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Quitting the Game because of Hackers


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I know .. there are a lot of other topics about this. Just wanted to give a shoutout so if I ever return to this game, NCsoft has done something about this.


I only do pvp and right now there is no competitive game, Just hundreds of matches against: rweqrew  retret  qtrewtt qwetryghb  fgfytre  retqreyf. I got plat on monday since hackers were beatable by then, but right now they have improved their hacks and I've lost pretty much all my rating just because of that. All the ladder is full of new summoners, from bronze to plat. Current actions are not enough, bans are like every 2-3 days, so hackers have time to mess with everyones matches, sell gold and create 10 more accounts by the time of the ban. 


This game's pvp had huge potential for massive tournaments like in Korea. But right now everything is just messed up will all these hackers and it is starting to get people bored and they are quitting so the chances of facing these hackers are getting higher


Moving on, might now take a vacation trip to the desert *wink wink*

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