, you're wrong... GG is not a problem since I'm not experiencing it." Even a kid will understand that that's your point.


Why don't you check and read that thread to see it for yourself? Or you won't because truth hurts? Also, you're asking for another proof (Poll of all players), because you know that it's impossible to do it. With that said, you're just sounding like a troll.

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7 minutes ago, Lucien said:

See? Just how many times do I need to tell you, on the thread where I based what I said, there are more people who are having GG problems than those who are not. Also it's understandable on your post that you're saying "No, you're wrong... GG is not a problem since I'm not experiencing it." Even a kid will understand that that's your point.


Why don't you check and read that thread to see it for yourself? Or you won't because truth hurts? Also, you're asking for another proof (Poll of all players), because you know that it's impossible to do it. With that said, you're just sounding like a troll.

So your proof that the majority of the game population is having problems with game guard is based on the fact that in a thread created to complain about game guard, more people have posted complaining about game guard?


Pretty sure a kid reading my previous posts would have noticed that I said not once but twice that I do not deny that some people are having problems with game guard, so I'm not sure how you got to me saying "GG is not a problem since I'm not experiencing it". You have completely missed my point.


My point throughout all of this is that you have no proof that the majority of the games players are experiencing these issues. If you want to say that you and some others are having problems with game guard then that is fine. I'm sure you are and you have my sympathy, but you and those others cannot claim to represent majority of the player base.

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52 minutes ago, Bardo said:

Im to much of a fan on Star Wars, so i didnt delete those. I too played SWG and was very happy in it. After server closed i was sad for 2weeks,

Anyway, thanks for the heads up on whats going on there. I just got email about new stuff coming to ESO and i might go back there to start a new thief :D I think i left a level 1 toon there with tons of goods if i ever returned.

I know i will be sad when i leave this, i like this game and waited a long time to play it. But this "p2w" is REALLY killing my enjoyment playing.

Ive been waiting since 2008 ish to play this, i am not quiting but i ussually give a game 1 year to get everything in order, unless i run out of stuff to upgrade in 1 to 2 months.


I don't need to be 650 ap asap, ill work at it slowly, seeing we get new content every 3 weeks for at least a year, that means there will be new things todo for a long while even if my gear cannot keep up, it is there for me when i do reach it. This for me is a huge plus as opposed to current MMO's launching with no new content for at least 6 months to a year, or you gear up, new content comes along and all your purples are replaced by new green shit with far superior stats.


I play typically 2-3 hours a day and am at 530 ap HM7, true pirate wep and 900 ish gold saved up for when stuff becomes cheaper.

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3 minutes ago, Reaper00 said:

but you and those others cannot claim to represent majority of the player base.

So, how can you claim that there are much more players who aren't having problems with GG? Can you please provide a proof too, a poll of all the players please. :)


But sadly, there are so many threads here on the forum about lags and GG issues. :((

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4 minutes ago, Lucien said:

So, how can you claim that there are much more players who aren't having problems with GG? Can you please provide a proof too, a poll of all the players please. :)


But sadly, there are so many threads here on the forum about lags and GG issues. :((

I have 0% lag and no problems with GG.

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20 minutes ago, Lucien said:

So, how can you claim that there are much more players who aren't having problems with GG? Can you please provide a proof too, a poll of all the players please. :)


But sadly, there are so many threads here on the forum about lags and GG issues. :((

Well to be fair I never really claimed anything, I was only disputing your claim. However if you do look at those threads (and yes I have actually read most of them) a lot of the times it's the same people posting in all of them.


Contrary to popular belief if these issues were affecting the vast majority of the players NCSoft would be doing more to fix it. They are a business after all and they are here to make money and to do that they would be focusing on keeping the majority of the players happy. This together with the fact that I've yet to see a thread with over half a million posts in it complaining about game guard, lead me to believe that the issues are not being experienced by the vast majority of players.

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@Bardo @Reaper00  Well, many people have quit anyway because of lags and many bots still around despite of GG being on. Like if you could asked the people who have quit to vote for a poll anyway lol.













































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On ‎26‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 3:47 AM, eric11zhao said:

I previously post a thread with the tittle of why does everyone quit, and now I'm going to quit too, the reasons are as follow:

Highly cost for gears upgrading, have to do some pvp quest to get items, I don't like playing pvp which gives me anger, increase my heart rate and blood pressure, and as a warlock it's hard to win to against those destroyers, slow costumes updating, fortnightly renew even gives some ugly costumes, I hope to have a share warehouse which can store soul shields and costumes so the alts no need to spend a lot of time to farm everything all over again, and I almost spent $1000 on this game for a very small enjoyment, so I guess no more, and I will go back to play aura kingdom. 

this is the funniest thread I've actually read lol


"character progression takes too long" isn't that the point of a MMO.


