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The wall hug trend


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Hi peeps as title says 

Im a sin n got used to the fact seeing bms wall hug but yesterday when i started 1v1 for new season i saw blade cancers wall hug n even a couple force masters to wall hug ...i was like lolzing ( loughing so hard).

Fyi if i see u wall hug ill go stealth poison mine use my c penta n return bk to my flower n wait u as i have the damage on my side that trck wont save u i have many ways to dps u when u wall hug n then go opposite side n wait u if ur a bm u prolly then come at me with u 5 slash but i know that n save my C same for lbd.

Plz l2p n stop stalling.

About fm..why on earth u wall hug???

The fun with bms is when match starts they come at u n when u go stealth they run to their beloved corner for a hug its so funny hehe.

Bms plz ask a high rating bm how he plays n stop embarasing my second favorite class


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As a FM ... and not a very good one .. i never wall hug...especially not vs a sin .. will fight back one round to assess the sin ... if he is bad to avg... will bet my life to beat him .. 


if he is good  , just gonna stand around and dance and wait to die :D


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Hugging the wall helps in certain situations. No Sin was able to web me in the corner, I have enough time to press F or any other skill before they get their web off. This isnt the case if you're knocked down in the middle of the arena.

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2 hours ago, azraelkun said:

... ill go stealth poison mine use my c penta n return bk to my flower n wait u as i have the damage on my side ...


Isn't that what sins do all the time? At least that is what i always see if i have to fight against sins. Poke damage and  stealth and staying invisible hoping for the timer run out before the enemy can do more damage to the sin than he did.


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Well. I agree in that part that wallhugging directly from the start for 2 minutes is pretty lame. If you do that to me, I'll just /sit on you. Had a few matches where we waited for like 2.30 min until someone went for a little damage but I won because it's pretty unrealistic to win in such a case vs. a Sin.


But, normal wallhugging is absolutely fine to me. It's not like it's that strong, honestly. Of course, neutral game as a Sin is pretty bad but you can dodge CC pretty good if you know how. Most people turn away from the wall once you're near them. Also, in many cases you can still web -> 1 them. Or simply go for a tabswap, but I know that that's not that easy. I think that going near them, dodging, going for a stealth-daze1 and then tabswapping them near the center is a more solid way.


I'm always sorry for people getting totally timed. Winning by time happens either if both players are dodging well or playing defensively but forcing a timewin and only going for bombs/shuriken is pretty lame. They're probably the same kind that PvE's other Sins, which is pretty much a sign of unworthiness.

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thing is i dont have any serious problem with bms wall hug its easy win for me but too much time spending 

cause 1 match with bm is like 2 other ordinary match ups n besides seems ugly seeing a bm running to the wall .


well as for this thread thing is not so much bm wall hugs but the thing i saw blade cancer do this from the start i saw fm do this on 1 v1 also on 3 v3 at start  i was like wtf 

today also a wl wall hug ...im like no coment lol 

just asking is it a trend or something ?


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7 hours ago, Suna said:

I m bm and i ask tips from one of top assasins how to play against him and do you know what he said? "You should use wall against me"

prolly he was joiking 

btw since 50 lvl cap bms are a force to be recon with u have so many tools no need to wall hug u can ss moth so u keep ur block n not get tab swap u have that sword thingie that knocks bk n very usefull to get sin out of stealth u can also press ur 4 n then lmb attacks to ge sin out of stealth 

not to mentioned that bms have massive burst  u have the swords arround u that helps u just need to learn how sins are playing by watch you tube  n set up a tactic 

others do it by watching others by experience through many arenas 

take care mate 

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This has been an issue for a while and seems to be getting worse. A while back I wrote about how it should be factored into the scoring at the end of the match whether they ran away from the enemy the entire time.

The amount of individuals that enter pvp and do anything in their power not to pvp is astounding, particularly sins.

I imagine this is how 6 of the top 10 sins were ranked so high pre-rank reset.

Not at all blasting users that play offensively then pull back for a few seconds.

Only the players that literally run/evade/teleport away the entire match. Even if i face the opposite way and blow my backstep trying to catch them i never do. If your only skill used during an entire match is a single ranged poison bomb then you should probably quit pvping.

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2 hours ago, xtclikeafox said:

This has been an issue for a while and seems to be getting worse. A while back I wrote about how it should be factored into the scoring at the end of the match whether they ran away from the enemy the entire time.

The amount of individuals that enter pvp and do anything in their power not to pvp is astounding, particularly sins.

I imagine this is how 6 of the top 10 sins were ranked so high pre-rank reset.

Not at all blasting users that play offensively then pull back for a few seconds.

Only the players that literally run/evade/teleport away the entire match. Even if i face the opposite way and blow my backstep trying to catch them i never do. If your only skill used during an entire match is a single ranged poison bomb then you should probably quit pvping.

only classes with a right to say that would be kfm, dest, and bm. 

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Lemme say this 

1) decoy or wood block 8 secs our defensive skill that if we time it right reward us with stealth cause we dont have a block blocking inc attacks on top of that most of our skills become available in stealth mode.

2) if sin isnt in stealth what u expect him to do ..just auto attack heheh

3)i dont do arena to win by time thats no fun cause that way i didnt had the opportunity to do combo n have fun.

I love my aerial combo folowed by ground combo a bit ani cancel etc its so awesome i love it.

But seeing ppl wall hug makes me realise that this dudecis here to only win with whatever means necesary n not to have fun n force me to play the hit run cause he wall hug...whyvu force me to play this bad game why?

4)i never liked sum cause u cant pvp him u have to go pve build hit him run opposite side wait cat give u stealth n same all over again man so bad.


