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"Premiums thread" The secret behind looting copper model (!)


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I am a level 3 prmium member and I don't tend to understand the way mobs drops in game currency, but there is something that I noticed in my 24 runs. 
When Runninng a 24 poharan at my daily routine I see an average copper loot from 39 to 69 copper for each 1/2 mobs I take down. 
When done with this I decide to go to some more valuable (in terms of quest reward) 24 zone and go to Frostscale - a level 50 24 men run. Althou the frostscale is easier (you don't have to run around for mini-bosses and etc) I noticed that the snow people there drops around ~4 to 5 copper. That's kind of ..... strange? I mean Poh is a level 40-45 run and Frostacle is a 50 level run. 

Then I go back to the Harbor and start running Nighshade, and again I see some ~50 copper drop each 1/2 mob and when I compare this to beastbog, a level 50 24  men run  I see signicificant lower cash drops. 


I am not making a big drama out of this, because what matters is the general quest reward, not the cash loot from mobs. But I really wan't to know why is that? Why mobs on level 50 gives you less than mobs on level 45?  The mobs in the new 24 are stronger, with more HP it takes you more time to kill them and yet the reward is like 90% lower. 

Can this be something the devs overlooked. My guess is that, maybe becuase the mobs in Harbor are pirates, they should have more money in their pockets than snow beasts.  But that will be awkward cause MMO logic does not work with real life logic. 


Let me know what you think.

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Probably was a ploy to get new players to get premium so they think the gold keeps increasing as drops. Then it slowly decreases. So, players take longer to complete content and so they may get gold thru the exchange with ncoin. In other version of the game the gold drops freely off of mobs and chests, quite a bit too. By the time we get to lvl 50 mobs they should drop between 50-70 copper, more not less. It works in the favors of bots this way, bots get more cooper griding low level mobs than higher ones >.>....smart ncsoft....smart

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