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Jiwan, Mushin, Jin Question(SPOILER)


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So i get that Mushin was the one that killed Jiwan but when the other 3 guardians confronted her, Mushin charged foward and we than see Jiwan appearing in front of Mushin. My question is what exactly happened here? Cause there was a skip and Hong was in his buff form afterwards. What exactly was Jiwan doing in this scene?

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12 minutes ago, Analiyah said:

It was not Jiwan herself, more like her spirit. She tried to protect Jinsoyun before finally leaving this world

What was the point of her spirit trying to protect her when it doesn't even work, she still fell off lol.

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2 minutes ago, Analiyah said:

She blocked mushin's hit, and then Jinso went berserk and raped iksanun and mushin asses before getting defeated by Hulkmoon.

Mushin and Iksanun seems very weak than. I know Jinso in the present time can match the guardians but if even her past self can school 2 guardians than she is way way beyond Mushin  currently. This kinda made Mushin look very weak lol.

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47 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Mushin and Iksanun seems very weak than. I know Jinso in the present time can match the guardians but if even her past self can school 2 guardians than she is way way beyond Mushin  currently. This kinda made Mushin look very weak lol.

It was a surprise attack. Who would expect a practically dead person to come out of nowhere and block? They wouldn't see what JSY was doing since Jiwan is right in front of them. She also has the sword, so even if she was physically weaker than them, it would have evened out the playing field.

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  • 3 weeks later...

spoiler..LOL I READ CHINESE VERSION...& watched the video...

As always...it's mushin's plot all along.

It said mushin wanted the twilight edge and throw sneak attack at jiwan...so for some reason jinsoyun was there and witness mushin wounded jiwan...she got the twilight edge and Mushin tried to force her to give it to him.  Mushin went outside and jinsoyun chased after to get revenge. Coincidentally, the two guardians were back...mushin lied to the two guardians said jinsoyun wounded jiwan with that twilight edge and of course jinsoyun can't explain becuz the dark chi cuz experiencing issue with her verbal ability.... Mushin attacked jinsoyun and wounded jiwan pop out of nowhere saved her...then the two guardians attacked jinsoyun as well...thts probably where the misunderstanding start...bleh cricket lived in a joke as always get toyed by traitors. XD

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40 minutes ago, Death2close said:

spoiler..LOL I READ CHINESE VERSION...& watched the video...

As always...it's mushin's plot all along.

It said mushin wanted the twilight edge and throw sneak attack at jiwan...so for some reason jinsoyun was there and witness mushin wounded jiwan...she got the twilight edge and Mushin tried to force her to give it to him.  Mushin went outside and jinsoyun chased after to get revenge. Coincidentally, the two guardians were back...mushin lied to the two guardians said jinsoyun wounded jiwan with that twilight edge and of course jinsoyun can't explain becuz the dark chi cuz experiencing issue with her verbal ability.... Mushin attacked jinsoyun and wounded jiwan pop out of nowhere saved her...then the two guardians attacked jinsoyun as well...thts probably where the misunderstanding start...bleh cricket lived in a joke as always get toyed by traitors. XD

actually if  uread what jiwan says, she tells Jinsoyun to Run with the blade to stop Mushin having it, however Mushin got to the other guardians Before she could as she obviously could Not on a fair playing field equal Mushins power at that direct moment, he turned the guardians against jinsoyun as he knew it'd be easy, Jinsoyun was inflicted with Darkness and always had the chance to turn against Jiwan and Obviously they'd believe Mushin over Jinsoyun.


wouldn't say Cricket lived in a Joke toyed with traitors, Master Hong was not a traitor, he simply had to make a split second decision on who to believe, Jinsoyun wielded the Twilights edge, she was Increased power wise from the weapon itself, Mushin was not a traitor, as sacrificing himself into the Dark Lords realm turned him evil, he thrived among it and became one of the Darkness his Initial goal was pure, The Dark realms were twisted though and If he managed to survive his journey into those planes it was obviously going to have a effect, he was a Succumed to the want of power, and Believe the Twilight edge to be his birthright.


however, your plot is Against jinsoyun, for Killing Master hong, your put through Multiple Scenes of your Revenge overtaking your Teachings multiple times, and Follow Mushin on the back of Killing Jinsoyun, His goal was Obviously hidden as he had 0 interest in you, he just wanted Someone else to take the shit if anything went wrong as He did not want to be the one who could be injured it was easier to pass off the "one" whos been told he'll kill Jinsoyun throughout the story and take the blade at the end as Cricket has no interest in stealing the sword.


Jinsoyuns revenge was aimed at all 3 guardians not just mushin, in the final Scenes where Iks dies, you hear her say "Sons killing their fathers Nothing new in this Cruel world" which is Exactly what he said when Jiwan died, "pupils killing their masters Nothing changes in this Cruel World" She repeats this on the bases of the fact He was Also betrayed by someone he thought he could trust, the Jiwan saved her and the guardians Stood by that Discision til Mushin Pressed doubt she blames them for making the wrong decision and siding with mushin against her through the claims.


The Storyline actually seems pretty good, its a shame u have Nothing really to set the personaility of ur character, as ur character doesn't really speak and whats said is very short on the characters part.. majority just listening to what ur being told you are or what to do.


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