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Advice VS KFM


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Any diamond players have any Advice VS KFM? I'm a 2170 Diamind Warlock but god KFM are annoying as hell. Their infinite max agility is bullshitting and they can proct it so fast because the thrall keeps hitting them along with the Windstroms. I feel like they have more resist skill then a Blade Cancer

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11 hours ago, PandaBeat said:

Any diamond players have any Advice VS KFM? I'm a 2170 Diamind Warlock but god KFM are annoying as hell. Their infinite max agility is bullshitting and they can proct it so fast because the thrall keeps hitting them along with the Windstroms. I feel like they have more resist skill then a Blade Cancer

I'm lower than you but I know that too... if they don't had that 1-2sec more resist after each skill it would be ok. Blademaster can't do that. More often right but KFM can attack while his resist time and has too short CDs

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