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Ncoin, hello ?


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Hai guys, ive purchase Ncoin by the system paysafecard.

I can see how much i have in game but i cannot use them.. msg :" the transaction cannot be completed until the ncoin evaluation blablabla"

Wtf ? Did they evaluate something when they take my $$ ??i think not xd.   My $$ is gone, but i cant purchase anything.  niceu

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Same problem. It is so slow. I had to wait for like 10 hours after purchase and after I receive the confirmation, I still cant use the coin because of evaluation (wth is that).

RIOT is much better about this. I get my game coin right way.

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I, too, have invested real $$ in BnS - the first wait was awful, following purchases were completely nearly in an instant.

That said, I have learned a valuable lesson by buying NCoin. It's up to you whether you'll learn from it too. 


Before investing your real money in a game, take some time to assess where the game and community are headed. Is your investment "money well spent" on something that will bring you joy in the long run, or is it "money down the drain"? Take a moment to check out the NCoin-to-gold exchange rate, look at prices in Auction, and do a little math to find out how much real $$ you'd have to invest to give your gameplay a noticeable boost. And when you get there, consider: Is it money well spent?

To me, the answer is now "money down the drain", especially since many people are leaving the game, bots are taking over, and the publisher isn't doing anything to change it.

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