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i farm like hell since the release of the silverfrost, i knew that it can be possible with key and treasure RNG P2W but look at this..

Is this real people ? HM Energy stage 3 / Scorpio razor with all the end game gems / Ring, belt, bracelet, necklace and earring MAX.

Im being really salty to see this when im struggling with frozen dart.  

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je voulais juste souligner qu'il n'est pas très malin de montrer ce genre de screen qui peuvent fortement inciter les hackers à s'attaquer au compte de cette personne (dans l'hypothèse où cette personne à eu tout ce qu'elle a de façon licite ^^). Tu devrais au moins effacer son nom sur le screen (à moins que tu aies des preuves solides que cette personne ait hack/bot/RMT).

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Salut, merci à toi de la remarque, c'est vrai que j'aurai pu le faire.

Mais je ne le ferai pas, je pense pas qu'il soit possible que hackers s'attaquent à un compte juste en y voyant le nom de la personne In game(a moins que tu aies des preuves solides qu'ils arrivent à y parvenir, pour le moment, j'en ai jamais entendu parler)
Je n'ai pas honte de montrer ce pseudo, si cette personne a réalisé tout ça sans l'aide de quoique ce soit externe que sa propre personne, elle n'a qu'à se sentir flatté.

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8 minutes ago, Shanlieteru said:

Salut, merci à toi de la remarque, c'est vrai que j'aurai pu le faire.

Mais je ne le ferai pas, je pense pas qu'il soit possible que hackers s'attaquent à un compte juste en y voyant le nom de la personne In game(a moins que tu aies des preuves solides qu'ils arrivent à y parvenir, pour le moment, j'en ai jamais entendu parler)
Je n'ai pas honte de montrer ce pseudo, si cette personne a réalisé tout ça sans l'aide de quoique ce soit externe que sa propre personne, elle n'a qu'à se sentir flatté.



C'est sûr que j'ai pas de preuve pour les hacks éventuels, je sais pas comment ils s'y prennent ni comment ils choisissent les comptes de leurs victimes, c'était par simple précaution :)


Et désolée si j'ai pas répondu en anglais, j'avais la flemme de chercher mes mots :D

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1 minute ago, Luucy said:



C'est sûr que j'ai pas de preuve pour les hacks éventuels, je sais pas comment ils s'y prennent ni comment ils choisissent les comptes de leurs victimes, c'était par simple précaution :)


Et désolée si j'ai pas répondu en anglais, j'avais la flemme de chercher mes mots :D

Pas de soucis, ne t'en fais pas :P

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3 minutes ago, Shanlieteru said:

How ? oO

in case of weapons:
step1. buy ncoin for real money, then go to currrency exchnage and buy like 10k golds from your ncoin.
step2. buy every tradable materials from market place.
step3. go to instances to get ur weapons/weapon boxes required for ur evolvement
step4. open boxes with brilliant key, so u get them for 100%
step5. buy the best hexagonal gems from all colors (around 700-800 gold each)
step6. be happy ur weapon is done for this content

in case of accessories:
just go to dungeons as long as u dont get the accessories required for the evolvement.

just to make this clear:
most likely every1 spends the same time on getting the untradeable items for their evolvements.
the only thing differs is the tradeable materials, which u need a lot from, and they are also rather expensive
so those who buy NCoin and gold from that, can get these expensive items very quickly
those who dont spend real money stick to suck

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Just now, QRob said:

in case of weapons:
step1. buy ncoin for real money, then go to currrency exchnage and buy like 10k golds from your ncoin.
step2. buy every tradable materials from market place.
step3. go to instances to get ur weapons/weapon boxes required for ur evolvement
step4. open boxes with brilliant key, so u get them for 100%
step5. buy the best hexagonal gems from all colors (around 700-800 gold each)
step6. be happy ur weapon is done for this content

in case of accessories:
just go to dungeons as long as u dont get the accessories required for the evolvement.

just to make this clear:
most likely every1 spends the same time on getting the untradeable items for their evolvements.
the only thing differs is the tradeable materials, which u need a lot from, and they are also rather expensive
so those who buy NCoin and gold from that, can get these expensive items very quickly
those who dont spend real money stick to suck

Nuff said

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there is a saying in my language: "walk more slowly, get farther", which should mean that if u dont hurry ur things, u will end up better than if u did.
this is not true on this game at all for sure xD
I just dont understand those ppl who make their gear in 1-2days. they make it, they r done, they have nothing to reach till next content, so they just... idk what they do... i just know that i'd miss the motivation to play after im done with everything

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3 minutes ago, Shanlieteru said:

In fact, this game could be really fun without this p2w..


at this time i wouldnt call it p2w yet, cuz arena is equalised, and at SSP u even with 200 AP can kill a 600 APed player with bomb, so just dont bother with that. and ofc in pve it does not matter as much as it would in pvp
pay2progress is better to say at this time
6v6 is coming, where the gear matters, soooo.... its gonna turn into p2w definetly
(and i am talking about the differences in definition, so in my opinion, p2w is gonna be true from next wednesday, untill then its just pay to progress)

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Just now, Zuf said:

Yeah, you're wrong.

pay to win means that one pays to get their things kinda quickly and have and advantage against other players who don't.
so the guy with 655 AP ... what advantage he has against other players? more pve dmg? they can solo some dungeon that a lvl500 APed player would not be able to anyway, so that they get rather better drop for themselves? one pays to get better gear to beat u in pvp? non of these things are actually true right now. i expressed my thoughts about this a bit above. pay to progress means that one pays to gets their gear fast, get some advantage in game, but definetly not against other players like in pvp and definetly not huge advantages (like u cant solo yeti but he can)
i just find p2p more suitable according to the definitions. but as ive already mentioned, 6v6 is to come, where those players who spend real money on this game  will have an advantage against u in dmg, and they kill you maybe, and their 800 gold gems...
equialised gameplay -> pay to progress method -> pay to win method
so yeh, we are turning from pay to progress to pay to win (if we stick to the definitions, but i know the easiest to say is that everything is p2w)

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This has been explained time and again.
You said it yourself: " pay to win means that one pays to get their things kinda quickly and have and advantage against other players who don't. " Wallet warrios have a huge advantage over free players (or even premiums and people that refuse to buy gold), who are stuck in a heavy, insanely boring and punishing grind cycle. The grind would be immensely reduced if they weren't making money by (effectively) selling gold.

And PVE is part of the game as much as PVP. Even more, actually.
The goal of PVE is character advancement. So yes, they're effectively "winning" against other players.

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