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Please Remove the Bloodshade Harbor Plague Mite Achievement


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I'm tired of repeatedly wasting my time doing the first part of the Bloodshade Harbor achievement only to discover some of the members of the party used us all to get their Plague Mite Achievement. Usually by the time I figure out what's going on, the users have already gotten a couple of dozen. There is no way to warn of the people who are going to do this before we go in.


Wasting people's time like this really detracts from the quality of game play. There are a lot of dailies, and we could have spent our time doing another that wasn't going to be wrecked once the party escorted the users to the boss.


Perhaps the achievement could be limited to the non-cross-server Bloodshade harder so those users would have to solo, party with each other, or face consequences of being recognized on their own server if they lied to get people to party with them.


For people who have already got this achievement, I'd like the points to be deducted, because it's likely they used other people trying to do their dailies to get that. If possible, deduct TWICE the achievement points so there is some penalty that might make them rethink such behavior in the future.

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There are players who started after you for which the game is not easy. There are players that still need those dailies for upgrade items and crafting materials. There are players who can still use the danged 40 silver.


It is an utter fail in game design when high level players get an achievement that amounts to griefing lower level players and discouraging them from continuing.

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48 minutes ago, tandava said:

For people who have already got this achievement, I'd like the points to be deducted, because it's likely they used other people trying to do their dailies to get that. If possible, deduct TWICE the achievement points so there is some penalty that might make them rethink such behavior in the future.

You're one angry little man, aren't you?

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38 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

I'm kinda puzzled what you mean with this. They kill the eggs and then leave or just kill eggs and continue killing bosses?

When they kill the eggs, it creates a lot of plague mites running around that weaker members of the party can't survive. I've seen this happen around a dozen times so far. People realize their being used and start logging out, but the damage has already been done: their time and effort was wasted, and the users already got their free escort in to the boss.


You bet I'm angry - I have other things I'd rather be doing than helping higher level players get their achievement. If that achievement requires help, there should be a way of asking for it rather than screwing up dailies for lower level players.

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12 minutes ago, tandava said:

When they kill the eggs, it creates a lot of plague mites running around that weaker members of the party can't survive. I've seen this happen around a dozen times so far. People realize their being used and start logging out, but the damage has already been done: their time and effort was wasted, and the users already got their free escort in to the boss.


You bet I'm angry - I have other things I'd rather be doing than helping higher level players get their achievement. If that achievement requires help, there should be a way of asking for it rather than screwing up dailies for lower level players.

Killing the eggs doesn't create plague mites, plague mites will spawn if you don't kill the eggs.

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1 hour ago, Pew Pew said:

LOL!!!! you would have to take out any dungeon achieve than......


Not like that dungeon is hard anymore anyways...

That depends on who's in the party. If you have 3+ lvl 50's with 450+AP and high crit, sure, easy. If the party's mostly profane with some siren/infernal accessories and mostly blackram/moonwater shields, losing people has an impact.



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The mechanics go...if you kill the egg..no mites..


If you don't kill the eggs, mites hatch from each egg not destroyed............


.......seems OP doesn't know this simple mechanic of the dungeon.

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If my OP is wrong about the mechanics, then I retract the complaint.


But it seems to me that if this IS the mechanics, then the mites were a lot deadlier when the entire party was 45 and under. I never saw this situation before the patch, and it sure looks like the higher level players are spawning the mites by shooting at the eggs.


Also, it seems like I'm not the only one who is under this impression, as people usually start logging out when the mites start spawning.

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lol, laugh all you want. I'll leave up this thread for educational purposes so however it's settled, people will see what to do.


Whether shooting the eggs is a good thing or not, right now enough people are confused about it that most Bloodshade Harbor runs I've been on since the patch fail at that point.

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The mechanics for eggs anywhere, not just bsh, is the same.  If you don't destroy the eggs, mobs will spawn from them.  Also if you don't destroy the eggs in bsh you're more prone to getting hit by thrasher's attacks when he's up on the ceiling.  Destroying eggs creates a mist which makes you immune to those attacks which is a good thing.

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You are wrong. What most likely is happening is that people have really high ap and choose to try to kill him without eggs spawning and thrasher going up. And when he does go up. They're like screw the eggs. Gotta bring him down and finish him off. A classic case of DPS > knowing/caring about the mechanics. So basically this has nothing to do with the achievement.


most of my parties, I'm the only one breaking the eggs. But I try to do them all. I don't mind though because when 4 man bsh was up, usually one person was designated to break the majority of the eggs while the other three shoot. You're probably confused because the plague mites spawning looks like it came from an egg broken by a player when that is not the case. If not destroyed by a player, the egg mites will come to fruition and hatch from the eggs by themselves.

Also, to answer your question of why players leave when mites hatch, it's probably because there are noobs in the party not breaking the eggs, if you don't know that you need to break the eggs, the assumption is that you don't know how to do the rest of the dungeon. So people will leave.  Also, even myself, with 511 ap have trouble dealing with mites. Their attacks are too strong and there are too many if they are allowed to hatch. As a summoner, they usually follow me around because of aoe sunflower.






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Thank you all for explaining the mechanics. I'll certainly help break the eggs next time.


I agree that what's happening is that the high levels are skipping the niceties, and the lower level players who are learning the dungeon from them miss an important piece.


I hope this thread helps draw attention to this problem to reduce the Bloodshade Harbor fails.

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Holy shit, you're probably the person who kept bitching at my sister to not kill eggs and arguing with her about standing on the vents for the directed poison instead of the smoke from the eggs (which is the intended mechanic.....)


Haha funny stuff, because of the massive rage and nobody killing eggs because of it. The party wiped twice.




Learn the mechanics before acting like a know-it-all.

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I have been angry about Bloodshade runs ending at Thrasher, but I can't type while I'm fighting, so I'm not the one who was upset with your sister. Your sister's experience does underscore there's a lot of confusion on this topic, though.


Hope this thread educates people and improves BSH for everyone!

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