"have to do pvp quests" MOST MMOS require u to see every aspect of the game for certain items... that's pretty normal.


"i don't like pvp" but u play a Pretty PvP Heavy game, KR MMOs have alwaysd been pretty PvP Based.


"something counters my class"... well done that's balance.


"costumes" WTF does appearance have to do with if a game is good or not.


please just stop the "i quit" posts, seriously theres no real reason for it, nobody will remember u in a week as a player. your not a top 5 player, or a Iconic Streamer of the game therefore nobody is going to really Cry out for the fact your leaving, its so ridiculous for players to really feel they are so worthy that Players will physically care if they come or go, More players come to the game, more LEave, Generic MMO things

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To be fair Tera is far above and beyond BnS atm.  I am very sad that my fave game is so poorly managed and deserted. I have literately have waited for this to come officially to USA/EU for like 4-5 years????? I wanted to play this game for at least 7 years if not more (I have lost track by now) and what NCSoft did was put out a garbage voice acted game poorly optimized and full of bots. *clap*.. well done.

Top Grossing Pay-to-play MMO Games by Revenue, February 2016

1 World of Warcraft Activision Blizzard
2 Lineage I NCSoft
3 TERA: Online En Masse Entertainment
4 Star Wars: The Old Republic Electronic Arts
5 Blade & Soul NCSoft


altho' I would say BnS does NOT deserve to be there with the current game state . tsk tsk... 

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5 minutes ago, Kohashi said:

Top Grossing Pay-to-play MMO Games by Revenue, February 2016

1 World of Warcraft Activision Blizzard
2 Lineage I NCSoft
3 TERA: Online En Masse Entertainment
4 Star Wars: The Old Republic Electronic Arts
5 Blade & Soul NCSoft


Since when did BnS become Pay-to-play? Or am I understanding something wrong?

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Just now, Lunakitty said:

Since when did BnS become Pay-to-play? Or am I understanding something wrong?

Easy. All of the games above (except WOW) are 'Freemium model' which offer a subscription plan. Probably that's what it means :). True Free to play are  probably games with 0 subscription options.

Freemium model is an illusion; that the game is free. As long as being a subscriber offers an edge over those who are not,  you cannot say the game is actually free to play :).

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Just now, Kohashi said:

Easy. All of the games above (except WOW) are 'Freemium model' which offer a subscription plan. Probably that's what it means :). True Free to play are  probably games with 0 subscription options.

Freemium model is an illusion; that the game is free. As long as being a subscriber offers an edge over those who are not,  you cannot say the game is actually free to play :).

I wouldn't say the premium bonuses give that much of an edge. Free-to-play games mean that you do not have to pay a cent to play the game but of course they need a way to earn a money or the game would not exist anymore. Taking this to count listing BnS to Pay-to-play games is extremely huge mistake giving assumptions to those who don't know the game.

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they are different strategies and philosophies. At first glace it doesnt offers an edge but if you sit down and do a bit of math over a longer period of time it does makes a difference.


Lets talk games: 


Tera :  It offers double the dungeons which basically means easier money, easier gear easier upgrades. Free teleport everywhere (no more stupid fly horse) , discounts in the micro transaction shop (which u can sell for ingame gold). How is not not have an impact or offers an edge? double the gold reward in dungeon, double the  fashion ticket.. etc.


SWTOR: you cannot equip purple gear, do end game dungeons unless you are a subscriber. You cannot even hide your helm. not to mention you are restricted until lvl 45 so you cannot do end game storyline/ and of course you cannot get max level. and so on.


Lineage( never played so not a clue sorry)

BnS: http://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/premium-membership/ it offers a lot of edge in fact just look at the thing.


Also free to play is phrase is probably put there to attract the casual player and the naive consumers. A casual player will not be a subscriber and he is just a potential customer who might buy... a few stuff once or twice. (pocket money). Also a great media tool to advertise.

Players who are hard core and daily basis players will most likely be subscribers and those will generate the core money for the company.



so TLDR: Free to play, pay to enjoy

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