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I have an account in which I played almost the beginning of the game and now I pops up when logging on "Login failed.Please try again in a few minutes. (3746)." Misunderstood why was blocked after I did nothing wrong !!!!!!!!! . Can someone help me sea.

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Just happened to me last night after a massive server lag inside naryu dungeon. Got Disconnect and then unable to relog back in due to error 3746

same thing i have not used any 3rd party nor key blinding changes. good to know i am not the only one tho.  submitted a ticket 2 hours ago and still waiting for respond

It seems like a known issue. i guess now just have to be patient and wait for fix to unblock.

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Not the only one huh. My internet went off in the scorpion boss fight. Since it always goes of at 23:00. And today I try to login and get 3746 error. Just submitted a ticket. hope to get it back. and I didnt use any 3rd party programs. I even play this game at 800x600 for optimized since my pc cant handle it. lucky that with 800x600 I get around 30 fps on boss fights so other programs wouldn't help me.

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I seem to be having the same problem but i had to use an alternate account to even post here cant log into game or website with my main account so how do i submit a ticket when i cant even access the correct account omg this will make me not play this game if its not resolved soon all of my high lvls are on that account

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