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Reversal is broken vs. Grapple.


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When my friend's Kung Fu Master character uses "Grapple" on me, the "Reversal" skill becomes available. However it does absolutely nothing whatsoever at all.


The skill description, as with all skill descriptions, is rather obscure. It says:


Escape from Grapple, Grab, or Phantom Grip Prompt response to an enemy's attack.


I think there is meant to be a full stop after "grip". I think "Prompt response to an enemy's attack" means you only have a second or so to use it after being attacked, although the icon remains visisble for several seconds.


Surely if the icon is visible then it is usable. Moreover when I use it, the icon remains visible with the cooldown showing and counting down.


I have had problems on numerous characters with numerous "escape" skills where they simply do not work as advertised. Given that the only way to learn how they work is by extensive experimentation with a friend or friends who have the necessary classes of characters, this is pretty rubbish.


The skills should behave EXACTLY as described, or to put it another way, the skill descriptions should have an EXACT description of how they work. Extending the tutorial quests early in the game so you can practise using them would be good too.


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I haven't had the problem with escape skills personally on either my assassin or FM the worst i got is fm will sometimes backstep when i strafe, maybe your monitors refresh rate is low? are you using a TV cause that could be your problem. if your response time is like 6ms vs a monitor which is 2ms. personally i know i have a lot of issues playing blazblue or guilty gear on a TV. only other thing i could think of is if your lagging at all could be kinda a chain of lag, missing timing.


but for the descriptions.
suggest taking a look here reading the last paragraph :p they know the descriptions on skills are horrid and that's one of there top fixes on the way.


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The (2) Skill when grappled is an universal skill for all clases. But it's not a realiable way to escape.

To make that skill work you have to time the counter with the enemy's attack. So for example you get grabbed by a destroyer and he wants to throw you up. You have to press the counter during the windup animation of the destro to able to escape. This also means that if the one who grabbed you did not attack you, you can't break from the grapple.


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Its not a question of timing, I've send a ticket about that and NcSoft requested a video of the bug. The probleme is that when the time come to make the counter you press the Reversal Key and nothing happen, no cooldown nothing. Against a Blade Dancer, its nearly 50% of your health cause of that bug.


That bug I dont know if it disappeared in later patch, but the stun block(BM) bug is supposed to disappear in later.


Its an hypothesis but I'm pretty sure NcSoft just fix big issues and money generating one, and focus on traduction of content, since all those bug appeared to be fixed in later patch since its fixed in Korea.


So have hope that they catch up soon lol with Korea and that they fixed it in Korea lol.

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