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How to use sunflower correctly?


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On PVE bosses: 1 -> F (Nettles) -> LB+RB spam (should get 2 stacks easy) -> F (Doom´n bloom) -> LB+RB spam -> 5 stacks = RB spam


Preferably, if possible, you CC the boss first and pin him, then you start with 1 and Nettles and then use Doom´n´bloom when you run out of focus. Really not much behind it. Generally 1 on pinned enemy is preferred since it reduces cooldown on it. (If specced) Remember, you get stacks on pinned enemy as well, so you might wanna use 1+F towards the end of pin duration.

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I recommend this topic for you. There was another one with step-by-step rotation clicks, but can't remember where or when.


Basically all you need for overflow is F(Doom'n'Bloom)+2 OR 1+LMB+F(Flying Neetles)+LMB+RMB+LMB+RMB etc. Don't quote me on that, that is just how I roughly use it, and in dungeons it gives me overflow in every 10-15 secs I would say.



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