In pvp i loved sin cause of his aerial combo n ground combos

I didnt pick sin to just do poke damage.

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You (can) actually combo them when they are with their back to the wall and you cannot get into stealth with your 1 after you webbed. And idk what you mean with you can then f roll out of it... it never seems to happen to me that way. Either it just outright bugs (witch happens when you use moths in the air sometimes you will just be able to walk out of the web while knocked down), or i mistime it for whatever reason. Don´t see how wall would effect the webbing part in any way. Sometimes it´s awkward when you daze combo them later, because if you decoy > f daze you sometimes get no target when they are close enough to the wall.


Ok now back to the wall combo stuff, it would look something like this

lmb stun > anicancel > knockup > moths > web > bomb > explode bomb > tab to restealth asap (yes this appears to actually work you cannot tab first and then explode the bomb you have to do it this way, or else they just run out of the bomb before you can explode it) > tech chase them with 1 daze > anicancel > ss > wire > v pull daze > anicancel > woodblock > f daze > shunpoo backwards or walk if it´s on cd (it´s actually important because you need more cc time for knockup to be ready and that´s like the only way you can restealth, you can also anicancel and then shunpoo backwards and tab switch them at the end) > shadow dash > pve the rest of the daze time > optionally stun them again with your 3 stun and then you can like rmb them once and put shuriken and time bomb on them > lmb stun them again > anicancel > knockup




Just giving your ideas. There sure are plenty alternatives. You can also lmb stun them and ss backwards after the anicancel and wire them off that pull/daze them and tech chase that daze.

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10 hours ago, SpartanGamer said:

only classes with a right to say that would be kfm, dest, and bm. 

wait what are you on about?

If someones running the entire match doesnt matter what class you or what class they are. the purpose of pvp is to fight...now run the entire duration of the match.

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23 minutes ago, xtclikeafox said:

wait what are you on about?

If someones running the entire match doesnt matter what class you or what class they are. the purpose of pvp is to fight...now run the entire duration of the match.

Of course it matters. Class balance is a system of rock paper scissor. Why should scissor run from paper? If a KFM wallhugs a Sin, it's simply more ok than a FM who is likely to win anyway


1 hour ago, N3ro said:

You (can) actually combo them when they are with their back to the wall and you cannot get into stealth with your 1 after you webbed. And idk what you mean with you can then f roll out of it... it never seems to happen to me that way. Either it just outright bugs (witch happens when you use moths in the air sometimes you will just be able to walk out of the web while knocked down), or i mistime it for whatever reason. Don´t see how wall would effect the webbing part in any way. Sometimes it´s awkward when you daze combo them later, because if you decoy > f daze you sometimes get no target when they are close enough to the wall.


Ok now back to the wall combo stuff, it would look something like this

lmb stun > anicancel > knockup > moths > web > bomb > explode bomb > tab to restealth asap (yes this appears to actually work you cannot tab first and then explode the bomb you have to do it this way, or else they just run out of the bomb before you can explode it) > tech chase them with 1 daze > anicancel > ss > wire > v pull daze > anicancel > woodblock > f daze > shunpoo backwards or walk if it´s on cd (it´s actually important because you need more cc time for knockup to be ready and that´s like the only way you can restealth, you can also anicancel and then shunpoo backwards and tab switch them at the end) > shadow dash > pve the rest of the daze time > optionally stun them again with your 3 stun and then you can like rmb them once and put shuriken and time bomb on them > lmb stun them again > anicancel > knockup


Just giving your ideas. There sure are plenty alternatives. You can also lmb stun them and ss backwards after the anicancel and wire them off that pull/daze them and tech chase that daze.

Some good tips right there. Thanks for explaining it more detailed

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1 hour ago, xtclikeafox said:

wait what are you on about?

If someones running the entire match doesnt matter what class you or what class they are. the purpose of pvp is to fight...now run the entire duration of the match.

Basically what Purestic said. Only classes that can legitimately complain would be kfm, dest, and bm, because we hard counter them anyway. All the other classes counter us, so that's basically the only way to play against them. We literally have to play hide and seek, otherwise we die. that's what i'm on about. 

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20 hours ago, MinaTakashi said:

Isn't that what sins do all the time? At least that is what i always see if i have to fight against sins. Poke damage and  stealth and staying invisible hoping for the timer run out before the enemy can do more damage to the sin than he did.


Yes he should learn himself from higher players of his class and not tell this other ones xD

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LOL what logic.

The main point you don't seem to be getting is regardless of class balance or who has the upperhand...players shouldn't run 100% of the match.

My first post specified this isn't about playing defensively when you need to but rather running and distancing the entire match.

It seems like your entire argument is if you fight a class that counters your class very hard its ok to avoid fighting the entire match and simply run and distance yourself to wait the timer out.

This isn't what PvP is intended for.

14 hours ago, Purestic said:

Of course it matters. Class balance is a system of rock paper scissor. Why should scissor run from paper? If a KFM wallhugs a Sin, it's simply more ok than a FM who is likely to win anyway


Some good tips right there. Thanks for explaining it more detailed


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6 hours ago, xtclikeafox said:

LOL what logic.

The main point you don't seem to be getting is regardless of class balance or who has the upperhand...players shouldn't run 100% of the match.

My first post specified this isn't about playing defensively when you need to but rather running and distancing the entire match.

It seems like your entire argument is if you fight a class that counters your class very hard its ok to avoid fighting the entire match and simply run and distance yourself to wait the timer out.

This isn't what PvP is intended for.


Ah, you're speaking of Sins that go for a timewin and only play with shuriken/bombs? No, you shouldn't do that.

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