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Do you remember when you were hyped about this game?


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Do you people remember in the beginning when it was first announced the game was coming to NA, we were so hyped.  We followed the streams before release and they even brought in Korea Devs on stream to boost our confidence.  All the talk about NOTHING is Pay to Win and everything.


I had so much hope and faith in NCSOFT and Blade and Soul.  What is it now?  Bot and Hacker Heaven with no response from Dev or NCSOFT.  


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I love the game my hype is still high and here :)

bummer it's not for you, but hope you find a game that fits your needs!!!




idk about p2w I achieved 90% of my stuff through pvp.

I did buy ncoins at headstart tho for costumes and bags haha before the ctrl+c happened



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20 minutes ago, Emperium said:

I had so much hope and faith in NCSOFT and Blade and Soul.  What is it now?  Bot and Hacker Heaven with no response from Dev or NCSOFT.  

Nope, I think it's more of a All Bot and No Soul. The game was a big flop, just like the Batman v. Superman. Much ado about nothing. Don't get me wrong, the game is awesome but the way the company takes no care of it in terms of efficiently combating bots and hackers, repairing bugs and actually listening to the community is something that really puts out all the hype. My friends list is mostly filled with offline accounts these days, aside from one or two who are active (and I've just met them). As the cherry on top, and what truly sets me off into flame mode is their talk about costumes (a.k.a. MONEY).

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2 minutes ago, SpyderBite said:

I'm still hyped. Sorry that you are not. I like to spend money on F2P games. Between MH2016 & BnS I've spent nearly $1000 over the last 30 days so that you can play for free.


You're welcome.

I love ppl like you!!!!!!


Allows me to buy coins with in game gold, which gives you gold


Allows me to buy things such as prem/keys/ect from a trusted person which gives me what I want and gives that person what he wants



Not sure how it's p2w when we both get what we want, but whatever (according to op)

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4 minutes ago, SpyderBite said:

I'm still hyped. Sorry that you are not. I like to spend money on F2P games. Between MH2016 & BnS I've spent nearly $1000 over the last 30 days so that you can play for free.

You're welcome.

I would rather if you didn't. Maybe if their money income drops considerably will NCSoft actually consider fixing all the problems this game has. Otherwise, you just keep feeding them and let them not do a thing about those problems...


On the other hand, it's your money and you can spend it on whatever you want. They still have a chance of me donating money to them (I am so kind that I wouldn't even expect any item in return for that money) as long as they make this game playable (or at least manage to restore that feeling I had while playing on lower level).

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I'm careless about bots but I used to play this game on KR server few years ago and I was so excite when this game finally come to the West (I didn't join any BETA test on NA region) with the memory of KR version that stuck on my head. So i bought master pack without hesitate and turn out this game nothing like I used to play while back in KR :P lol I wasted my money for this NA version.

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I'm loving this game. I'm no Pro and that's probably why I love it and don't really see the harm of what the bots or hackers are doing. I love this game because of it's awesome movement of your character. I can't wait for that day when I can pvp like the pro's! (which will be most likely in a year or more ;)

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I was never hyped for it especially since I've played the other p2w servers before.


Also, the cash shoppers are killing this game. They just keep giving nc money even though they're doing an awful job at taking care of the hackers/bots.

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I was very excited when going out the game but when I played in the beta all that hype went because for me as I am from Argentina the game with 200 ms and not good this for pvp but this bots and hacks there is almost no I want to make daily

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I was hyped beyond all hype, literally going a night or two straight when the game dropped in jan. Now I'm neutral. Neither here nor there. I log in everyday but I stopped playing competitively since late febuary. 

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Been neutral ever since I saw gameplay videos and tried CN server. A little more positive when starting out for real in NA/EU, current situation has dragged me back to neutral. Still good enough to keep playing but bad enough to not get my hopes up too high. Probably the best middle ground one can take when playing games with management that leaves much to be desired.

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I was cautious and waited for a while to start the game, because I had my doubts and reservations, but the more I play it, the more I love it. I am not thrilled about the whole kindergarten part I need to get through again to find the new friends to play with to get past the gearing gates, but the rest is amazing. Probably helps to be on a quieter server not that rich in bots so far.

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53 minutes ago, Tsuchiryu said:

Been neutral ever since I saw gameplay videos and tried CN server. A little more positive when starting out for real in NA/EU, current situation has dragged me back to neutral. Still good enough to keep playing but bad enough to not get my hopes up too high. Probably the best middle ground one can take when playing games with management that leaves much to be desired.


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i used to defend this game to my friends, (who thought BDO was better) because i loved this game.. 

..but now i cant even do that because id be a hypocrite. things have taken a turn for the worst.. i cant bring myself to play this game anymore. 

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Hype?  Lol what hype?  Only time I was hyped about something from a online game was back when Sega announced PSO2 for the west and it never came lol.  Oh right...I'm a console gamer so......I'm hyped for Persona 5 and the FF7 remake.


Only have one thing to say.  If you (by you meaning anyone) were hyping the game like mad the past 4 years and was begging NCSoft to release this to the west  ANNNNNDDDD played the other versions like mad and now you're saying it sucks for all the reasons everyone and their mom knows due to the constant crying on the forums, then you're a hypocrite.  Nuff said.


What am I talking about?  I've seen threads like this in countless other MMOs, including ones I didn't even play and was wanting to get a rile out of people who take everything seriously.  What in the world made you think Blade & Soul would be any different LOL?  Its like finding the perfect job or husband/wife.  It just isn't possible.  Almost anything in life out there isn't perfect (including yourself) so its like searching for the fountain of youth.  I could see some of you acting like this towards your wife/husband..........oh wait....what husband or wife :P?  I'm talking to gamers here :P.


So all I gotta say is to deal with the game's problems or cry more because you're never going to find that game that is perfect.  And please, for my personal gratification, cry more and more and more cause I love those tears.  And ofcourse, I expect each and every person to twist my words like a politician would.  I'd say about half of you that post on here should apply for a position in the political world.  In order for me not to get into any trouble on these forums and be on my best behavior, I won't go any further on this subject.  But do know, if I could.....well shit would of got real.

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My hype is way down. Only reason I'm still here is because with tests and finals around the corner(next 3 weeks) i dont have time to start and learn a new game(BDO). I've played MMO's before, so I'm definitely used to seeing bots and hackers. But I have never encountered the scores of bots and hackers like I've seen here. EVER.

This game will have the shortest lifespan of any MMO I have ever played, thanks to them. And players are already leaving in droves.


Is there a tornado, or a hurricane coming? It's like they activated the contra-flow lanes on the highway for faster evacuation. Some servers are already practically dead. And if NC doesn't do server transfers, as some have pointed out in other threads, the few players that are left on those servers are gone too.



All the decent and honest players who just want to enjoy the game are completely fed up with the bots and hackers

and have left. And now, all the bots, hackers, and cheats are getting bored because its just too easy, so they're leaving too. I'm surprised I still see spammers in there. Who wants to take the risk to buy illegal gold to play with practically nobody?



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