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To all FMS please......


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PLEASE for the love of gigas stop using auto detonate. Ive seen end game fms using it which sure if theres no other fm in ur pt do w/e u want but if there is another PLEASE unspec it. I dont wanna get into the build debate and im not gonna tell u how to play the game or how to build, just dont want your build to mess up someones elses. Ive seen fms in yeti do it which u would think by that time they would know but apparently not 



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I support that completely. At least half of all FM are using that shit. Theoretically, with 2 or more FM in a Group it should be ok because they can burn the enemy the whole time. Problem is, nearly no FM who uses auto-detonate burns the enemy at all. I don't know but it seems these people use only 2, LBM and RMB and think they do good damage.


So to all who play FM: Please do not use auto-detone, because it lowers your damage and the damage of other FM.

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I definitely support THISSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's just annoying when u deal just half of your maximum critical damage just because some jackass detonate the embers taking out the chance of burn the enemy!!!


And when u try to explain their mistake they just don't care >.>

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