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Summoner Resist All attack hack


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currently this hack had been happen in pvp arena. All of you range attack will get resist no matter what. I'm not sure if melee can do any dmg, but i'm sure all range will get resist. My last game with a summoner name Jasman used this kind of hack to win the game pretty easy. Ncsoft patched this or you failed hard, never mind, I forgot you already failed prevent bots, so I do not think you can do anything about this kind of hack. (sorry for bad grammar) 

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these have been around in arena for awhile (at the higher ranks). Unfortunately there is a ton of them now. They are also in open world. If you look at channel 1 Jiwan scorching sands area they are crawling all over the map. The summoner themselves is resistant to all cc and most damage but the cat can die (And when it does they dont seem to resummon them). 


other threads about this:




this one has a video:



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Hey guys,


If you encounter a player using illegal third party software such as this, please submit a ticket to customer support with the players information along with the details on what you experienced they were doing, and then the team will be able to take the appropriate actions from there. You can submit a ticket here: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us

[Thread Closed - Please contact Customer Support]

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