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Whats up with those Summoners low level with hacks? perma stealths all time and an unlimited resists on every hit.

Watch a video i recorded recently while i was dueling one of these chinese summoners bots.

a Level 50 HM1 Blade Master Dueling a level 24 Summoner Hacker Bot

Please NCSoft... Do something about this at once!

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most of these bots (at least by my experience) are vulnerable right after their thorns thingy. So just 5 point strike after they use it, air combo and then just keep them CCed till the end (as a bm you could do it easily). I as a bd just aircombo them via 5 point strike, phantom grip them, another aircombo, ez win.

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1 hour ago, Formus said:

most of these bots (at least by my experience) are vulnerable right after their thorns thingy. So just 5 point strike after they use it, air combo and then just keep them CCed till the end (as a bm you could do it easily). I as a bd just aircombo them via 5 point strike, phantom grip them, another aircombo, ez win.

Not anymore, they have evolved

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You don't know how advanced these bots are now.

They can go infinite stealth, and even if they don't appear to be in stealth, your skills can't hit them.

And they can follow you anywhere you go.


I have encountered a few such hackers just now. There's simply no way at all beating them.

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One user warned others about being banned for linking vid. I checked the code of conduct about it and didn't see anything...was about to link a vid but prob wont because if they ban anyone...itll be me for calling out an exploiter.

ill post some on reddit showing how to pwn the perma resist/invis bots. they are very easy its just about catching them when their script is cycling. Out of of about 8 bots I fought this mourning(4/24) all had the same script and there's a period in which they briefly stop autoattacking with sunflower.

Its different for all classes but you want to stun them/knock them down/cc them.

inbetween the small invun window you can simply circle around them in a clockwise motion and they will just autoattack the air behind you.

As long as you keep moving they are easy wins. I don't know how they are making it up so high in the rankings.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres my solution, ban all summoners from arenas period. In my experience, more than 3/4 of them appear to be bots anyways. 90% of the time theres 2 on my tag team. Unfortunately all the ones on my team only ever seem to be afk and dont do anything.  Why even allow them to play at all if more than half of them exploit?  That or just remove familars.  Put classes with them in a whole different category. Might as well call it 2v1s, because thats basically what they are.

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On 13/05/2016 at 11:04 AM, Minibeech said:

Heres my solution, ban all summoners from arenas period. In my experience, more than 3/4 of them appear to be bots anyways. 90% of the time theres 2 on my tag team. Unfortunately all the ones on my team only ever seem to be afk and dont do anything.  Why even allow them to play at all if more than half of them exploit?  That or just remove familars.  Put classes with them in a whole different category. Might as well call it 2v1s, because thats basically what they are.

Lol 2v1...and the Thrall of the WL ?

Summoner have skill link to the cat if you put it to sleep or if you kill it, it can ruin a player.


Plus, the OP doesn't want to get ride off the class but the hackers.

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