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Missing silver?


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What is draining my in game money?  I noticed this happened yesterday, when I logged out it was all -45 silver, I had repaired I assumed that was where it was from.  Today I logged in, did a number of quests, farmed a world boss, sold countless items and things to a vendor.  I did not buy anything, did not repair, didn't get killed in a fight, checked my silver earlier in the day and it was at 59, logging out it's now 45 and it says -silver made in the log out screen.  Does daily dash cost silver?  Do wheel of fate spins cost silver?  I'm confused, I never seem to be able to get ahead.

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when you sell the items, do you pay attention for how much you pay in fees? Do you pick up any mail or crafting remotely, not at a vendor/supplier? Do you windstride? Did you upgrade your weapon? All that charges you rather steep fees.

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Hmmmm, I didn't realize that vendoring soul shields for 5 silvers would cost me money, that requires investigation.  I might have picked up daily spin mail, I was also not aware that costs money too :/


Generally I repair at fires once and awhile, but I did not do so today.  I thought that the hammers were for that, I suppose I should just use all the ones I have in my bag going forward.  Wish there was more clarity with some of these systems, or perhaps I missed it.  I sunk two rings into my necklace, which I also was unaware cost money.


Seems like I'm woefully ignorant of all the nickle and diming gold sinks in this game, I'll be more cautious in the future.

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Those little reports when you log out... heh. I feel like I am playing a "One Broke Girl" every time it pops.


Commission on sale is charged when you use the Marketplace. So, always take a look at how much you are putting the item for, and how much you will be paying for the sale.


With updating your weapons and accessories, there are fees charged when you use the weapons and jewelry. Those fees go progressively higher for each item fed. However, there is a variety of the Elements of Luck some of which are for weapons, some - for Jewelry. The are divided into the 1-36 or 0-50 categories. Feeding those to your weapon or jewelry costs basically nothing. BUT! I would save those for when upgrades are starting to cost a lot.


You will be earning very little till you finish Act 3 and gain access to the Act IV and the dailies from level 45 to level 50. I finished the game with 13 golds in my pocket, and I was saving every penny. That's a daily earning on level 50. However, you need a lot of gold to get ahead in this game. It has a brutal economy. Doing purple dungeons is essential and unavoidable for financial success.

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