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Questions about starting a new toon


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So, I main a BM and I was thinking of making a new ranged character because Soulstone plains.


Now before I do that I have a few questions -


1. Who will be better - FM(DPS + More Range) or WL (Lower DPS + CC). I am inclined towards FM, but what I want to know is by what margin (rough estimate) does FM win against WL in terms of DPS? Also, can Warlock CC (chain) even bosses?

2. The server I play on has Crimson as the dominant factions. But when I started, I did not know and also, I liked Cerulean ideology. So, my BM is in Cerulean. Now, I was planning on joinning Crismon on my new character. My question is that will I be able to transfer gold and materials even if my 2 characters are on different factions? Or does it prevent me from sending gold and materials between the two due to different factions?

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1. the FM can outdps the warlock without a complicated combo required. Basically all your going to do is LMB RMB once in a while while spaming F and the occational "x +v" as well as 2... 

But basically u could outdps a warlock with your eyes closed. 

The FM also has sheath which can be a party saver, as well as a bubble for range defense.  

The only thing the FM really lacks in mob control... as your basically limited to a few spells which have AoE. 


The WL is a AoE monster... almost all its hard hitting spells are aimed just at that... AoE.

However the WL will lose to even a KFM in DPS if were looking at single target. 

So if u want something single target get a FM... if u want something with AoE, go with WL... if u want something to hold agro for you while u loot, go scummoner... err i mean summoner..  


2. Yes u can have 2 chars in different factions... i have my BM in Red, while all my other chars are in Blue.  

Reason is i thought Red's were cooler, however on my server they are brutally outnumbered to the point where its like being hunted all the time as a Rare Drop monster. So it made my farming hell in Moonwater... But u can send mail to that other char fine... its only when u have 2 chars on different SERVERS that u will run into a problem with sending gold and mats.  

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6 minutes ago, Naekuh said:

1. the FM can outdps the warlock without a complicated combo required. Basically all your going to do is LMB RMB once in a while while spaming F and the occational "x +v" as well as 2... 

But basically u could outdps a warlock with your eyes closed. 

The FM also has sheath which can be a party saver, as well as a bubble for range defense.  

The only thing the FM really lacks in mob control... as your basically limited to a few spells which have AoE. 


The WL is a AoE monster... almost all its hard hitting spells are aimed just at that... AoE.

However the WL will lose to even a KFM in DPS if were looking at single target. 

So if u want something single target get a FM... if u want something with AoE, go with WL... if u want something to hold agro for you while u loot, go scummoner... err i mean summoner..  


2. Yes u can have 2 chars in different factions... i have my BM in Red, while all my other chars are in Blue.  

Reason is i thought Red's were cooler, however on my server they are brutally outnumbered to the point where its like being hunted all the time as a Rare Drop monster. So it made my farming hell in Moonwater... But u can send mail to that other char fine... its only when u have 2 chars on different SERVERS that u will run into a problem with sending gold and mats.  

Thanks a lot. I suppose I will go with FM then, since my aim is Soulstone Plains.

It is really weird that the character creation screen shows that FM has greater combo abilities than WL while it seems to be the opposite.

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The WL has a very complicated combo... also it has conditional combos... basically things u do when u hit certain conditions.. Ie.. instant dragoncall 

I personally have fun with both... also Soul Burn has saved me from rage timers in pug groups where people were undergeared. 

Althought i am not a advocate of high AP... please dont think your gonna be welcomed with open arms in BSH 6man with a AP less then 320...  >.<    But you'll always find those kind of people. 


But again.. i main a FM... once u see how stupid crazy high dps the FM does vs your BM, your gonna switch your main as well.

Theres a reason why u see a lot of people complain about tanks who cant hold agro against a FM.... FM's just hit too too hard.  

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