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Broken Bm class help

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I know people are going to give me **** for this but im a KFM and struggling with BMs. Im seeing BM every fight now and can seem to win vs them. I went from diamond to gold in one day because of this. Did they get a buff that causes them to 100 - 0 all of a sudden? I'm just looking for tips because i'm just getting destroyed by them..

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6 hours ago, PixelatedPancake said:

I know people are going to give me **** for this but im a KFM and struggling with BMs. Im seeing BM every fight now and can seem to win vs them. I went from diamond to gold in one day because of this. Did they get a buff that causes them to 100 - 0 all of a sudden? I'm just looking for tips because i'm just getting destroyed by them..

BM is one of the weakest overall class in arena right now. Look at how many there are in top 50, last time i checked there was 2. As a KFM, a BM is about a even fight. Going from Diamond to gold in 1 day just sounds like a serious case of tilting after losing. Take a break and try another day

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