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Longevity for PvP in NA.

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I feel like this game has potential. I personally like the game a lot and have always liked 1v1 in other MMOs but this is more so balanced around that which i love. However, I think for this game to be successful in both NA and EU, or even for it to grow in general world wide, the bugs need to worked out or at least have more of an effort put into fixing them. For me, as a PvPer, I see that most, if not all of these bugs still exist in the current Korean patch, and it is discouraging. With a game like World of Warcraft: Legion coming out which has completely revamped their pvp system,  it could create more competition and make it harder for this game to become as big as I think it has potential for. Of course these are my opinions and I would not want that to happen because I enjoy pvp in Blade and Soul but the bugs can be frustrating at times and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way about the bugs.

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